Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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Two on One Tornado Hentai Match: No dq rules apply, loser determined by being the first to cum

Artemis chuckled almost giddily to herself as she practically skipped her way down the hall with a manic grin on her face. Those around her either gave a wide berth or shamelessly stared despite her body being hid by a feathery red robe with white furry trim. Ever since her return to the ring under her new name and style her popularity within LAW had skyrocketed, something that was obvious given how voracious and lustful the crowds were. Previously the blonde woman would scoff at such a thing but now? Now she was eager to play it up!

So when management had approached her about taking on a new tag team in a two on one bout that would technically be mixed given one was a male she jumped at the chance to stay in the spotlight. Something that would be fixed firmly on her given how rare two on one matches were, especially mixed ones. Not to mention it was a HENTAI match as well. Something that made her even more excited. Not just for how much extra attention and prestige such a match would bring, but just for the fact she'd get to fuck two people at once would make for such a AWESOME bout for her! Ahaha oooh I'm gonna fuck those wimps so BAD!" Artemis said excitedly to herself making some of the workers nearby jump from the unexpected exclamation.

Soon she made it to the guerilla position where she winked and blew a kiss at the gaffer setting up her entrance making him blush and nearly stumble over himself in the process. Snickering evilly as she did so she watched as the man scrambled to finish his work and soon she heard her entrance music start up. Grinning eagerly she waited for the guitars to play a bit to get the crowd excited. Then as the lyrics kicked in thats when would burst forth!
Coming out from behind the curtains the Canadian woman would smile at the crowd as she ran her hands up her covered body and to her hair, teasing the crowd of what they all wanted to see before strutting forward. Long strides in each step she had a wide grin on her face while bopping her head side to side in beat to the music. Making it to just a few feet from the ring she would excitedly jot to the apron leaping up onto the apron. With her back to the entrance ramp she dropped the top of her robe showing her shoulders and getting catcalls from the fans. Looking over her shoulder she would grin and slide the robe further down before tossing away revealing her full form in her new wrestling gear!
Holding onto the top ropes and spreading her legs Artemis would lean forward, making her but and legs stick out much more as she dipped over the ropes and into a roll into the ring. Popping to her feet she would strut with a sensual sashay to the corner. Turning around she would hold the top ropes and hop up and extend her legs out to either side perching her thighs on the middle ropes as she leaned back on the turnbuckle. Sitting and waiting patiently while gyrating her hips sexually with her legs spread, clearly enticing the crowd and her opponents alike once they'd come down!

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Re: Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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"And you really think this is going to be a good Idea?"
A female voice said. In the locker Room Marc and Annika got ready for their debut match. While Annika was still hesitant about this, Marc was getting totally hyped up by it. Afterall he was going to have a fun time not even thinking of loosing the match. Afterall It was going to be a two against one fight.
"No it is not a good Idea. It is a great Idea. Even if this woman can defeat one of us the other one immediatly joins and we double team her. There is no way she will be able to handle us at the same time."

"Mhm... Ok I hope you are right."
Annika answered her tag partner. This was going to be their debut and she wished to get something more normal to get a feel of this whole company first. However, after hearing that there are legal sexfight competitions, Marc talked her into this match. Though, the condition is that he goes first and doesn't complain should things go south for them.
"I think it is our time now. Come on lets go already."
"Right behind you."
With the enthusiasm of a little kid who is getting an ice cream Marc stepped into the Arena followed by his partner. The crowd is already in the mood and shouted through the Arena as the two walked to the ring. Marc almost ran right at the ring where as Annika shaked a few hands and thanked the people for coming to their match. Then after she came to the ring Marc entered the it by slighting through the lowest rope.

He then walks to their opponent to shake her hand and get to know her a bit.
"Hi! We are your opponents for this fight. If I am a bit to rough please tell me alright? We are here to have fun afterall and I don't want to hurt anyone."
He would say to Artemis who he admitted didn't look bad at all. But he tries to do his best and stay focus.
"Oh one thing I almost forgot there. My name is Marc and the one behind me is Annika."

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Re: Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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Artemis sat patiently while waiting for her opponents, eager yet in no rush to get things going. After all she'd get all the fun she wanted once the match started, and just thinking about what she'd do to the two was enough to keep her excited. But soon enough the music of her opponents started and the duo would come down the ramp making Artemis bite her lips eagerly as she observed in person the bodies she'd be playing with. "Mhmm oh yes they'll do nicely." Artemis said to herself as she watched the two slip into the ring.

From what she could tell the girl was a bit on the reserved side, taking the time to talk to the fans while approaching the ring with a measured pace. 'How cute.' She thought to herself as her thoughts then turned to the male. He was definitely the more excited one of the two, practically throwing himself into the ring if he didn't have to wait for his partner. 'Predictable but can still be quite a bit of fun.' She thought to herself as she pulled her legs in, getting her feet under her in a quick, smooth motion as she'd stand straight and lock eyes with the young man who approached her.

Crossing her legs Artemis would run her hand over her stomach and chest before letting it come to a rest against her chin, as if thinking about what he said. "Hehehehe.. oh yes we'll have lots of fun together I'm sure.. and don't worry about how rough you are..." She said as she reached forward taking his hand and raising it up to her mouth. "You'll find I quite like being rough." As she said this she'd start to softly brush her lips against his finger before suddenly biting down surprisingly roughly before dropping his hand and stepping back with a manic grin.

"Hopefully you two can keep up!" She said excitedly with that same grin and a wild, lustful look in her eyes as she pushed her hands through her hair tussling it as she licked her lips. "Otherwise this won't be any fun!" She said with a laugh as she leaned forward, using Marc's own opening words against him as she made it clear she wasn't gonna be as courteous or easy going as the male!

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Re: Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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Marc looked closely at the other woman. Mainly because he did like how she looked and and was impressed with her shape. He then got ripped out of his thoughts as Artemis started to talk. He had no idea how to react afterwards. The words were not really comming out. All in all Marc was not prepared for someone like her and had no idea how to react even a bit. It was like his brain is on maintance mode.

Marc yelled out as then Artemis bit down on his finger. He would put the finger to his mouth and blow a bit on it for the pain to go away.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah Annika I am fine."
He said walking towards his side again and looking over his shoulder to keep a good eye on the opponent.
"She is just pretty weird."
Mhm... OK-"

As then Artemis talked again Annika got a bit worried that this match was going to get bad for them.
"Shouldn't we take her at the same time?"
"Don't worry. I am sure I can take her. Besides even when things go bad you can still come in and save the day."
Annika was getting even more worried and thought to just run down the woman who seemed way to confident. Considering she was going to fight against two people on her own.

"Just don't let yourself get caught so fast. And don't do anything stupid."
"Please! It is like you don't trust me. Just you wait. This will be over in a minute."
Being ready to take on the woman first Marc would step forward into the middle of the ring while Annika would make herself comfortable besides the ring where and keep a close look on her partner and the woman.

The Bell then rang and Marc smiles lifting up his hand getting ready for a test of strength.
"Don't worry. We will definatly be able to keep up. Just don't worry about that mis. And don't complain when I am getting rough with you."
He would then wink at Artemis waiting for her to come towards him.

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Re: Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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Artemis smirked at her opponents as they conversed with each other on their side of the ring with apparent worry in the eyes of the girl, the boy seeming to try and put up a brave front for her. However Artemis could tell from that initial bite on his finger that she had unnerved him pretty heavily. Something she'd be sure to play towards her advantage.

Eventually he was done with the little pow wow and approached the center of the ring ring again. "Mhmmm done with the pillow talk handsome? I was starting to get jealous." She said flirtatiously with a wink as the bell rang officially starting the match between the three of them.

Smirking as she saw the boy raise his hands up she understood what he wanted and was happy to oblige as she raised her own hands and grasped his own accepting the test of strength.

"My my.. how bold of you." Artemis said, literally looming over her opponent having a good five inches on him as she immediately pushed down against him. Despite her change in look and persona Artemis was still a physically powerful woman and a tactically savvy one to boot. Thus she made use of her height and size advantage, bearing down on Marc and making a point to push her chest down against his, rubbing her soft orbs against his pecs looking to make him struggle both physically and erotically right off the bat!

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Re: Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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Be careful you idiot. She seems way to strong for you.
Annika thought to herself as Marc was putting his attention towards the other woman and not looking like he was even thinking about the possibility of getting his ass kicked.

Marc on the other hand was, like Annika thought, only thinking about getting down with the woman. At his entrance he made it really clear that he wanted to have a hentai match as his first fight even though Annika told him that this was a bad idea to do this right at the start. However, he neglected the concerns and was only thinking about getting laid. So he smiled as his hands grasped Artemis and they both started the match with a test of strength. He mainly wanted to show of his strength against her in the process.

No even five seconds into the match Marc was already feeling how his body got pushed backwards even though he tried to push against the woman with everthing he got.
"Please, I just want to give you a good feeling before I am going to start."

Marc told Artemis, not wanting to admit that he was losing ground rather quickly. Feeling her chest then press down at his own, didn't help him. His face got bit red as he felt her chest laying down on him. He lost a bit of his strength again and goes down to his knees, still pushing against her even though. No matter how much he tried to push back, Marc could feel how the ground got closer to him and all his blood was getting from towards his neither region.
"You are a strong one but I am not even warmed up yet. So I will not let you be on top for long miss."

Marc would try to sound tough and Annika could already tell that this match would be really togh for the two newbies against an experienced fighter.

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Re: Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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Artemis smirked as she pushed against her eager male opponent, bearing her weight and desire down against him, very quickly asserting herself against the young man. Seeing him struggle and try to ignore her power however was just like icing on the cake however making her grin in sadistic eagerness. "Awww what a sweet boy." She would say mockingly in reply to him trying to excuse his weakness, going along with it just long enough before she pushed down with a extra burst of strength bringing Marc down to his knees.

"But you should really be worrying about yourself!" As she snapped these words out she would raise her chest up from pressing against his before dropping back down, smothering the young man's face in between her luscious breasts.

If this worked however she would be far from done. Instead one of Artemis's arms would snap around the back of the male's head like a safety bar over someone about to be taken for a ride. In addition her other hand would reach down to grab hold of his tights to create a secure and steady grip.

Should she be successful Artemis would pull herself up to her feet and begin to shuffle in a slow rotation at first, in turn dragging Marc's body with her. Should she be allowed to continue then Artemis would begin to pick up speed and momentum, pulling Marc's body easier and easier with his body lifting higher and higher until finally...

Artemis was spinning around in place with Marc's face firmly between her breasts in a breast smother swing!
Last edited by Bare on Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:08 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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Marc was by any means not a weakling but pushing against the woman before him felt like moving a wall that comes crashing down. He tried to play it cool but got put on his knees after a while. He groaned after admitting to himself that this woman is only playing with him at this point. But what made it even worse was that Annika had been right. He underestimated the woman and was now paying the price for it.

As a follow up to his current humiliation Marc found his face buried between two bags of meat. The man knew he was in deep peril but at the same time he enjoyed it way to much beeing trapped between Artemises breast. For Annika who was watching from the sites it got very visible because his pants started to form into a small tent. The woman on the site gritted her teeth. She wants to help her partner but instead of rushing in like an idiot the woman would wait for a better opportunity to jump in.

In the meantime Marc got trapped even more. Having trouble breathing the man would put his hands against her shoulders and try to shove himself free, However it was to late. Marc was unable to feel the ground under his feet as he got lifted up. Not knowing what was about to happen he would attempt to struggle strongly. Artemis swung him around and Marc would start to get dizzy in her chest while gtting smothered. He wanted to protest and say to Annika to help him but it all comes out as a muffled groan into Artemisses chest.

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Re: Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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Artemis smirked savagely as she spun around, pulling Marc along with her, smushing his face even deeper into her impressive chest as well as likely sending the young man's head for a spin. However fun as it may be to torture the boy this way was Artemis knew it couldn't go on forever, mostly cause she would cause herself to get dizzy as well.

Thus after another few rotations Artemis would suddenly release her hold allowing the young man to go flying! Watching as he would land Artemis would stay still herself, allowing her vision to steady after the spinning she had put herself through. However she was sure the result would be worth it, and looking across at her second opponent was all the confirmation she needed seeing the worried look on her face.

"Awwww look you're little girlfriend is worried for you how adorable!" She said mockingly towards Marc before turning her twisted grin towards the woman standing on the outside of the corner. "How about it sweetie? Want to step in to save you're boy toy? I'll have my fun regardless of which of you are in here~" She said with a aggressive, sexual purr, even holding her hand up and giving the come at me gesture to her to further taunt her into getting involved.

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Re: Carnal Carnage: Artemis Luxure vs Annika Garnbret (D) and Marc Karlsen (D)

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Marc was not sure how long he was in Artemises chest. He got dizzy and kinda sick. His body even lsot strength due to the lack of air. But luckily for him his dominatrix decided to stop and making Marc fly a few centimeter before landing with a hard crash on the ground. Groaning out in pain. He would then start to breath faster after beeing released to compensate the air that has been lost. For now it looked bad for him and he could not move well.

Fortunatly Artemis turned her attention towards Annika who was worried and reliefed when Marc was still conscious even though he would need time to recover. As Artemis started to taunt the other woman, Annika got slightly red and started to climb in the ring.
"Well- He is not my boyfriend. We are just friends. Also with our number advantage I am sure we will get you in this fight from here on out."

Annika would answer and start to walk towards Artemis. When close enough She would attempt to raise her hands for an invite to a test of strength.
Though unlike her partner Annika would attempt to go for a punch to the face right before Artemis could lock their hands together. That of course only if the woman would accept it and not get the idea that this was going to be a trick.

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