Making his way back to the locker room, Karbon got changed into his wrestling attire and did some final stretches before heading out towards the curtain. There, he awaited his cue from the stagehand to signal that it was finally time for him to head out. The lights went dark as his theme started to play. Karbon made his way out on the ramp in the cover of darkness and when the guitar and drums hit, a white strobe light would flash in time with the beat, illuminating him for brief seconds.
Once he made his way to the ring, the knight would roll under the ropes and get down onto one knee in the middle of the ring. A red spotlight would shine upon him as he waited for his entrance theme to hit just right... " NNNNNIIIIGGGGHHHHHHTTTTTMMMMMAAAAAARRRRREEEEE!!!!" He shouted in time. After that, his music began to fade and the lights returned to normal. Karbon got up and headed to the corner, looking over at the ramp way to see who his opponent will be.