Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

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Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

Unread post by overlordofkings »

Match Type: Submission
Rules: Victory is determined by Submission, Knock Out, Count Out or Disqualification

Jessie yawned as he waited backstage. He smirked when he noticed the several looks he got. Most of them were from woman (and a few men) gawking at him. He then began to do a series of “stretches” which looked more like modeling poses. The blonde Adonis had to suppress a few snickers as he saw his audience blush.

“Mind as well give them a preview before the real show begins,” Jessie mused. He loved how his lithe body held so much power over people… and how it could inflict so much pain.

The blonde American was soon snapped out of his own thoughts when a stage hand signaled him to make his entrance, as Danzig’s “Mother” started to play.

Tell your children not to walk my way
Tell your children not to hear my words
Why they mean
What they say

The crowd came to life as the model himself appeared on the ramp, a mixture of deep boos and high-pitched screams greeted him. Jessie merely smirked. He could always tell the gender ratio of a crowd just by his entrance. Looked to be something like 60:40 tonight.

The following contest is a Submissions Match schedule for one fall! Making his way to the ring, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania… Jessie Nolan! The announcer said over the roar of the crowd.
Just hearing the stipulation put a cocky grin on Jessie’s face when he heard the stipulations. This was his type of match. One where he can show complete dominance and control over his opponent.

When he got on the apron, Jessie did another pose, even arrogantly flipping his hair. The crowd screamed again, the same masculine boos and feminine screeches. With that he got in the ring and went to his corner, jumping on the top rope and lay there as though it were a hammock, waiting for his foe.
Last edited by overlordofkings on Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

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As it turned out, Jessie had not been the only one with an eye-catching attire. As the barefoot wrestler made his entrance so to would his opponent as the sensual woman confidently moved along the backstage area as Naomi's own eye catching attire drew some gazes. Not that she minded as the confident smirk of hers showed she was more than ready as she moved to the gorilla position.

And introducing the opponent, from Japan...Naomi Fujimoto!
Naomi's theme music hit the area and sure enough the scantly clad wrestler made her way to the stage; confidence oozed from the woman's body as she scanned the arena with those beautiful eyes as her sly smirk only grew as she winked to the crowd before she strut her way to the ring; her hips moved side to side in a sensual and confident display before she climbed up the ring apron. She would take her display one step further as she entered between the middle ropes; and shook her ass slightly knowing the camera would pan to it as she entered and struck a pose in the center of the ring.

Her teases and what no were far from reserved from her opponent, as Naomi passed a seductive wink Jessie's way as she seemed all too eager for this match and moved to her corner to stretch and prepare.

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Re: Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

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Jessie continued to lie on the top ropes as his opponent made her way to the ring. He smirked at her confidant strut, posing for the crowd every chance she got. Not that Jessie had a problem, as he also took in her beauty but tried not to show it. He gave a small snicker as the older woman gave one final pose.

“Someone wants to recapture their glory years,” Jessie derisively thought as the blushing referee took her sweet time in patting Jessie down. The former model was used to it though and didn’t mind. This was as close as those mousey girls would ever get to true beauty.

Still keeping that arrogant smirk on his face, the blonde decided to get Naomi’s attention. “That was quite a show you put on,” he said, his arrogant smirk growing to be more wolfish. ”I mean, usually I’m disgusted when middle-aged woman flaunt around, thinking they’re twenty instead of thirty but you make it work.”

Ah, the backhanded compliment. Every sociopath’s favorite confidence destroying technique. Jessie smirked and crossed his arms, waiting to see how Naomi would react.

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Re: Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

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If Naomi had been bothered by the teasing words of Jessie, she showed none of it even as he mouthed off while being patted down by an ever flustered referee. Something that would not improve as she moved over to do the same for Naomi who in turn made a point to wink her way.

"No need to be shy darling. Purely just professional inspection." Naomi said to the ref which only made the girl blush brighter red but she refrained from commentary. Naomi had not passed a word nor a second look towards Jessie even as he made his comments and her sly smirk never faded as the referee finished her inspection deeming both fighters clean as she backed up. Naomi finally returned her gaze to Jessie as it had not taken her long to form a retort of her own.

"Huh, you say something darling? Sorry was focused on getting my mind set for this little showdown. I will say for someone so eager to focus on age your eyes seem quite focused on me all the same. Perhaps you are eager to get a taste of an experienced hand~" Naomi replied with a seductive wink as her tone echoed her confidence and that charm of hers.

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Re: Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

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The young model grimaced as he saw Naomi flirt with the referee, completely ignoring him. This was one problem with dealing with experienced hands and that was that they were more confident than the average doll.

He then gave a small frown when he finally heard her retort. Yeah, this woman would be a lot harder to rile up. The blonde quickly smirked though, deciding to see the silver lining.

That being it’d be all that much more fun to break her.

”Touché,” Jessie replied. ”But I did say you make it work,” he added as he stretched a bit.

The referee soon signaled the bell, officially starting the match. Jessie’s smirk never left his face as he started to circle around the mature purple haired woman like a cat stalking its prey, before moving in to try and lock up with the sultry woman!

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Re: Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

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Naomi would merely answer that comment with a knowing wink as she found the challenge to be all the more fun, as the bell would soon ring as the referee would announce the start of the match as she instantly shifted to a grapple position. Seemed Jessie wanted to go for a standard lock up as they circled each other, and she was not one to back down as she would aim to lock up with him.

Naomi would naturally push to try and gain favorable leverage, showing no fear of the man lacking in footwear.

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Re: Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

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Naomi invited the blonde model to lock up as she lunged at him to lock up and Jessie obliged. Jessie grunted as the older woman pushed him back. As humiliating as it was, raw strength was never his forte. The barefooted pretty boy continued to lose ground to the mature vixen.

But lucky for Jessie, was more than just brute force. It was time for a more elegant approach. Jessie would attempt to wrap his right around Naomi’s neck and force her to kneel down in a classic side headlock.

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Re: Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

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Naomi would enjoy an early success as she seemed to have the power advantage, least however slight when Jessie just as quickly turned and flipped it on her as she was forced into a side headlock and to a knee as the pressure mounted.

Not to lie down so easily, Naomi would work to try and force up to her feet; grunting a bit, as she would try to step behind and work to try and slip her head out of the headlock as she aimed to try and counter the hold with her hands going to his wrist and try to twist it behind his back for a behind the back armbar.

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Re: Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

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Jessie chuckled as he held on, feeling Naomi knell. "Knelling already? Guess your age is catching up to you," he mocked. However, his cockiness won't last for long as older woman soon slipped out of the headlock and grabbed his wrist and twisted it.

"URGH!" Jessie cried as he grimaced. He then glared at Naomi twisting his arm. Grunting in pain, Jessie would attempt a more flashy counter as he'd attempt to flip forward in a somersault so that Naomi can untwist his arm. If this worked, Jessie would then raise to his knees and using his free arm, try to sweep Naomi legs to trip her!
Last edited by overlordofkings on Mon Dec 09, 2019 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Black and Gold Collide! Jessie Nolan vs. Naomi Fujimoto

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"Save the energy darling, can't afford to waste as much as you do running that mouth~" Naomi replied back with a tease as she pulled on the armbar more than eager to shut up his loud mouth. But it seemed Jessie was as skilled as he was brash and in one moment as he flipped them over which forced Naomi to break her hold as she rolled with the somersault.

It seemed Jessie aimed to try and sweep her as they both worked to recover, but while she failed to keep her hold she did see this just in time as she jumped over the sweeping leg and moved into a standing grapple position; the crowd cheered at this technical series of counters.

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