Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

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Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

The 'Firestarter of Busan', Tae-Hyun Lee vs Karolina 'Ray' Reinhardt
Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or by knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, by the count of ten they will be disqualified. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.


Sounds of punches whistling, whizzing, and whirring sharply through the air could be heard in the locker rooms. The dim, fluorescent lights dangling on their cables as they began twitching on and off on the ceiling above whilst the hisses that punctuated each punch thrown grew louder and louder. The sounds were coming from a single source, one man...one 'hero'.

Tae-Hyun Lee, a new face in LAW, was warming up in the back all alone. Tonight was the night for his big debut...seems the higher-ups in LAW really wanted to see what he was made of. Rumor had spread that the golden child from Busan was going to face QUITE the big name in the LAW books. Karolina 'Ray' Reinhardt...needless to say, this woman was something alright. Although something about her threw Tae-Hyun off...he was fairly good at reading people and without doing any further research, he could tell that Karolina wasn't the nicest woman around. True to his speculation, further research showed that she was quite fierce...quite ruthless...and quite a threat. This woman and her subordinates, of which were her own family members mostly, seemed nothing short of tyrannical...

Tyrannical...Of course...

How could Tae-Hyun have been so blind? It was as if the stars aligned for this moment. How else could the Firestarter of Busan show his true colors than to face off against such a dastardly, heinous villainess? It was up to him to spark the embers of hope and courage...Who knows how many people have been crushed and forced to suffer beneath the iron fist of the Reinhardt clan? All of that would come to an end soon. He swore on it. His theme song cued on and the audience began to feel a strange wave of excitement wash over them as they looked onward in anticipation.
And so, when it was time for action, Tae-Hyun moved forward with a great amount of confidence and swagger in his step, exiting the locker room and through the entrance to the arena and ring, arriving to a thunderous amount of applause as he stood atop the ramp. His warm, golden, kind demeanor echoed nothing short of that which was a hero's. His toned, athletic, well-built stature and frame made him look like the perfect shield to get behind. His starry eyes showed a clear, blazing passion of courage and wonder. His smile was comforting and soothing, it was reassuring that no matter what...things would be okay. He made his way down to the

The flashy hero high-fived just about everyone he could reach, quickly establishing himself as a man of the people...as any hero should. The young and talented upstart from Korea's indie wrestling scene made a bombastic physical portfolio for himself, quickly becoming a top wrestler with many accolades whilst remaining humble and kind and sportsmanlike, setting him apart from any other rookies and rising stars that excelled alongside him. It wasn't just his personality that amazed people, it was his sheer amount of determination...it was almost inhuman with how much it took to put him down and finally stomp out those flames of his. Even when he falls numerous times, he somehow manages to get back up again and again and again...his level of talent showed an explosive increase in potential, like a raging fire growing larger and hotter.

He entered inside of the ring and struck a pose as pyrotechnics and flames shot out...behold LAW, and fear not any longer...


The Firestarter Himself
Last edited by Misfit_Alien on Fri Sep 16, 2022 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

Unread post by Monsy »

Billionaire blue-blooded icon, philanthropist, innovator and a symbol of modern power.
Benevolent, candid and ingenious to those underneath her. Those who revere a saviour.
Ruthless, fanatical and mysterious to any adversary. And any goal ahead.

Karolina Ray Reinhardt, a woman whose presence alone syphoned the oxygen from the room and swirled it around her finger-tip, allowing others to breathe on her allowance. Unknown until the prominence of her rise, meeting with the influentials and creating a stir for the first time decades ago. A new family, one with etiquettes and mannerisms not seen outside absolutist royals. Lavish and opulent, seemingly making decisions on the best interest of the people their investments served. The illusion was now their living truth. But there was always one stir. She was free to shape the globe around her, do anything without consequence, even if she held herself to impossible standards and morals set by her ideal alone. There was always that one crumb of dirt on her heel. This. Industry.

Every single thing of it was vile. It was, by all means, a sport with a failed culture. Its degenerate kingpins, scoundrels who fill the seats and indulge, and devils that fester the ranks, selfish, operating only for themselves and hurting everyone outside of their egos without remorse and recourse. The incompenent tip-toe to destroy themselves for money and fame. Depraved and deranged frolick, their issues monetised and endorsed. All these scandal artists, game-hunters, second generational lessers and train-wrecks amidst those who stand for such things like honour, hope and competition. It was all she needed to turn her mood mildewed. The absurdity of it made her laugh. The same laugh that beckoned her entrance.
Lights were darkened. Everyone knew and the knots inside their throats started to form. The sound of fire was first to prop up, its whistle and wood-snapping crackling. Red fog spilled across the stage like an infestation, rapidly lifting as no known source was discerned. The music was a choir voice, the orchestra like they all worked in harmony to summon and appease the rising plume of red smoke that was building up at the ring’s centre, rising like a tower. Finally, her silhouette broke into view. It parked ways to showcase her appearance in brief spectacles. The tall throne she sat on, spires, golden fixtures fanning around her head, a multi-limbed golden snake moved like poetry to her chair’s finish. Her eyes, hellish, a sea of controlled malice, already judging the hero inside the ring. That elegant, cool, confident and pristine smile. She wore a full bodysuit, fixed with gold details and gilded ebony plates, a red oversized cape, a tall collar and draping down to her high-heels, and belts, a centre crest on her chest, a chain across and a small banner hanging from the cape collar’s ring. Her hand was filled with a golden skull of red wine. She exhaled a plume of red smoke from her nose, once more obscuring her face, then pounded her fist on the arm of her throne. Rages of fire sprung up in tall narrow bastions, illuminating much of what was hidden before. Five other silhouettes behind her, mere shadows. Some tall, some short.
Two of the silhouettes moved forward towards the throne’s flanks, the others disappeared. One tall woman with her hair done in a ponytail, dressed refined in a suit, eyes an endless abyss of golden rings and a neutral that plucked nerves like twine underneath a knife. Adelaide.

“This dog-scented place does not decide when I make my move.”
The snake’s smile grew. “The jet has a fine monitor to observe the ordeal. We can be wheels up very shortly.”
“Make it so.”

Then, the other silhouette emerged. Red hair, more velvet, donning black in two pieces. A cropped top, ruby, ebony and gold around the chest, wrists where she wore a full-glove and fingerless glove. Then short-shorts, black, a dragon tattoo across her abdomen and spiralling down the leg without a thigh-sleeve, all the way to her boots.

“My Scarlaheart… THIS… Is your time. Overcome this lesser and I will evaluate you as fairly as I always have.”

Maria’s heavy eyelids blinked, dipping down to sight her mother’s cold stare upon the ring, then her head slowly turned to do the same. After a deep breath to relax her posture, she nodded, “This poor fool.”

Then, Maria began her descent. There was a strange pride to enter to Karolina's chosen music. It was like discovering music for the first time. Like all previous tastes were rubbish. It put a pole in her spine and confidence in how she stepped. Though special effort kept herself from yawning. She scaled up the steps and hooked her arms over the top rope, walking along the apron to face Karolina, who sipped from her skull. Then she jumped back, arching her spine over the top rope and landing inside the ring, much to the crowd’s overall booing. Karolina remained relaxed, just as her fog and music began to wane, and light restored as she raised her hand.

“Shall we depart, Karolina?”
“FAHAHAHA, No! Not yet. I want to see the opening moments.”

Karolina’s amusement had its way of carrying and silencing those who watched. Maria found her neck hairs standing, but she donned her place within the ring, standing across from this hero with a tipped up chin, a smug corner smile, covered by her scarf and this condescending eye-brow raise as she scanned him.

“You are what warrants interest. Psh. You look like no one special, just a loud presence.” Maria said, as though matter of fact. Common knowledge, and topped off with an eye-roll. The referee stood in-between, disturbed... But, were they willing to object?
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Tae-Hyun could only watch as Karolina Reinhardt made her entrance. Pro-Wrestling was all about the over-the-top performances and glamour...there was no doubting that. People could create characters for themselves and lose themselves in the act. However, this was no act...this WAS Karolina. From head to toe, the regal-looking tyrant bathed in black, gold, and red seemed to carry this holier-than-thou attitude. It felt sickening to the young man...what about her made her better than all these amazing people with brilliant levels of potential. What gave her the right to sit atop her throne and....and....


Of course...like old action fighting games or a game of chess, it wouldn't make sense to throw the strongest person at the newest threat. It would only make sense to send one's knight or rook or maybe even a few pawns out to test if this 'interesting character' was even worth the time. From her demeanor and stature, it wasn't even as if Karolina was hiding a secret fear of Tae-Hyun...no, this test was more to evaluate if he was even worth her TIME. So, as Scarlaheart entered in her place, Tae-Hyun's eyes left Karolina's gaze for the first time, swapping his attention towards the woman in front of him.

The referee was a small woman, barely any muscle on her, her tan skin and short black hair that came down to her neck shook and quivered with goosebumps as she was clearly afraid and unable to really call out Scarlaheart for her actions. It shouldn't be her facing off against Tae-Hyun, it should be that gaudy woman sitting atop her actual throne like she was better than everyone. However, before the referee could address this, Tae-Hyun extended a hand in front of her, prompting caution and patience. "It'd be better to not interfere with this. Something tells me that if you do, these vile and reprehensible people may come after you. Don't worry, I'm more than capable." He said, giving the ref a warm smile...he had this glow to him, one that represented nothing but hope and light in the face of despair and impossible odds. The referee merely nodded and signaled to the officials outside. The bell was about to be rung and

"Though we stand at opposite sides here, know this...I don't hate you, nor do I harbor any ill will towards you. However, your actions speak loudly as words, and those that associate with that woman up there are fellow nefarious, manipulative villains who use those who are weaker than themselves for their own gain and crush all those beneath them in their endless lust for power." He grits his teeth, tightening his fists as stared down Scarlaheart with a roaring, passionate gaze. It was as if his heroic aura was making the arena's atmosphere heavier, almost like you could feel the weight of his fiery heart pressing down on your back and shoulders. The camera got a wide shot of the man's triumphant and determined-looking stance...the kids back home in Seoul at the orphanage looked onward, excited to see Mr. Lee's first match...some more nervous than others. Those ladies looked REALLY scary...especially the big one in the big chair...

"Actions like that are NOT something that I can stand for...so I'm sorry to say this but-...You're going to know true justice, the flames of my heroic passion will burn away at the dark recesses of your fiendish acts. Starting with you, 'Scarlaheart'."
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Re: Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

Unread post by Monsy »

This young man had created quite the maiden stir for Karolina’s eyes. The rally of popular support, one might think they found their own folk hero. It was more than common for people to cling to idols, whatever ideal of safety or greatness they so long treasured placed into one thing. Really, it was just what appealed to their degenerate hearts, it wasn’t anything special. They just loved the show. Karolina propped her head against a propped up palm on the chair’s arm. Her smile turned lax, and she indulged in her wine, one leg over the other.

Meanwhile, Maria was the one eyes could befall to. This rare surge of confidence swept her, like she couldn’t be touched. She felt it in her finger-tips. The stress to perform turned to gasoline. She just needed to find a way to light it on fire. A hero’s speech, one she found perplexing, amusing and half-insulting. Her brow lifted, as though a small measure of disgust behind the veil. Really, it was all she could muster. “Is that what you think of us? This evil antagonist? From where I am standing, all I see is jealousy of the successful. You see a woman in the chair, and say, wow, why do they get to stand over us. When, really, you just wonder… Why can’t it be me? In such a light, you can never hold a candle.” Her finger pointed outward towards the crowd, “And they just like those who stand against our status quo, because they themselves are incapable, and so are you.”

That finger came around to point at the referee, “Now, quit shaking and start refereeing you fool.”
As the bell had sung, Maria raced forward in a forward charge. She spun her foot to point the other direction, giving Tae her back and cold glare over-shoulder. Then her knee lifted, chest height and thrust backwards, aiming to plunge into his abdomen. An open sudden assault never failed her in the past. Suppose what she needs to do is revive old tactics, and do away with this new hero. For Karolina.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Tae-Hyun couldn't possibly believe what he was hearing. Him, jealous? To mock him was one thing...such daft and boorish comments rolled off of him like the raindrops in a light drizzle. However, when it came to attacking the very people who spend their hard-earned money to come here and spectate talented stars doing their jobs...that's a line one shouldn't cross in his opinion. This place...this ring...it's a portal that offers a safe haven of escapism for those who suffer out in the world. It gives them a momentary bit of peace and a sense of bliss. "And how do you attain such success...she sits upon her lofty throne like she reigns supreme....like a tyrant. Those who are strong should protect the weak. Those who are able to help those who cannot help themselves."

Maria rushed the man quickly, she moved with such ease and grace, her body was instinctively preparing for something. The very moment the bell rang, she was already up in front of Tae-Hyun, who remained steadfast, his hair draping over his eyes. The kick connects with a loud -BOOM- upon making contact, such a powerful strike connecting at such a pristine angle, paired with the arena's acoustics, causes it to send a thunderous echo throughout the entire venue. As the dust settled, Tae-Hyun was holding a single forearm, having blocked the kick at the last moment, remaining totally calm as those starry eyes of his shined bright. He was unmoved from his spot, maintaining his position perfectly, not budging an inch for the woman. As the crowd looked on in disbelief, Tae-Hyun spoke.

"When I look at you...all of you...I don't feel jealousy...I feel pity. Pity because you won't understand what true success is. I don't need to hold a candle to you or to your boss. My inner fire burns brighter than all. My passion gives me fuel...and the people I fight for...everyone back at home watching on, every single person in that crowd. Their hopes and aspirations are what I stand for." He said, soon gripping Scarlaheart by her ankle and throwing her to the wayside.

"Talk about me all you like...but I will NOT stand by and let you trample and insult these people." He said, getting a proper stance, that 'aura' from before feeling heavier than ever...it was as if the force from Tae-Hyun's heroic nature was clashing with the presence of the Reinhardt's. The entire thing was fueling Tae-Hyun's energy and passion even more. His heart rate began to skyrocket and his muscles tensed up. It was like the Reinhardt's were giving him more energy to work with, the longer he stood against them, the more he could feel his inner passion growing and expanding to match and overpower this mighty evil. In the face of despair and hopelessness and with the odds mightily stacked against him...Tae-Hyun found his inner strength. He bolted at Maria and tucked his fist in as he prepared to attack, speaking in a brief moment.

"I'll burn you and your family's legacy of tyranny to ash..." He said, soon blasting Maria's guard with a heavy left straight punch, bulldozing her with the mighty blow in an attempt to send a message...this was his declaration of WAR against the Reinhardt clan.
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Re: Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

Unread post by Monsy »

Her foot was buried into something, that much she knew. It wasn’t soft, nor did it bend the steel of whatever this man’s abdominals looked to be made of. No, more concrete. Where the shock of a hard landing rippled through the foot for a small dose of pain, into the knees and thigh. She furrowed her brows at this man’s scolding tirade. Those eyes bore a look of hate, no, was it something to prove? Always, always that. That was her aim, after all, couldn’t that be more clear? She wore it on her sleeve. It seemed this passion ran deeper than just herself. Was he even focused on her? Or was it Mother? Through all that, with Maria’s leg tossed to one side, swung and brought back to her bladed stance, she only scoffed, “You. Burn us?…”

Then he advanced.
Something she wasn’t planning on. Methodical and careful was how these types liked to play. Aggression wasn’t suited to their people-pleasing instincts. This wrestling world could be so black and white. But that fist thrusting and re-shaping her cheek said other side. It hit like a thunderclap. Her brain bounced around, and for a moment, she saw black, red, then everything was triple. Spittle was flung across the ring, her stance unhinged and she went back, farther and farther until her shoulder blades were saved by the turnbuckle pads. Both arms wrapped around the top rope. She breathed heavily, wiped her cheek and slowly stood upright again. “You…” Then clenched a fist.

“Are so detached from reality, self-righteous and simple, I don’t even know where to begin with you. Just…”

Maria returned the Hero’s gesture and ran straight for Tae-Hyun, spun clockwise and thrusted her right foot towards his chin in a superkick manner, ripping like a slug from a shotgun. "Die."
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Tae-Hyun's punch had sent the woman reeling all the way back to the other side of the ring, right into the ropes. His message was made clear and he was absolutely certain that all members of this terrible tyranny they called a 'family' could see for themselves that he meant business. The crowd was in awe at the sight of the power of Tae-Hyun...Maria Reinhardt was no pushover when it came to the ring, none of the Reinhardts were...so to see this upcoming star from Korea come in and send the hand-picked heiress of the Reinhardt family nearly flopping onto the floor...It was a little mesmerizing, to say the least. People began to cheer in favor of Tae-Hyun, supporting the new 'hero' of LAW as his body was bathed in the hanging lights of the arena. He looked larger-than-life and his presence began to have this 'glow' to it. The people in the stands felt warmth in their hearts and hope in their minds all of a sudden as Tae-Hyun's declaration of war lit a spark.

But would it be snuffed out before it had time to grow into a proper inferno?

Maria would be the judge of that as the two began to trade comments, this exchange slowly becoming a battle of ideals as the two take another stand against each other. This time around, it would be Maria taking the lead once more with an opening kick again. It snapped forward toward the young man's chin with a lethal amount of intensity behind it as the woman was no longer interested in letting the 'hero' even STAND in the same ring as her. Tae-Hyun's eyes widen a little as the speed and power behind the kick were noticeably higher than before, Maria becoming serious as she intended to take Tae-Hyun down. The Korean wrestler shifts his arms to defend, but the kick just manages to catch him. It knocks his head back but his feet remain in place. He plants himself down and grips Maria's leg, shifting his weight in an attempt to toss her across the ring again for a Dragon Screw.

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Anya Young:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Re: Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

Unread post by Monsy »

This man loved to play where he didn’t belong, huh? Wrestling was its own snake pit for people like these, all too gassed up on themselves, blabbering things they know nothing of. Nothing really irked her more. She didn’t mind struggling. Stupid was another case, and it was rampant.

“I think he’s cute.” Adelaide commented.
“A little man who wants to do great things, is that your view?” Karolina replied.
“Hahaha, almost. He is a clearly passionate soul. Unlike most, he has an objective he can shout to the heavens. Though….” Adelaide shook her head, sighing.
“Is that all?” Karolina asked.
Adelaide pursed her lips, looking at her feet before reaffirming her smile towards the ring.
“We all know how these stories end.”
“That we do.”

At last, Maria slipped the defence and the end of her boot finally clipped something. She had watched her strike land and begin to smirk. However, that wasn’t the end of that. Her skills with her legs were often the jewel. But, that wasn’t enough in this instance. Even when she tried to withdraw, the limb was snagged in the weeds of his arms. “Tch!” Anything done to her legs caused her eyes to crank shut on instinct. She turned pale and felt sick, just as she was tossed, tumbling on her side, rolling then sitting up at the corner. It burned, and she wasn’t sure how much of the pain was fake or real. But she held her knee, stared back, defiance and a twitch in her eye. She did not move from her, instead, hoped to grab onto the ropes and pull herself back up.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Tae-Hyun managed to pull his move off without a hitch, successfully tossing the woman to the side after tanking the kick from earlier. While the attack definitely hurt, it at least gave him a chance to react with a good follow-up to make sure that Maria didn't get off the hook scot-free. However, there was something...off...about Maria's reaction. The moment Tae-Hyun grabbed her leg she winced, and what's worse she seemed to struggle from such a basic move. Sure, he was strong, but Tae-Hyun didn't apply that much force, nor was the impact that rough.

"You...your leg..." He looked at her more carefully. "You're fighting with an injured leg? No, both of your legs were injured a while ago, weren't they?" He said, still remaining still but on guard. He looked at her with a less malicious gaze and one that was more merciful. It wasn't in his nature to be cruel towards people or to abuse someone's weaknesses beyond everyday counterattacks. Tae-Hyun was a hero after all, and heroes don't go after injured people...but Maria was still a 'villain', he could only spare so much mercy and honor for her. Not to mention, it was his style to always go all-out against someone else. In wrestling, you came face-to-face with another person trying their hardest to win, so it should be natural that you respond in kind with all of your effort as well...it was a sign of respect to the other fighter, to give it your all.

"Hmph-...though we're enemies, I'm not a coward who would target an injury on someone else. Though, that begs the question, if your body isn't capable of fighting at one hundred percent, why even come out here? You're only risking further damage. I may not see eye-to-eye with you, and I may want to stop you and the people you fight alongside, but I'm not here to hurt you either."
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Re: Hope & Tyranny: Tae-Hyun Lee (D) vs Karolina Ray Reinhardt

Unread post by Monsy »

That was the last thing she wanted to hear. What was this anyway? She didn’t have a processed word for it. This mercy struck as pity, pity looked as superiority, and there were only two she tolerated that from. An heiress of the Reinhardts could not falter. A lesson welded into her brain. No matter how much it hurts; push. Excellence demanded no less. So, she gradually formed a glower, tightening her lips as the frustration bubbled and boiled until veins bulged across her neck. “Shut up.” Maria’s glance twitched to Karolina, who didn’t look back, instead, only gave her cheek. That jolted her heart into a thunder, and she felt tightness in her throat until the feeling that sprung was unexplainable. She grabbed the ropes, pulled and pulled until she reached her feet.

“I am not admitting A THING to you. WE are not even enemies. You are just a bug trying to bite the heels of giants. DON’T see it as anything more than that or I will give you a real injury to pity for.”

Something about feeling the blood hit her face riled her up more than ever before. She couldn’t explain the feeling, but it wasn’t focus, just a pure red lens as she charged him full spring, in spite of her legs. It had only one target as she jumped, brought her feet up and aimed to shoot them at his knee.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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