A New Challenger?!

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A New Challenger?!

Unread post by KillerV »

Nathan Ballwin
He is proud of himself that he makes a success in his career so far, and now one thing he wanted to do is to gloat, brag, maybe even issues a challenge too! Doesnt matter all the bad stuff in the past just thinking all the great stuff from now and the future, so he gotten himself ready in the locker room putting on his signature outfits- the purple and green trunks, matching colors for the tassels on his knees, elbows, and on his white boots for laces, black elbow and knee pads as well fingerless gloves. Pour bit of water and gel to slick his golden hair back to look cool and just pure awesome. The young wrestler soon heading out from the locker room and out to the arena, when he shows up, bit of crowd cheers on him for the newcomer making it through fairly well in his matches, especially against much bigger opponents, an underdog reaching to the top, a David defeating Goliath, now, he wanted to head down the ramp and towards to the ring.

He smile feeling real good about this, goes around the ring as he slapping some hands before heading to one of the announcers to ask for the microphone, taking it and head to the ring to roll himself inside, climb up to the nearest turnbuckle and looks around, smirking with confident then hops off to land on his feet, goes to the center to look out, trying to find the camera honestly. "HEYYYYYY EVERYONE! Your newest and BEST wrestler is here! Nathan Ballwin!" some good reactions but not a whole lot he hoped for, but doesnt fazes him.

"ANYWAY, after defeating giant tits, one after another, I think I can handle some more, in fact, I want MORE! I think bunch of big babes are so easily to defeat! Except some... but in the end, I WIN, I always WIN! So, right now, I want to challenge someone backstage, hot giant jobber to face me ONE on ONE, anything goes! Winner can do whatever to the loser! Of course, I choose to humiliate the loser! HAHA! Come on out and lets do this!"

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Nathan Ballwin
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Re: A New Challenger?!

Unread post by Monsy »

Isn’t he just charming?
So simple-brained yet so confident. Absent-mindedness was always a lovely source of arrogance; that’s one thing she learned when dealing with men out of their league. Women, too, in fact - they seem to flock here. Gather like screaming ducks to bread, getting their crumbs of the spotlight, showing their wingspans and annoying the hell out of the neighbourhood. It annoyed her too, so much that she couldn’t resist that squawking voice. Calling her, probing at that thin patience like a knife that shaved off a thin slice. The more it went on; the more shavings hit the floor… until…

Her music hit.
It wasn’t the matriarch who hit the stage, but another tall woman in a black blazer, tight dress pants, a clipboard and tied-back red hair. None other than Adelaide Reinhardt. Behind her strode a tall woman of about equal size and shadow, though with a dashing red cape in her stride as her boots tapped the canvas. She pushed out her chest, cupped by her ebony-gold leotard that went around her collar, waved over those prominent six-pack abs and was almost swallowed by the muscled crease of her thighs. A goddess had arrived. None other than Karolina Ray Reinhardt.
She folded her arms up, flexed her fingers, one in front, the other more drawn towards the side. That venomous smile flexed a set of pearly whites, trimmed by her lipstick, and she broke into laughter. Adelaide took the lead as they headed down the ramp together, later shoulder-to-shoulder as her eyes fell onto the ring itself. They each descended a set of steps on opposite corners of the ring. Adelaide seated the ropes to allow Karolina to enter, who waited with narrow posture and gained a microphone from a ringside employee. Her music soon died, and she stood there, faced with this man. Adelaide sat on the apron meanwhile, checking her notes.

“Wow. So this is the duck-head that slays giant women? I don’t know who let a boy run amok in this industry or the sorry disappointments who fail to pin or submit this talon-less bird, but I’m here to show you how the real world works. Not just you, but everyone in this mired business. So be thankful, lesser!" She laughed, "Because you’re next.”
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: A New Challenger?!

Unread post by KillerV »

Nathan awaiting for a REAL opponent to face him, but lets face it, he knows hes gonna win this match, doesnt matter if theyre another tall bitch, muscular like rocky sculptures, or even sadistic, he will prevail over em all and continue his wins! The young blonde wrestler doing his best patiently waiting for his opponent to take him on in a match, he want to keep proving himself and want to be at the top, heck, maybe if hes good enough might go for the title belt of some sort, that would lookin spanking great on him!

Eventually, the music hit and out comes his opponent, a reddish hair he ever seen and this woman is sure hell tall, but whats more impressive is her figure is just speaking out 'dominance' something that he felt a little shivers down his spine, but kind of excited too, he always wanted to defeat someone who thinks they can own the place or even her opponent, Nathan going to prove it to her wrong! And totally not fair that she got some girl with her assisting by her side, he always wanted a chump girl to do the same....

By the time her opponent comes in, he heard her name goes by Karolina Ray Reinhardt, doesnt ring the bell but her statues and impressive names not gonna stop him from kicking her ass all over in the ring. He watches the ringside employee or whatever they are, offering Karolina the microphone so she can talk after the music is off. Squinting his eyes right at her as he felt annoyed with her sassy tone voice, real sadistic woman for sure. He wanted to say something at her, so everyone can hear, but it would seem they only have one microphone and Karolina have it, damnit people! Nathan walking up to her a bit closer so he can look up, hating doing that, and shouting out loud so all can hear what he wanted to say. "What? Duck-head? Im a bird now? What hell woman! I am not some avian you can hunt, I am Nathan Ballwin! I am.... the REAL DEAL! The 'GIANT HUNTER'! Just you wait, I will kick your sorry ass all over in the ring! Chump!"

Since she accepted his challenge, anything goes, the first person to take his offer so she SHOULD know whats going to happen in the ring, nothing she can do nor her other dum dum servant can do. So right after he is done ranting at this Karolina, he tries to upset her with a swat of her hand holding the microphone, hopefully that would distracted her just enough that he tries to catches her off guard with a hop up in the air as he reaches for her head, pulling it onto his shoulder and let the gravity pushes him down, along with his opponent, comes crashing on the mat in his out of nowhere RKO! "HMPH!"

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Nathan Ballwin
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Re: A New Challenger?!

Unread post by Monsy »

She slanted the microphone forward, tucked her chin, quirked a brow, then tilted it back.

“What’s a chump supposed to be?” Adelaide threw her hands up to shrug as Karolina turned her head to her. The mic left her hands with a swipe, and she snapped back. It gave the ripe opportunity to see the giant crumble. A hand over her neck, a pull, double-over as Karolina’s body was torqued by his bodyweight. Her chin cracked off his shoulder, like her bottom jaw could sink and shatter her top teeth. Pain exploded in her neck like an alcohol fire, and her face felt suffocated. The rebound sent her head up, then back down, and she was sprawled on the mat, belly-down, with only a growl in her breath and a hand to cup her chin.

Adelaide turned around, grabbed a rope and watched with wide eyes. "That's not possible..."
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: A New Challenger?!

Unread post by KillerV »

Nathan is extremely happy that he got her caught off guard and send her down by his vicious and strong move, laying her out on the mat and he quickly pops up on his feet looking down at this tall red head and strong tough woman, he couldnt help but to laughing out loud, hands up as he felt like he want to absorb the glory to take down such a powerful person, and it felt great! Turning his attention to see her associate watching on and he smirk a bit, flip a bird at her before turning back to this opponent.

Heading down front of her as he reaches for the head to pull the tough woman to her knees to make her looking up at Nathan, showing his smirk even better while he held the back of her reddish hair, slightly pull it back and little to his left before reeling his right arm back and comes right at her, swing his forearm to smash her cheek, her head, want to put some ringing to the ear. "This guy gonna kick your pathetic ass! Hmph! Hmph! HMPH!"

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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Re: A New Challenger?!

Unread post by Monsy »

One hand cupped her chin, the other balled into a fist, then punched the canvas. Her bicep swelled as she pushed; her entire upper body lifted with only her breasts left until his hand clutched her hair, frizzed in his hand, and the pull yanked her onto her knees. Adelaide stared, still postured on the apron, ready to pounce. She was moved and didn’t know why. The sight she saw made her nauseous. And Karolina looked up, eyes wide, gaped, her expression flat and unhindered when that forearm came across her cheek. She hissed, and her head flinched, then looked back to take the second. Each second they shared, exchanging looks was like adding pressure to a boiler. It amassed this rage that could burst its valves. Her frown turned more twisted; her breathing more rapid, and when that bell sang in her ear, and the third forearm came down, she caught the forearm with a hand, and another went to seize his throat. “That’s enough out of you, Pig.”

One boot stomped, then the other. Her knees still bent, and now that arm flexed as she stood. She raised him above her head, took a deep breath, then brought him into the canvas with a chokeslam.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: A New Challenger?!

Unread post by KillerV »

Nathan feeling pretty confident now that she went down like a sack of potatoes and now he bring her up just to smashing her pretty hot face with series of forearm smash, wanted to rattled her skull stunning her some as he have plans to do some more humiliating moves to be done to her just like all the jobbers he have taken down, big and strong, easily beat their asses!

But after a few blows he notices something changed to this redhead woman, she catches his attack as he made a short gasp before his throat is caught, struggling in her powerful grips before hearing her words until she stood up and give him a lift, his eyes wide open and get slammed down hard into her Chokeslam?! "UGH!" His small frame body bounces before spread eagle for a brief seconds, then reach up the back of his head clutches in pain, turning over to the side tapping his feet.

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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Re: A New Challenger?!

Unread post by Monsy »

The chokeslam left Karolina postured tall, shoulders slumped with her hefty breath. She swiped her cheek for any damage and found a slight ache just under her eye. An index and middle prodded it some more, then she curled that entire hand into a fist and growled. Adelaide smiled from afar, now standing at ringside, watching intently. “D’aw, seems like we’ll be digging a grave.” She said to herself.

Karolina’s hand reached to clutch his throat again, dig into the skin and yank him upright. One more tug tried to make him stand, where a second hand pushed into his gut, then pressed him overhead. The full flex of her arms presented him as a trophy. Karolina’s glower faced the camera, and there she held. “IS THIS YOUR GIANT HUNTER?!” Then she’d toss him up, step back and shoot her knee up, trying to whip the concentrated bone into his stomach.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: A New Challenger?!

Unread post by KillerV »

Nathan groaning from the heavy impact of her vicious Chokeslam, she have such powerful grip and didnt expect she is just that strong. He tries to get back up but his back is hurting like a bastard, but Karolina wouldnt let him get up himself and instead, she gripped his throat to pull himself up, he nearly standing on his toes while grabbing her wrist looking at her before felt his stomach by her other hand and get lifted right above her head! "ACK! PUT MY DOWN YOU GIANT TITS!"

But after she showing him off like her own trophy, he felt her moving him in front of her and then he couldnt react fast enough to block her knee and went straight up to his stomach. "OUFFF!" He folded over her knee and the momentum made his lightweight body flipped over landing on his ass before onto his back, clutching on his stomach as he coughing out, bit of drools to the side of his mouth, rolled onto his side gasping for air. "AUGH....."

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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Re: A New Challenger?!

Unread post by Monsy »

The payload of bone delivered on a naked target. She could feel his body shape around her thrust, and the very strike seemed to turn the man into a towel, who crumbled and laid barren for the malevolent Karolina to take an advance. She looked down, snarled, then bent over to reach and take an arm, then retreated a few steps and tugged in hopes to make him stand.

“Don’t wake up.” Her voice said, smooth and quiet, then yanked the grip and rose her knee as a ceiling to try and drive right into his chin with the force of a snap truck crash.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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