Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

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Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Ever since he joined LAW, Josh often got the opportunity to face beautiful, sexy babes in the ring, and tonight was no exception. From what he had learned, he would be facing a part-timer named Maria Castillo. Having looked her up, Josh could see that she was a rather sexy and beautiful luchadora, and the young man was eager to face her in the ring.

Wearing his signature wrestling trunks, Josh would make his entrance, his music playing from the loudspeakers. The crowd cheered for Josh, and he pumped his fist, grinning wide. He had a small yet quite passionate fanbase, and he would not disappoint them. Of course, facing a beautiful babe was always a plus, and he was looking forward to see this Maria.
Josh Journey
Entering the ring, Josh would at at his corner, waiting for his opponent. He had learned that this Maria was a veteran, and he knew that he would be facing someone with great experience. Of course, that would not deter him, knowing that with enough grit and determination, he could emerge triumphant in the end. Also, hot babe. That was important too.

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Re: Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

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Three years away did a lot to put ones career into perspective. Now at the age of 40, Maria definitely wasn't the same woman who entered LAW. Gone were her ambitions of winning a final title belt. That dream had long since faded to dust. All she could do now was try to make this final run of hers worth it, and LAW was more than willing to accommodate, giving her plenty of young, up and coming stars to test her mettle against.
Hence she now found herself striding to the ring, grey eyes looking up at the youthful face of her opponent. He was tall, and definitely had the well defined musculature of a professional wrestler. Rolling under the bottom rope, it was clear that he towered over her by a solid half foot or so, making her shift her weight from one foot to the other nervously.

Maria looked to the crowd, before remarking up to Josh, "Well....lovely to see the crowd excited for a clash of generations."
Last edited by SleeperAgent94 on Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

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Josh let out an appreciative display as he watched his opponent, Maria Castillo, make her entrance. Despite her apparent age, she looked very good, and Josh was getting very excited. He would wait for the luchadora to join him in the ring, and once she was in the ring, Josh flashed a rogueish grin, wanting to be seen as cool.

"Heh... maybe they love to see a hot babe like you wrestle." Josh said, taking his time checking out the mature woman before him. "Yeah, that's what I said. You're pretty hot. Though I hope you don't mind if I beat you in this match, alright?" Josh rolled his shoulders as he waited for the match to start. All the while, his eyes didn't leave her as he continued checking her out.

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Re: Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

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The blunt question made the luchadora raise an eyebrow behind her mask, with one hand resting on her cocked hip. He wasn't the first opponent to check her out in her 20 year career, but he was definitely one of the more obvious examples, "You know this is a match right~? Not a date?" she chuckled, smiling in amusement as she took a few steps back, with the ref coming in to check her for weapons.

As the official determined her good to go, Maria glanced back at Josh, watching him flex and stretch....searching for any sign of weakness that she might be able to exploit, "Beating me? I've been doing this for a while guapo. Takes more than some muscles and promises to peek under this mask."

The bell clanged out, with the luchadora putting her hands up as she began to circle the young man, inching a bit closer to test his reflexes with a few snap kicks to the shin!

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Re: Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

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Josh's grin widened. "This could be a date. Or do you prefer if we go on a date later?" Due to his getup, it wasn't like Josh had anything hidden in his person, though the referee still made sure to check on him before both wrestlers were deemed ready for the match. "Oh yeah? Then I'm gonna prove it to you that I can do more than just talk big." Hopping on the balls of his feet, Josh was ready to start the match with Maria.

Soon, the match started, and Josh watched as the two of them circled each other. When Josh saw Maria attempting to target his shin with kicks, Josh would react to them, avoiding those kicks before he attempted to retaliate with a swipe of his arm, looking to hit the mature woman right at her upper chest.

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Re: Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

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The offer of a date certainly wasn't what Maria expected. If anything, she was grateful the mask hid the small flush that dusted across her cheeks. But that momentary distraction proved costly, as she was too stunned to react in time to the swipe to her chest! The impact sent a SLAP sound echoing across the arena, prompting the fans to wince in sympathy as Maria clutched at her chest, teeth gritted as she hissed in pain!

Taking a moment to regain her breath, she decided to not let up on the speed, darting back in and going low to grab at Josh's leg, wrenching it back to dislodge his footing!

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Re: Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

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Josh managed to land a hit on Maria's upper chest, though he somehow failed to see what Maria would do next as she suddenly targeted his leg, grabbing it and then wrenching it, causing Josh to lose his balance and footing.


Thanks to this, Josh ended up falling down, back first to the mat. Of course, he would not let himself become an easy target for Maria as he would kick his leg, trying to get Maria to release his foot so that he could recover.

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Re: Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

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The wrenching of Josh's foot proved fruitful in Maria's efforts to turn the tide, causing the young stud to fall with a ring shaking crash on his back! The luchadora was on him in an instant, locking her grip on the leg! Josh's kicks almost made her lose her grip, but after a moment or two of frustration, her hands were already snagging his boot, twisting it to the side in a rather nasty ankle lock, "Submit!" she yelled, torqueing the leg as she glared down from above

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Re: Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

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Despite his effort, Josh still found himself trapped as Maria secured her hold on his foot. When Maria started wrenching on his foot in a rather nasty ankle lock, Josh let out a pained cry. "AAAHHHH!!" Still, he displayed a defiant look, refusing to submit. He wasn't going to lose this early in this match, and he needed to find out a way to escape this predicament.

So, Josh would start crawling on the mat, trying to drag himself and his opponent towards the direction of the nearest ropes, hoping to get himself a rope break. Hopefully, if he managed to snag the bottom rope, Maria would be forced to relinquish the hold, finally freeing him from it. "Ghhhh... ngghhhh!!"

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Re: Josh Journey vs. Maria Castillo - Electrifying Matchup

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Maria was testing the young man...she knew that no wrestler worth their salt would dare tap out this early into a match, but she had to see how far he'd push through the pain. Inch by inch he fought her as they drew closer and closer to the bottom rope, with the older woman wrenching on the foot to put on some more damage. The crowd was eating it up all the same, with the front row leaning over the railings as Josh's fingertips brushed the bottom rope, before latching on!

The ref took a step forward to administer the count, but she needn't have bothered, as Maria released Josh instantly, backing up a few steps to let the young man get back to his feet, "Come on senor~ SHow me all that boldness since you seem so confident you will win me!" she called.

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