A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

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A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

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I Quit Match: Winner can only be determined by making the opponent say they quit.

Deku paused slightly as he was about to put on his shirt for wrestling, briefly looking down at his chest for a moment before sighing softly before pulling it on over himself. It had been a... weird could of days for him, and while he had been challenged to matches for a variety of reasons and different ways, but never before had a challenge bene initiated on twitter for him. It was a platform he wasn't really interested in nor likes very much for a variety of reasons, but despite that even he couldn't quite ignore the new LAW wrestler essentially targeting him for his... chest size? It was definitely weird and he wasn't sure how to take it really.

Eventually Deku, preferring to settle things like that privately had opted to dm the girl named Jesse to hopefully hash things out... Only to end up getting bombarded with messages further insulting him, something that prompted this very match with the stipulation being made to be I quit only. Either way Deku now had this match to worry about and deal with. So with a shrug of his shoulders Deku would crack his neck, deciding it would be better to just get this weird and somewhat uncomfortable match over with.
Music kicking on over the speakers along with green music and clips of past matches Deku would come out to a wave of cheers Deku would smile out at the fans, posing for a few moments before running down the ring. Despite the cause for this match Deku didn't see fit to change up his usual outfit, merely wearing his usual baggy green wrestling pants and a sleeveless green top as per usual for what he wore during matches. Something that seemed to go over well with the fans... even if some were holding out signs saying for him show his chest with pride... something that made him blush from embarrassment.
Either way Deku would leap up onto the ring apron and turn around, posing one last time for the fans before turning and leaping up over the ropes, vaulting clear into the ring with ease. Rolling forward from the landing Deku would then pop onto his feet, turning around once more to face the entrance ramp. Backing up into the corner Deku would wait and watch patiently for this ambitious opponent of his.

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Re: A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

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Jesse couldn't help but pout in annoyance as she was calibrating her hat's signal. She looked down at her own breasts, which made her even more peeved than she was before looking at them. She'd most likely never admit it herself in public, but she was jealous. Jealous of the fact that Deku had even more of a bust than her, in spite of being a man! Though its true that Deku had tried to talk things out through her Twitter DMs, she wasn't willing to accept that fact, she felt like she HAD to prove she was better than him.

And so, she challenged him to an I quit match, to prove to the world that, although no one has truly seen her in the ring before, she is, and forever will be, better than the broccoli-haired man who was, most likely, already waiting for her on the corner of the ring...'...wait... FUCK, I'M LATE!' She thought to herself, the girl quickly rushing out of the locker room and through the halls before reaching the entrance to the arena, where she'd lightly pull on one of her hat's wings to start the show.
Suddenly, The lights were all turned off, leaving both the audience and Deku in the dark, with nothing but the sound of her footsteps to announce her presence as her theme started slowly getting higher and higher.
Once her theme truly started kicking in, the lights were turned back on. The small-breasted girl being revealed to be standing right behind the green-haired wrestler with a playfully devious smirk, before gently pushing him forward. Giving her enough space to swiftly slip in between the ropes, and pirouette her way to the center of the ring, where she'd bow to the audience before focusing her smug gaze on her opponent. "So... you really DID have the balls to show up, huh~? And here I thought those man-boobs of yours were all you had going for yourself! Guess looks really CAN be deceiving~" She taunts, pointing at her opponent's chest before letting out a feint chuckle, proving that she didn't see him as a threat, or even someone equal to her, for that matter.

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Re: A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

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Deku stood in the ring near the ropes, staring at the entrance ramp confidently, knowing that he couldn't lose this match after this new girl so brazenly called him out and insulted him over what was basically a joke. At least as far as he was concerned. Soon the music for her started and he tensed himself, ready for anything. Well almost anything since he definitely didn't expect the lights to suddenly go out on him, masking the presence of his opponent as he looked to and fro, trying to find where she would possibly pop up from.

Embarrassingly enough for Deku however that would be right behind him. Before he even knew it he suddenly felt a pair of hands push against his back, shoving him forward and away from the ropes. Stumbling slightly he turned and saw his foe in person for the first time and watched as the girl elegantly danced into the ring. Despite that elegance she moved with however it didn't carry over to any part of her personality as she immediately opened her mouth and showed she spoke just like how she tweeted.

Glaring softly at her Deku would stand straight, showing no sign of intimidation before her. "If anyone should be surprised about showing up it should be me, you're more than a bit late after all." Deku said, noticing how long it took between their entrances and calling the girl out before continuing. "But like you said looks can be deceiving. So I really hope you're more than just a twitter troll with some mosquito bites." Deku shot back at her, normally not one to throw insults or barbs at his opponents, but Jesse had been doing so to Deku, and he had to admit he found it hard to resist the obvious target his foe had as he prepared himself for the the match to start.

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Re: A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

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"HEY! These fancy light shows don't just happen on their own, y'know? It takes time to properly calibrate and measure how much power these things need to turn off the lights without completely busting them!" She says while pointing at her hat, before responding to her opponent's insult with a smirk. "Oh, trust me..." The girl then snapped her fingers once more, turning the lights off once again before sneaking up behind her green-haired opponent to continue speaking "I am a LOT more than what you think I am~"

Right as she finished speaking, the lights went back on. Jesse still had a deviously smug smirk on her face as she walked back to her corner before the match began. Though she knew she'd have a hard time bringing Deku down with her words, she was more than ready to show the green-haired boy just how much of a threat she truly was. "Also, not to diss on your fans or anything, but I'll admit you've got a pretty... dedicated fanbase~" She teases, smirking smugly as she points to the sings that told Deku to show his chest with pride, looking to sneak in one last insult before the match starts... and soon enough...


The bell rang out, signaling the start of the match! Though the match had already started, Jesse simply walked closer to the center of the ring, and gestured her opponent to bring it on! She felt confident in the fact that Deku wouldn't prove to be much of a challenge for her, but still chose to allow him to attack first, simply to get a quick idea of what his fighting style was truly like.

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Re: A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

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Deku listened intently, albeit with a bit of a exasperated expression on his face as he listened to Jesse's response to what he said. If nothing else he was always one to listen to what another person said, even if he didn't hold a lot of respect or appreciation for that person. In this case Jesse and her explanation for the light show being in her weird head piece which.. actually was pretty interesting and while he wouldn't outwardly express it he was both impressed and wanted to learn more about it.

'Ah no stay focused.' He thought to himself. Cool stuff or not this girl was bad news and not to mention pretty annoying, so he wasn't about to hold back on her. Even now she was reminding him of why this match took place by annoying him once again by pointing out some of Deku's more... zealous fans, making the boy blush slightly before glaring at her disdainfully. "Shut it." He told her before squaring up, knowing the time for talk was over, now it was time to fight, cause as soon as he entered his stance the bell rang, starting the bout.

Despite the beginning of the match however Deku didn't find himself on any sort of defensive, rather quite the contrary his opponent walked to the center of the ring and gestured for him to hit her. Something that was rather surprising to him, and that he didn't trust. 'She's probably either underestimating me, or has a plan. Either way I can't just do nothing.' He thought to himself before dashing forward, if she wanted to see what he could do then Deku was more than fine showing her! So leaping up he would swing his leg around, intending to hit Jesse with a step up enziguri right off the bat!

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Re: A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

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Noticing her opponent running up and leaping towards her, Jesse smirked before pivoting to the side, Deku's leg just barely grazing her hair as she moved out of the way, allowing the boy to clumsily fall back first onto the mat, and get a quick chuckle out of Jesse for his failure. "Fufufufu~ Looks like someone started off on the wrong foot~!" She teased, causing the audience to start booing her for the awful pun she just made.

She then stomped on Deku's chest, slamming her foot down as hard as she could before leaving it there, cockily pressing her foot against the very chest that made this match happen as she continued to tease the boy over his failed attempt at a first attack "You know, if you wanted to show off you should've at least gone for something you could actually land~ Can't say I don't appreciate your effort, though~!..." She says, pressing her foot slightly harder against Deku's chest as she taunts him. "...After all, I wouldn't have had the chance to see how much damage those man-boobs of yours can actually take without it!"

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Re: A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

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Deku had a feeling that Jesse had something up her sleeve. After all you just didn't invite someone to try and take a free hit on you without having some kind of plan in order. Or you could if you were an idiot or could physically afford it. But Deku had a feeling that even Jesse wasn't that cocky, nor was she nowhere near physically take a hit from him.

So sure enough when she dodged out of the way he wasn't the least bit surprised when he hit the mat, barely even releasing a grunt as he landed. Glaring up at her Deku was soon met with her foot to his chest. "Ugh." Grunting softly as it hit and feeling her foot bear down on him he would glare up at Jesse while grabbing on her ankle as she slowly started to add pressure. "Well... Can't say I don't appreciate you giving me you're leg." He said to her before grinning and suddenly pulling his legs up, using one to kick the back of Jesse's knee while wrapping the other around her limb so if successful Deku would attempt to pull the girl down onto the mat with a painful leg bar!

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Re: A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

Unread post by Smolsquito »

Jesse smirked as she quite literally had her opponent under her foot! His grunts only made the situation all the better for her, since they meant she was actually doing damage, even IF it wasn't a lot right now.

That being said, however, her cocky method of attack would quickly backfire on her as Deku held on to her ankle, her eyes widening a bit in surprise before letting out a soft grunt after Deku landed his kick on the back of her ankle. "Ugh!" ...and another soft grunt once he managed to pull her down to the mat with a particularly painful leg-bar!

"GAH! ...y-you clever little shit!" She snarled, before using her free leg to try to repeatedly kick Deku's side, the prideful girl slamming her heel on the boy's side over and over until he was forced to let her go!

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Re: A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

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Deku really didn't like this girl before he had even met her. Probably a new record in all honesty, especially for him since he rarely disliked people. None the less she made no effort to hide her intentions for this match right off the start.

Grunting from her heel on his chest Deku was quick to try and turn things around, grabbing and using her ankle to bring the girl down to the mat and wrap her limb int a tight leg bar! A hold that clearly had a effect on her if the yell of pain was any indication.

"I know I am!" He shouted in response to her curse before her heel suddenly came smacking into his arm! "Ngh!" Grunting Deku would glare at her, wincing with each kick.. Until he would try and catch her kicking leg with his free arm.

If he was successful in doing so Deku would unwrap his legs from Jesse'e before trying to roll over and bring her onto her stomach. Something that if he was successful with he would try to then lean back, attempting to lock in a boston crab directly from the leg bar!

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Re: A Battle of... Chests?! Deku vs Jesse James!

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Jesse glared at Deku after he yelled back at her, his smug attitude quickly getting on her nerves... and, surprisingly, making her hate him more than she already did! And that extra animosity was quickly reflected on her kicks, which became a little more frequent after his retort.

Once he caught her arm, however, her eyes quickly widened with shock, before letting out a loud grunt as he rolled her over and locked her in a Boston-crab! "GAH!" She grunted, clenching her teeth from the pain before attempting to crawl over to the ropes! If successful, however, she'd then get up and glare at Deku, before pulling on one of her hat's wings, turning the arena's lights off once again! Using the lack of light to try and land a particularly harsh Lariat on the boy!

If successful, she'd then try to roll the boy over to lock HIM in an equally painful Boston-crab! Smirking deviously as she returns the favor, before cockily taking some time to speak directly to the audience. "Oh, by the way, if y'all want to see EXACTLY how I humiliate, little broccoli over here, there's some lovely night-vision glasses under your seats! Brought to you by the lovely folks at Rapture laboratories~!" She says, keeping her hold on Deku throughout the entirety of her little ad-break!

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