The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer
Normal Match
Win By Pinfall, Submission, KO

Katrina began her final bit of stretching before her debut in the mixed division. She was supposed to face some rich boy, for his sake, she hoped he was cute. Katrina hated to admit it, but, she often took it easy on cute boys, especially her boyfriends. But, a match was a match, and she planned on giving it her all. Her cue to enter finally came, the siren of her entrance music blared over the speakers of the famed LAW arena, letting everyone know that a storm was coming through...
"Coming down the isle, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 275lbs, Katrina Andrews" bellowed the ring announcer as Katrina approached the ring, she looked over the crowd for someone in particuler, sure enough, that someone came down to the barrier. It was Katrina's now 13 year old nephew, Joseph, holding hurricane flags in both hands. she hugged him and tussled his hair. She gave him a pat on the head and went into the ring. all while Joseph was waving those flags, letting everyone know that a Hurricane Katrina had made landfall in the LAW arena...

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Re: The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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Albert skulked backstage, awaiting his call to the ring, still filled with annoyance through the series of disastrous events that had landed him in this stupid league. Clad in black elbow and knee guards, blue briefs and boots, he swished his similarly dyed hair and scowled. Well if he was stuck here he might as well make examples of some of these foolish women that challenged him in the ring.
His music, Starships by Nicki Minaj blasted from the arena speakers and Albert stomped petulantly out into the light, casting a disdainful eye over the braying fans of LAW that filled him with contempt. Snorting derisively at their conduct, he made his way down the ramp, aloofly ignoring the riff raff until he reached the ring, clambering over the ropes to confront his next foe.

He ogled the bigger woman shamelessly, making a thorough examination of her skimpy attire before tugging his own starkly tight briefs up higher around his waist and planting his hands on his hips as he faced her. As if this woman could hold any kind of candle to him.

"Right, right," The princeling flapped a hand at the referee impatiently. "Never mind the introductions, let's just get this foolishness over with! I have more important things to attend to than this airhead."

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Re: The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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Katrina couldn't help but be slightly amused by Albert as he made his way to the ring. He had a grumpy, pouty look that her nephew often got, in fact, Albert looked a lot like her nephew, only without blue hair. Katrina smiled, she often play-wrestled with her nephew, and this time, it was like she was wrestling him for real. That is, until he opened his mouth and called her an airhead, and her attitude toward Albert switched on a dime, "You know, Albert, I was going to go easy on you because you remind me of that darling little man over there" she said, pointing at Joseph in the crowd, "But, you had to open your mouth, now I'm going to enjoy beating you. Ref, ring the bell!" The bell rang and the match was on. Katrina would charge Albert with a clothesline to start off this match, hoping to catch Albert off guard...

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Re: The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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Albert rolled his eyes at Katrina's words, snorting with derision as she pointed to her idiot nephew standing by the ring. Petulant about even being here in the first place, the princeling couldn't have cared less about offending these two simpletons. He glowered at Katrina, planting his hands on his hips.

"I'll say what I want to whoever I want," he declared arrogantly as the bell rang to start the match. "And if you can handle a little-AAGHHHHH!"

Albert was cut off mid taunt as Katrina came hurtling forward, catching the yammering male wrestler across the chest with a thunderous clothesline, sending him sprawling flat on his back with a cry of surprise!

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Re: The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that, you'll have to speak up" mocked Katrina as she looked down at her opponent, was this the best the LAW officials could do when debuting Katrina in the mixed division? Oh well, Katrina decided to just have some fun. Katrina picked Albert up and slammed him over her knee in a backbreaker. She kept him there, bending the rich boy in ways no human could or should bend. Because Albert looked very similar to her darling nephew, this reminded her of play wrestling with Joseph, only this time, obviously, she wasn't pulling any punches...

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Re: The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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"Gnnhh... shut up!" Albert blurted petulantly as Katrina mocked him, having quickly gained the upper hand with her clothesline. Albert started to struggle to his feet, but the woman was upon him again in an instant, lifting him and slamming the princeling into a devastating back breaker.

"AARRGHHH!" Albert yelled as he was bent in half over Katrina's outstretched knee. The pain didn't stop there, however, as she held him there effortlessly, pressing down to further stretch him in the hold. He twitched and squirmed, legs kicking and arms flailing against the canvas in a desperate attempt to escape.

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Re: The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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"You're adorable, Jo-I mean Albert" Katrina said as she watched Albert struggle for his life. She almost called him Joseph, but, Albert's blue hair distinguished the two. Katrina could've held this hold forever, Albert, despite his fussing, had made no leeway in escaping. Eventually Katrina got bored and let Albert out of the hold. Katrina smiled, as she soon realized that Albert wasn't going to put up much of a fight, so she decided to tease her opponent as much as possible. She sat down cross-legged, dragged Albert toward her and sat him in her lap, and wrapped her arms around his waist in a tight embrace. This was something she often did with Joseph, but, this time a lot tighter...

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Re: The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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Albert struggled and flailed to no avail, trapped in the grasp of his powerful female foe. The petulant male wrestler was furious at his predicament, but it was no use, until she seemed to relent, tossing him off her knee and onto the ground. Flushed and crimson cheeked with anger, Albert lay there panting for a moment, only for his opponent to grab him and pull him towards her.

"Gnnnhh! Get your hands off me!" he blurted shrilly as Katrina's grip clamped shut around his waist. He kicked desperately, his hands pushing at her iron grip as she squeezed tight, trapping the princeling in place on her lap!

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Re: The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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Katrina chuckled as she heard Albert's protests, "You know, Albert, you'd be a lot cuter if you'd learn to keep your mouth shut, and I may be inclined to go easy on you, but, since you act so above it all, I will not hold back" she said as she continued to squeeze Albert in her lap. In reality, she wasn't putting all her strength in this hold, but, Albert certainly wasn't getting away anytime soon. Soon, though, Katrina's leg began to fall asleep, so she let Albert go and got up. Katrina wanted a better opponent for her debut in the mixed division, but, she figured she might as well have fun with this. She just stood there, basically begging her opponent to do anything.

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Re: The Storm Rages On: Katrina Andrews vs. Albert Pfeiffer

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Albert raged as Katrina mocked him, effortlessly holding the mouthy princeling in place as she spoke. He kicked and squirmed, but only escaped because the woman seemed to grow bored of holding him there. He tumbled to the canvas with a gasp, scrambling away from her on all fours until he had gained some distance. He struggled to his feet, straightening his wrestling briefs out and glowering at the woman.

"I don't need your charity, you ridiculous wench!" he blared furiously, his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment at how the match had gone so far. With a wild yell he charged at Katrina, aiming a shoulder charge squarely at her bust!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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