Victory Condition: Fight ends once one of the fighters is unable to continue
No Striking Allowed
Her first fight in the mixed division was shaping up to be a real treat for the audience and since it would be a hentai match not only for them. Huan received the info about her opponent in advance and she couldn't deny that her opponent at least looked nice. Of course, she had no clue how he would fair in a fight but someone up top decided to throw a log under her by making it no striking match. This was fine by her, in a hentai match she would likely not do much of that either way and she could more than handle herself in grappling.
As her music started she would run up the stage and raise one finger upwards before moving it over the crowd to end in her flexing her arm. After that, she would briskly jog into the ring crack her knuckles and rest her back relaxed in the corner