Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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Match: Humiliation submission
Rules: The only way to win is to make your opponent submit due to a humiliating move. Hentai allowed and weapons allowed.

Chloé couldn't believe what she was about to do.

It was fairly late in the evening, as the blonde paced around her locker room, desperately trying to get a hold of her boyfriend. She had tried dialing Jason's phone over a dozen times, but the blonde was being sent to voice mail every time by the sophomore. Desperate to get a hold of him, Chloe even tried dialing up Annabeth's phone, assuming she was with her high school sweetheart, but to her surprise her phone as well kept going to silent. Dang it! Where were they?

It had been about 30 minutes since the French woman had been informed that her match tonight was going to be against Ivan Ramirez, a male who has been ravaging through LAW for quite a while now. The blonde had heard stories of some girl's crying and begging not to go up against him.... and a few weird ones who were asking for him specifically. The Catholic had arrived to the arena today being told she would be a back up in case another wrestler couldn't make it, but then was told she would be going up against Ivan.

The French farmer girl would immediately protest, trying to explain that she had a boyfriend and couldn't do something like this. That she wasn't on birth control and couldn't be on it for religious reasons. Of course the blond had been turned down, and been told to get ready. The Blonde felt knew she wasn't getting out of this, and desperately tried to get a hold of her boyfriend to at least give him a warning, or perhaps get him to have a talk with the officials to make them change the match. But to her horror, the blonde couldn't get a hold of him to save her life.

Eventually, out of the corner of her eye, Chloe would see a female official enter into her changing room. "Its time, Guillaume"

Taking a deep breath, Chloe would put her phone among her other belongings and make her way towards the ring.
Entrance Music

Chloé Guillaume


The crowd would erupt with cheers and boos as Chloe would make her way down to the ring. Her face was flustered a deep red, thinking about what was about to happen to her. It's ok... everything will be ok.... You warned Jason about how this was going to happen. God will watch you and keep you safe. You have nothing to fear. The blonde would tell herself, trying to steel her resolve for this match. Ivan wasn't undefeatable, Chloe had to just remind herself that. This was just another David and Goliath situation, and from the stories she had been told, David had one the majority of those matches, right?

It was hard enough to keep her cool with her new ring outfit she was currently wearing, which was way to immodest for Chloe to have wanted to ever wear it. However, Jason had picked it out for her for his birthday recently, and Chloe felt obligated to appease his boyfriend by wearing the revealing outfit. Putting that on top of the near two thousand fans in attendance screaming their voices out and catcalling the French woman? It was enough to make anyone nearly faint. Chloe would make very little attempt to wave to the crowd as she would enter into the ring and await her opponent, her heart pounding out of her chest as she did.

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Re: Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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Ivan sat in the locker room, his mind racing with thoughts about the upcoming match. He had faced many opponents before, but none quite like this. The humiliation submission rules and hentai allowed were uncharted territory for him (the former that is). He wasn't sure what to expect from the French farm girl, Chloe.

Although, he can't help but get excited.

A smirk graced his lips as he imagined the look on her face when he pinned her down and subjected her to degrading positions. He pictured the tears streaming down her cheeks, her pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears. It was a tantalizing image, one that stirred his loins before he erased the thought. He has to be professional, despite being a heel (or man slut as they call him).

His time in LAW is really taking a toll on him.

Ivan stood up from his seat, adjusting his red hair which was slightly damp from sweat. He took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the match ahead. His piercing blue eyes scanned the locker room, making sure he had everything he needed.

With a confident stride, he made his way out of the locker room and onto the stage. The lights illuminated his chiseled physique, accentuating his toned muscles.

As his entrance music began to play, Ivan's movements became fluid and purposeful. He walked down the ramp, his eyes locked onto the ring ahead. His tight-fitting wrestling shorts hugged his lower body, leaving little to the imagination. The fabric clung to his thick thighs and prominent bulge, drawing attention to his masculinity.

To which the ladies love it, he even saw one fainting at the crowd.

Not his problem.

Ivan stepped into the ring, his gaze immediately drawn to his opponent, Chloe. The French farm girl was a stunning sight to behold. Her long, golden locks cascaded down her back, tied neatly in a ponytail. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with a mix of nerves and determination.

But it was her physical attributes that truly caught Ivan's attention. The tight, white one-piece swimsuit left little to the imagination, emphasizing her voluptuous curves. Her ample breasts strained against the fabric, threatening to spill out at any moment. The suit hugged her slender waist before flowing down to her thighs, showcasing her long legs clad in matching white thigh-highs.

Ivan couldn't help but appreciate the view, his eyes roaming over her body appreciatively. He had seen many beautiful women in his time and this one is definitely one of the top 10.

"Well, hello gorgeous." He greeted lightheartedly.
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Re: Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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As Ivan's music would start to blare over the loud speakers, Chloe would watch the approach of the feared man as he made his way to the ring. Besides the thought how insanely good-looking the male was, the first thing that crossed Chloe's mind was... how he was much shorter than what Chloe had expected. Only maybe two inches taller than her, and only slightly more muscular, Chloe was very much taken aback about how unintimidating the man was.

Chloe started to calm down, until the man entered the ring and greeted her, causing her heart to skip a beat and her face to fluster a bit. That being said, the blonde would try to hide her fears from her opponent.

"Oh, Bonjour Monsieur," Chloe would start to say, before catching herself and continue speaking in English but with her thick French accent. "Well, someone is a very kind person. Most of the girl's I have fought with wouldn't give me the time of day before we fought. Are all men in LAW as polite and complementary as you?" Chloe would ask. As she did the woman would take a step back and put her hands behind her back, stretching her long slender arms to warm up. As she did, the blonde who wasn't used to having so little chest support, would feel her breast bounce as she started to move, her voluptuous figure having little to be left to be imagined by Ivan or the fans in attendance.

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Re: Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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Ivan chuckled at Chloe's question, pleased that she seemed to relax a bit in his presence. "Just being nice and appreciating something beautiful before the bell rings." he replied with a charming smile. "Though, I must warn you, once the bell rings, all bets are off. It will be messy." He warned her, giving her wink.

"And trust me, I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve to make you submit in the most...humiliating ways possible." He said before reaching for her.

Ivan's hand firmly grasped Chloe's plump rear, pulling her close until their chests pressed together. He could feel the heat emanating from her body, and the softness of her breasts against his own. His other hand reached up to caress her cheek, tilting her head back to expose her neck.

"Think your up for it?" he whispered huskily in her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. "Isn't this your first?"

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Re: Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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As Chloe was stretching, she was unable to respond fast enough as Ramirez would reach out to her grab hold of the French woman. Bringing him into her grasp, the biologist would attempt to fight back against it, but would be unable to as Ivan would show how easily he could woman handle Chloe. The blonde would pause with a deep blush, her attempt to fight back would slowly start to diminish as she looked into the oceanic blue eyes of the redhead. Pausing for a second as he would tease her, Chloe would take a full quarter of a minute before shoving the male off of her breast.

"Lâ...Lâche-toi de moi" The blonde would say, flustered. "This may be my first match with a man in LAW, but I will tell you, I have had plenty of practice matches with my boyfriend, my good sir! And even before that I had other matches with boys in my college days, so I am more than able to defend myself sir!"

Shortly after this, the female refreeze would look at the two and how Chloe had taken a fighting stance. Realizing things were about to get messy, the official would look and call for the bell, starting the match before any more pre-match assaults could happen between either party.

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Re: Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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Ivan laughed at Chloe's defiant words, amused by her attempts to assert dominance despite being at a disadvantage. "Oh, I'm sure your boyfriend is very proud of you, letting you wrestle men while he watches," he teased, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Must be a real thrill for him, seeing you potentially get raped by another man in front of thousands."

He leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "But hey, if he's okay with that, who am I to judge? Maybe he wants to see you broken and humiliated, just like everyone else here."

Ivan's hand slid down from her ass to grip her thigh, squeezing it possessively. "Because that's exactly what's going to happen to you tonight, whether you like it or not."

Ivan's grip on Chloe's ass tightened as he leaned in closer, his face inches from hers. "So let's get one thing straight, sweetheart. I'm a man, not some college boy," he warned her, his blue eyes flashing with intensity. "And I'll prove it to you soon enough."

He then let her go and went on his side of the ring.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the match. Without hesitation, Ivan charged at Chloe with a rushing lariat, aiming to catch her off guard and take her down early on. He swung his arm wide, his long arm swinging in an arc as he rushed towards her.

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Re: Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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Chloe tried to pull away from the man, but to her surprise she wasn't able to pull back. Sure, the French girl was smaller than Ivan, but still, the girl had quite some strength in her. The fact that Ivan was able to keep her from moving with such a weak hold? A feat that got a blush out of Chloe. Ivan would then whisper into Chloe's ear, a mixture of a threat and also... a promise?

The sudden realization would freeze Chloe in place as she just stood agape after hearing what everyone wanted. For her to be raped and humilated infront of thousands. The blonde would try to formulate a response, but deep down? She knew he was right. All of the sinners around her wanted to live out their lustful fantasies by watching Chloe in such a compromiseing state. And Chloe, being an evil witch that she was, was taking advantage of these poor fans sinfull nature to fill her own pocket.

The blonde didn't move when she was let go, continueing to stare with a flushed face infront of the crowd. Only the ringing of the bell would bring the French woman out of her daze, which would blonde would look around quickly for a second, trying to figure out what was going on, before saying "W... Wait, hold up!" Before suddenly getting knocked down by the strongest clothes line she had ever felt before. Her world would spin as she would do a full rotation in the air before landing hard on her back. "AGHHHHHH!!!!" The blonde would yell, not even having the wearwithall to make a comment back, before the slowly starting to get up, holding the back of her neck as she did to support it.
Last edited by Harem Girl on Wed Mar 12, 2025 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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Ivan grinned triumphantly as he watched Chloe crumple to the mat from the force of his lariat. The crowd erupted in cheers, clearly enjoying the explosive start of the match.

"Hey, got your thoughts stuck in your fantasies?" Ivan teased her, thinking about earlier exchange must have thrown her off her game.

Ivan pulled Chloe up to her feet, his strong arms wrapping around her from behind. He squeezed and groped her breasts through the thin material of her swimsuit, relishing in the soft mounds filling his palms.

"Mmm, you're even better than I imagined," he purred into her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. "These tits are perfect for squeezing and playing with." His fingers danced across her nipples, pinching and rolling them between his digits.

Ivan continued to grope and tease Chloe's breasts, his fingers expertly manipulating her sensitive nipples. "I wonder what your boyfriend thinks about you wearing this tiny swimsuit, huh?" he taunted, his voice low and husky. "Does he like knowing that other men are getting to touch you like this?"

He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear. "Or does he prefer to imagine it himself, jerking off to thoughts of you being dominated and used by a real man like me?" Ivan's words dripped with innuendo, his intentions clear as he ground his hips against her backside.

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Re: Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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As Chloe started to get up, the male would reach from behind her and force her onto her feet, before taking a breast fondleing position, groping and grabbign at the French woman's sensitive breast. Chloe, who had problems anytime her breast was toyed with, would suddenly let out a deep, lustfilled moan as she would try to grab at her opponent's hands and rip them off of her, but with almost no strength to her grasp due to her mind being so distracted by the fondleing.

"Ohhhhh! Uhhhhhh!! Ahhhhh! L.... L... Let go of me!" Chloe would try to force out as she continue to attempt to slap away the hands of Ivan as he continued to tease Chloe.

"Ugh... N... No! No he doesn't! He... he would never do something like that! And other men don't get to play with me! Th.. This is a one time thing! And you won't be doing it for much longer!" Chloe would stammer through moans and squeels as she would continue to try to pry her opponent's hands off of the temple that was her body.

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Re: Baptism through Humiliation, Ivan Ramirez vs Chloé Guillaume

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Ivan chuckled as he continued to fondle and squeeze Chloe's breast, reveling in her helpless moans and squirms. "Oh, come now, don't pretend you don't enjoy this," he taunted, his fingers pinching her nipple harder. "Your body is betraying you. It's clear you're loving every second of this."

He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear once more. "Admit it, you're getting wet just from my touch. If you don't, then why aren't you fighting bck?" Ivan's words were a low, seductive purr, designed to drive Chloe wild with desire despite her protests.

As he spoke, a hand would slid down from her breast to cup her sex, feeling the heat radiating from her through the thin fabric of her swimsuit. "Mmm, yeah, I thought so," he murmured, his fingers tracing the outline of her clit through the material.

Ivan's fingers continued to explore Chloe's intimate area, tracing the shape of her pussy through the swimsuit. "I bet your boyfriend is completely clueless about how to satisfy a woman like you, isn't he?" he purred, his voice dripping with condescension. "He probably just uses you for his own pleasure, never bothering to find out what really makes you tick."

He pinched her clit harder, eliciting a sharp gasp from Chloe. "But I'll be happy to fix that."

Ivan's fingers tugged insistently at the bottom of Chloe's swimsuit, slowly inching the fabric upwards to expose more of her glistening flesh. The material dug into her sensitive folds, teasing her clit and making her squirm in his grasp.

"You like that?" he growled, his breath hot against her ear. "Having your sweet little cunt exposed for me to play with. Bet everyone loves it and probably your boyfriend too if he's watching."

The Q
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