Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

Unread post by Faeron »

VICTORY OBTAINED BY Pinfall, Submission, Knock Out, Count Out or DQ

Cali's music started playing as the southern heavyweight came out of the curtains to a sea of cheers. Cali McCloud was all smiles leading up to her next match, her first with a man, as she was set to take on the masked Luchadore known as El Rey Del Cielo and if what she had heard about him was true: he was quite the strong one. She climbed into the ring and flexed for the crowd giving them a wink before turning towards the stage as she awaited her opponent.
Last edited by Faeron on Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Backstage in LAW's men's locker room, a short and stocky figure was pulling down on the mask that adorned his face, turning to look in the mirror as he finished getting ready, eyeing himself up and breathing a deep breath, looking to get into the right mindset for what was coming! El Rey Del Cielo was on his way out to the LAW arena for his very first match with the company, a tall task but his nerves were those of excitement, the luchadora giving himself a self-assured grin before turning and taking his leave of the empty room!

With a quick stride, the short and stocky male would make his way through the backstage area, and as his name was called out, El Rey would step forth onto the ramp, making his debut in LAW!
Pausing for a brief moment at the top of the ramp, El Rey would quickly began moving once more, walking his way down to the ring with a confident grin on his face, making it down the ramp quickly before climbing onto the apron! With a quick tug, he's sling himself up and over the ropes and into the ring, turning to give the crow a bow before spinning around to face Cali, eyeing his female foe with a smile on his face!

"Why hello beautiful, I suppose you're my opponent right? I hope you'll take it easy on me in my debut." El Rey offered, a charming smile on his face as he greeted his foe!

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Re: Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Cali watched as the male Luchador finally made his appearance and she immediately noted how the two shared similarities in height and physical build, smirking upon the realization that this was gonna be a hard fight. El Rey climbed into the ring and offered her a compliment, already starting with the flirting.

"Oh, I think you'd be disappointed if I went easy on you darling. You look like someone who enjoys it a bit rough."
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Re: Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Entering the ring behind his female foe, El Rey would size Cali up, just as the heavyweight wrestler did with him, a smile on his face as he observed his foe and gave her a compliment, seeing the woman flashing him a smile much like the one he had! Her response caused him to chuckle, El Rey stretching in the corner before stepping forwards, moving to the center of the ring and holding up his hands to Cali, inviting her to join him in the center of quite an orthodox start, with a lockup!

"Ah, it seems you've found me out, beautiful! But the real question is, do you like it rough as well?" El Rey questioned, a smile on his face as the bell rang, starting things off between the pair!

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Re: Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

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"Of course, but only if you can take it in return hon!" Cali returned the tease as she accepted the lock up and the two testing each other's strength. Cali found El Rey to be about as sturdy as she was so trying to ascertain dominance through the collar and elbow tie up would take up too much effort. So she instead moved to El Rey's side and trapped him into a headlock as she looked to take the lead in the early goings of this match.
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Re: Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

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With the match beginning between the two hoss wrestlers, El Rey moving forwards to meet Cali in the center of the ring, the two quickly grabbing hold of one another as they locked up at the beginning of their contest, starting things off with a standard lockup! However, Cali was quick to change things up, as she suddenly yanked the muscled male into a headlock, getting into a dominant position, though El Rey would not wait long at all to fight back, suddenly reaching down to grasp the back of Cali's thigh!

"Sounds good to me... but I'm more a fan of dishing it out!" El Rey quipped, attempting to suddenly lift Cali up and over himself and drop her down on her shoulders with a belly to back suplex!

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Re: Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Cali let out a yelp of surprise as El Rey suddenly dropped her with a belly to belly suplex. The impact was hard, but Cali managed to get her feet and lean against the ropes for extra support. Almost smirking, Cali rushed the masked luchador to catch him with a Northern Lights Suplex.
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Re: Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Swinging Cali overhead, El Rey was able to suddenly drop his heavyweight foe with a quick belly-to-back suplex, slamming Cali down hard on the mat to start things off proper, picking himself up as his opponent did the same, though she was not quite out of it yet! As both Cali and El Rey got up, Cali would rush towards him and return the favor by suddenly ducking low and catching him, flipping him overhead and slamming him to the mat with a quick northern lights suplex!

"Ugh! Nnngh... not bad!" El Rey groaned, rolling over and pushing himself back up, this time aiming to get the jump on Cali once more as he pulled his hand back, before throwing a hard chop to her chest as he stood back up!

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Re: Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Cali moved to continue the assault before taking a stiff chop to her chest as a receipt, the crowd wincing from the impact. Cali cried out as her skin started sting and discolor immediately swung her arm to return the favor with a chop of her own.
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Re: Hoss Fight!!!!! Cali vs El Rey Del Cielo

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With the two hoss wrestlers now squaring off in the center of the ring, El Rey would slam his palm into the heavyweight woman's chest with a thunderous chop, only to have Cali slam her own palm to his muscled chest, returning the favor! El Rey hissed and backpedaled slightly from the force of the slap to his chest, but the muscled male wasn't going to be outdone in this contest, and he would suddenly surge forwards, this time going low to wrap his arms around Cali's waist!

"Alright señorita, let's see if this is rough enough for you!" El Rey proclaimed, before attempting to lift Cali up, before suddenly dropping to one leg and swinging her down, looking to suddenly slam her crotch-first onto his outstretched knee!

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