Match Type: 1v1, No Disqualification
Bengal, the Blaze Tiger


"They might as well just offer me a free win," she said to her agent when she accepted the match contract. "This'll be the easiest money I've ever made." The representative tried to warn her that this opponent might be different from what she expected, but Bengal refused to listen. To make the offer even sweeter, the match was scheduled with a No-DQ stipulation - the Tiger's personal favorite. With a setup like this, how could she lose?
Now, standing backstage at the L.A.W. arena, she didn't feel quite so confident. But those were just normal pre-fight jitters, she assured herself, as she fastened a sapphire pendant around her elegant neck. After that, all she had to do was insert her cat-eyed contacts, and the look was complete. Just in time, too - she could already hear the opening chords of her entrance music, echoing through the loudspeakers. The Tiger charged out onto the entrance ramp, bounding through the pyrotechnics and smoke, like the heroine escaping an explosion at the climax of some over-the-top action movie.
Unfortunately, the chorus of boos she received from the fans was anything but heroic. The L.A.W. audience had seen their fair share of Bengal at this point, and they were starting to get sick of the Tiger's underhanded tactics. The Indian woman seemed to thrive on their negativity, though, stopping on the ring apron to wave sarcastically at the crowd. Her hand passed in front of her face, and her expression abruptly changed to one of snarling fury. She threw her head back and forth, like a beast worrying at some old bone, her white hair billowing around her. Then she ducked under the ropes and entered the ring, as the announcer's voice boomed out: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a no disqualification match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...standing at a height of five feet, seven inches, and weighing in at one hundred and forty pounds...from Kolkata, India...THE BLAZE TIGER! BENGAL!"
There were more jeers and catcalls from the stands, but the Tiger didn't even turn her head. She was staring daggers at the top of the entrance ramp, already anticipating her opponent's arrival. She stretched her legs and clenched her clawed hands, barely able to contain her growing excitement.