It had been a serious minute since Kasey had last had a proper singles match. Since tagging with His partner Bill the two had seemed almost a little inseparable both backstage and in the ring. To a degree Kasey was a little sick of feeling like He had to rely on Bill to boost His confidence or dominate their matches... Perhaps that over-reliance had made Him rusty when it came to taking things on all on His own. Or maybe He never knew how to take on new challenges in the first place.
But whatever the case may be, Kasey was presented with an opportunity to take part in a rather impromptu thrown-together No-DQ match tonight; there was empty space on the card and the expected participants had no-showed. His opponent would be Heather Sunderland; somebody who based on their record perhaps seemed adept at taking on a match of this calibre, but She seemed visually less imposing than Kasey could have imagined somebody of Her pedigree being. Had He really thought all this through though? His tag-team partner was as usual impossible to find backstage unless He chose to make Himself present, meaning it would be impossible to ask for the advice of a more seasoned Wrestler Kasey actually trusted.
Screw it. Kasey didn't need to be coddled constantly; He was adept. He could take on whoever the hell He wanted and win, for god's sake, He had gotten this far in LAW already. Psyching Himself up backstage He would don His most confident self; letting His bangs down and slipping on His signature mask, prepared for the night that lay ahead.

As He leaned against the ropes and awaited His opponent- He could only hope that His assumptions about His own bravado were true.