Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or by knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, by the count of ten they will be disqualified. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.
Sounds of punches whistling, whizzing, and whirring sharply through the air could be heard in the locker rooms. The dim, fluorescent lights dangling on their cables as they began twitching on and off on the ceiling above whilst the hisses that punctuated each punch thrown grew louder and louder. The sounds were coming from a single source, one 'hero'.
Tae-Hyun Lee, a new face in LAW, was warming up in the back all alone. Tonight was the night for his big debut...seems the higher-ups in LAW really wanted to see what he was made of. Rumor had spread that the golden child from Busan was going to face QUITE the big name in the LAW books. Karolina 'Ray' Reinhardt...needless to say, this woman was something alright. Although something about her threw Tae-Hyun off...he was fairly good at reading people and without doing any further research, he could tell that Karolina wasn't the nicest woman around. True to his speculation, further research showed that she was quite fierce...quite ruthless...and quite a threat. This woman and her subordinates, of which were her own family members mostly, seemed nothing short of tyrannical...
Tyrannical...Of course...
How could Tae-Hyun have been so blind? It was as if the stars aligned for this moment. How else could the Firestarter of Busan show his true colors than to face off against such a dastardly, heinous villainess? It was up to him to spark the embers of hope and courage...Who knows how many people have been crushed and forced to suffer beneath the iron fist of the Reinhardt clan? All of that would come to an end soon. He swore on it. His theme song cued on and the audience began to feel a strange wave of excitement wash over them as they looked onward in anticipation.
The flashy hero high-fived just about everyone he could reach, quickly establishing himself as a man of the any hero should. The young and talented upstart from Korea's indie wrestling scene made a bombastic physical portfolio for himself, quickly becoming a top wrestler with many accolades whilst remaining humble and kind and sportsmanlike, setting him apart from any other rookies and rising stars that excelled alongside him. It wasn't just his personality that amazed people, it was his sheer amount of was almost inhuman with how much it took to put him down and finally stomp out those flames of his. Even when he falls numerous times, he somehow manages to get back up again and again and again...his level of talent showed an explosive increase in potential, like a raging fire growing larger and hotter.
He entered inside of the ring and struck a pose as pyrotechnics and flames shot out...behold LAW, and fear not any longer...
The Firestarter Himself