Deku paused slightly as he was about to put on his shirt for wrestling, briefly looking down at his chest for a moment before sighing softly before pulling it on over himself. It had been a... weird could of days for him, and while he had been challenged to matches for a variety of reasons and different ways, but never before had a challenge bene initiated on twitter for him. It was a platform he wasn't really interested in nor likes very much for a variety of reasons, but despite that even he couldn't quite ignore the new LAW wrestler essentially targeting him for his... chest size? It was definitely weird and he wasn't sure how to take it really.
Eventually Deku, preferring to settle things like that privately had opted to dm the girl named Jesse to hopefully hash things out... Only to end up getting bombarded with messages further insulting him, something that prompted this very match with the stipulation being made to be I quit only. Either way Deku now had this match to worry about and deal with. So with a shrug of his shoulders Deku would crack his neck, deciding it would be better to just get this weird and somewhat uncomfortable match over with.