Artemis chuckled almost giddily to herself as she practically skipped her way down the hall with a manic grin on her face. Those around her either gave a wide berth or shamelessly stared despite her body being hid by a feathery red robe with white furry trim. Ever since her return to the ring under her new name and style her popularity within LAW had skyrocketed, something that was obvious given how voracious and lustful the crowds were. Previously the blonde woman would scoff at such a thing but now? Now she was eager to play it up!
So when management had approached her about taking on a new tag team in a two on one bout that would technically be mixed given one was a male she jumped at the chance to stay in the spotlight. Something that would be fixed firmly on her given how rare two on one matches were, especially mixed ones. Not to mention it was a HENTAI match as well. Something that made her even more excited. Not just for how much extra attention and prestige such a match would bring, but just for the fact she'd get to fuck two people at once would make for such a AWESOME bout for her! Ahaha oooh I'm gonna fuck those wimps so BAD!" Artemis said excitedly to herself making some of the workers nearby jump from the unexpected exclamation.
Soon she made it to the guerilla position where she winked and blew a kiss at the gaffer setting up her entrance making him blush and nearly stumble over himself in the process. Snickering evilly as she did so she watched as the man scrambled to finish his work and soon she heard her entrance music start up. Grinning eagerly she waited for the guitars to play a bit to get the crowd excited. Then as the lyrics kicked in thats when would burst forth!