Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

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Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

Unread post by Lederface »

Tipe of Fight:Submission hentai match
Victory condition:make the opponent surrender after cums

RIt seemed to notice that Jimmy seemed to want to give Rose fights more often against boys, and this was not an exception, with now a fight against a new fighter at LAW, it seemed that his wishes had been that fight that fenrir got last week, now they were coming true, with a new fight at stake, rose would come out very happily as her theme song,Rose would appear with a great light show, greeting the public who enjoyed her so much, once in the Ring, she would be in her corner ready for a great fight, while outside the corner, Yukari was carrying her "Magic box"

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Hoppy hop
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Re: Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

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John was in the ring already. He was unsure what to expect but felt confident he can handle it. He watched his opponent walk to the ring with a smug grin. She was so small... This would be easy. He bounces back and forth on his heels staying warm for the coming match. He rolled his neck in a circular motion. He was ready

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Re: Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

Unread post by Lederface »

Rose would finally see her opponent, once they were both in the Ring, Rose would approach to offer her opponent a handshake, wanting her match to be quite friendly.
hello i am Rose, I hope that me and my 2 powerful weapons can give you a good fight
Last edited by Lederface on Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

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"you sure you want to do an intergender match?" he purposefully ignored her hand,
"don't blame me if you get hurt" he put his hands on his hips waiting for the bell the cocky grin never for a second leaving his face.

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Re: Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

Unread post by Lederface »

Rose would see that this guy was quite ... believed, and showing a Smile, Rose would say
You know ... I have already faced men in the past, and none were able to defeat me, what makes you think that this attitude would be something that would change the outcome of the fight?
And now annoying, she would be ready to hit this boy very hard in the face, waiting for the bell to ring

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Re: Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

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He ignored her and as the bell rang he crouched into a lower stance with his arms forward. He wanted a dominant performance for his debut so wasting no time he sprang forward with a slight bounce. He would go for a grapple at her waist with an attempt to lift her up over his shoulder

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Re: Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

Unread post by Lederface »

The bell would finally ring, thus starting this fight, seeing how Jhon approached, Rose was ready for something like a duel of strength, but she would be surprised with Jhon going lower, knowing that this could be risky, Rose would try to avoid it, but It would be useless, being lifted from the canvas, Rose would start kicking hard to try to get out, since she still did not want to have to resort to sensual movements without knowing if that boy would enjoy it too much

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Re: Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

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He would hold her over his shoulder and quickly slam her onto the canvas he would then quickly try to go for an armbar trying to end the fight early with a submission. His calves lay across her face as he yanked tightly on her arm "You should have known better to enter the intergender ring harlot!" He taunted in a cocky voice

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Re: Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

Unread post by Lederface »

Rose would gasp loudly as she felt herself being thrown to the mat with force, and before she could even get up, she would be trapped in a painful submission, feeling like her arm was under great pressure, knowing that giving up was something impossible to avoid pleasing. to her opponent, Rose would decide to play her game ..... but Rose's way.

And so, Rose would take advantage of her position so bad, and with her hand being pressed, she would seek to place herself on something ...... something important for Jhon, her cock, if Rose were successful in the idea of she, she would start massaging that lump to see if she would have any effect

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Re: Rose "the Rose of lust" Vs Jhon "Hoppin" (D)

Unread post by Hoppy hop »

Upon feeling his cock be massaged he would immediately let his grip go and Yelp! "Don't do that" he would scramble to his feet, if she remained in the ground he would attempt an elbow drop on her.

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