Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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Standard match
Win by pinfall, DQ, submission, or knockout.

Garnet sighed a little as he fiddled with his outfit. He still feels kind of nervous about his next match. It was only his second match in LAW but even now his nerves were getting to him.

But before he could think about anything else negative, he gently clapped his face. Now isn’t the time to get nervous! Not when a few seconds from now, he would go through the curtains.

Hearing his music, he instantly walked through the curtains. After walking out the curtains and walking a few feet, he was greeted by thunderous cheering from his fans and the flashing lights of his entrance.

Garnet is wearing a red hooded cloak, a simple skin tight, sleeveless black shirt. Suspenders, though only for aesthetic purposes, connect to a belt with a Silver rose symbol with black shorts with random red shapes on it. And finally black and red boots with red socks just peeking out of the boots.
Outfit(No weapons)
He grinned at this as all his nerves instantly disappeared. He grinned and waved to all his fans. After High-fiving and hand shaking a couple of people, Garnet would do his usual pre-match.

Standing halfway across the ring, he would run towards it and jump/slide underneath the bottom rope.

Not stopping his momentum, he would run towards the middle rope in front of him and jump on it. He then jumped behind him and rolled till he was right back on his feet. He then ran to a random ringpost second turnbuckle and raised his arms.

Garnet had a giant grin on his face, his hair shining a little and flapped against his face, barely hiding his scar. He loved every second of this as he jumped down the turnbuckle. He walked towards his corner and unbuttoned his cloak and neatly folded it. He then put it underneath his corner ropes and waited for his opponent.

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Re: Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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It bin an week or two since her debut match that did not go as she hoped , but tonight Daphne was confident that she be victorious. Since she was motivated to not lose two matches in an row as she got dressed into her wrestling attire. Which consisted of an pair of long purple boots and a leotard that was cut open at the lower back and her chest area to show plenty of skin as she was sure this would make an impression.

After getting dressed she would make her way to the gorilla position where she was able to hear her opponent's theme song as she knew she only needed to wait an few seconds. As not long after Finlay had made her debut All stars by smash mouth would begin to play. Taking an deep breath she would walk on stage as she walked to the ring while waving at the fans and showing her body off while she did it. Halfway down the announcer would say '' She comes from Boston ,Massachusetts and weights in at 148ibs. It's Daphne Flash''as by the time the introduction was done she had reached the steps as she climbed into the ring as she was now face to face with Garnet as she looked him over without saying an word.

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Re: Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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Garnet's eyes locked onto Daphne as she came out of the ramp. He wasn't very knowledgeable when it comes to LAW wrestlers so he wasn't too sure how strong his opponent was gonna be tonight. He can already tell she was strong and tall, meaning she was probably leaning towards someone who uses strength to overpower her opponents.

He secretly popped his head a little at hearing All stars playing before he caught himself and blushed a little. Luckily no one seemed to notice this as he got lost in the moment at hearing the catchy song.

Once Daphne stepped into the ring, the first thing he noticed once she faced him was the height differences as he had to crank up his neck to look her in the eyes at her 5’11 height. He mentally cried at the unfairness of the situation. ‘Why did all the beautiful women he had faced were taller than him!’ Thought Garnet as he kept a straight face.

Seeing her not saying anything, Garnet decided to make some small talk, figuring it wouldn’t hurt to say hi. “Umm..H-Hi. It’s nice to meet you Daphne.” Said Garnet with a small, shy smile.

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Re: Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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Daphne had bin checking out her opponent while she made her way to the ring. Hoping to spot any weaknesses she could take advantage of , but it seemed that the male was in perfect shape. So that meant he did not have an injury or something else she could take advantage of as she would climb into the ring when Garnet would approach her , and tell her that he felt it was nice to meet her.

Giving the male an smile back the young woman would think for an few seconds before retorting ''well it nice to meet you two , but it be even better if you could just lay down and allow me an easy win'' as she waited for his responds.

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Re: Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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Garnet grinned back at the woman, happy that his opponent was somewhat nice. ”Hehe, sorry but you’re gonna need to beat me if you want me to lay down.” Said Garnet as he stretched his legs out in his corner for a few more seconds.

"Though if you want to do lay down for me, I'm not complaining." said Garnet with a cheeky smile. Garnet would walk to the center of the ring as he had a hand out for Daphne, hoping to handshake Daphne’s hand for some good sportsmanship.

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Re: Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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''Hmmm so the hard way it is then''retorted the all American Ahtlete as she would see the male stretch his legs in her corner for an few seconds. However when he went to tease her she just rolled her eyes as she would see him hold out his hand for an handshake. Now proper sportmanship would demand she shake his hand as she reluctantly did so as she did not want to seem like she had no honor as she retorted ''we will see if you can continue to make jokes like these once you are on your back getting covered by me as the ref counts to three''

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Re: Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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Garnet smiled at seeing Daphne shacking his hand, though he wondered why she looked so reluctant to do so. He wondered if he did something wrong but doubted it with them just meeting. 'Maybe she wasn't feeling the best or something. Oh well' thought Garnet with a mental shrug. He stopped the handshake as the two would back away from each other.

A few seconds later, the bell would ring, signaling the match to start. Normally Garnet would try and go for a simple collar and elbow. But with the height differences between him and Daphne, he doubt it would work in his favor. So with that, Garnet carefully making his way to her and hoped to unleash some good kicks to her legs.

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Re: Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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Daphne would just look into the male's eyes as they shook hands as she wondered what his game plan was . As she was planning on hanging back , and countering what he was planning to do . However that plan went out the window the moment when the other wrestler made his move as he moved towards her as he seem to want to lock up with her.

Now that did not sit well with the young wrestler as she would make it seem she was willing to do the same , and then lash out the moment they were gonna lock up as she kicked him in his shins as she smirked when the blows connect as she would then move in to try and push him backwards.

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Re: Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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Garnet simply had a simple, kind look to him when Daphne looked into his eyes. He honestly had no game plan as his strategy was hoping he could surprise his opponents, beat them with his speed and moves.

Garnet hoped he could have surprised her but grunted as Daphne also launched a kick of her own at him. Luckily he landed his kick first but back up a little from her kick. Seeing her trying to push him backwards, Garnet would try to duck under her arms and get behind her.

If it worked, Garnet would jump and hoped to drop kick her in the back, thinking he could send her on the floor with his move.

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Re: Garnet Rose vs Daphne Flash: The Crimson Reaper vs The all American Athlete

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Daphne was wondering what was up with that look as if she did not know any better she would believe her opponent did not have an game plan going into this match. As the young woman doubted that was the case as she went on the attack as she had hoped to lash out with an kick only to be pushed back when his leg collided with her body first. Throwing her somewhat off balance , and also backwards an little as Garnet would use the change to get behind her and then hit her in the back.

As he would preform an textbook perfect example of an dropkick as this send the young woman falling down as she groaned upon impact.

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