Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Match Rules: Standard

Eliza Harenwood was readying herself for her next bout in LAW, since arriving Eliza had come to find that she was.....well not lacking for bouts offered to her. The dancing passion had made a name for herself in the British indies for being able to face off against all those who stepped into the ring with her and more often than not triumph, due in no small part to her graceful acrobatics and powerful strikes that left them a crumpled heap to be then choked out by her shortly after. Currently the British aristocrat would be in her dressing room finishing her stretches, she had heard of her opponent tonight. A man called Deku she believed.

She'd be giving it her all regardless, the stage hand knocked on her door and it was go time. Eliza swiftly donned her entrance attire and made her way to the entrance ramp. The arena's lights fade to black and her iconic song known as Pena Flamenca would blare from the speakers as the lights would show a shadow on the curtain. Then the curtains parted ways to reveal the dancing passion herself!

Flicking her hands to reveal a pair of feathered masquerade fans and an elegant mini ballroom dress adorned with red and gold was none other than Eliza herself, she gracefully strode towards the ring lightly spinning and dancing as she did before entering the ring in all her glory. After giving a graceful bow when entering the dancing passion would step to her corner and stay there with a fan concealing her upper face as she waited for her opponent for tonight.
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Deku took a deep breath in preparation for the bout ahead, it had been a bit since he had a match. After his heated conflict with Alois had ended the upper management felt he needed time to cool off. That was over and now it was time for him to re enter the ring. For this he was slated to go up against someone by the name of Eliza Harenwood. Granted he didn't know very much about the woman, or what she was like, but he was hoping that if nothing else it could be a receptive and respectful match between them. But naturally he was going to try his absolute damnedest to win this bout.
As his music began to play causing the crowd to cheer and react loudly the green haired male would come out from behind the curtain he would throw an arm up in the air causing the fans to whoop once more. Smiling at the positive reaction he got even after the darkness he showed in his bout with Alois, it was motivating for him as he would make his way down the ramp. Wearing the gear he wore before his bout with Alois he was looking as confident and optimistic as he did when he first debuted but with his new experiences backing him up properly now as he entered the ring.
Turning to face his opponent he would hum softly as he looked her up and down. Eliza was certainly a looker, with legs that matched her dancing background. Surely meaning that she had some incredible agility and stamina, not to mention probably some powerful kicks as well. Luckily however they were close to the same body type so if anything he probably held the strength and durability advantage, he would just have to try and end this as soon as possible. Still despite planning how he would beat her he would make his way towards the blonde, holding his hand out to her for a handshake before the match could begin.

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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Eliza wouldn't have to wait long for her opponent to arrive at least, she kept a keen gaze on the entrance ramp. Her eyes peering behind that masquerade ball masque as she made sure to look at every detail of her foe, only so that she could guess their approach to fighting her of course. Sure enough Deku emerged from the curtains and out came her opponent for the evening, well it seemed the crowd were indeed enjoying his presence but anyone facing the British aristocrat would have a hard time getting the crowd on their side for often she was the darling of the audience.

Still Deku looked like he could do some damage in the ring with a solid build and possibly being an all rounder of sorts. Eliza stayed in place as he walked up to her and offered a handshake, her fan and masque concealing all but her eyes. That was cute, Eliza could humour him. She'd close the fan and fling it upwards and then grab Deku's hand, but not for a handshake but rather an impromptu ballet spin as she'd send him right to his corner with a pirouette. Eliza would then catch the fan and point it at him.

"Ready yourself." Eliza said as in one fluid motion she hung the masque and fan on the iron post of her corner and flipped her dress up over herself and unzipped the hem to reveal her full wrestling attire. A red and black frilled corset with elegant black stockings, she tossed the dress to the iron post and got into her stance. Legs crossed and her arms tucked inwards as she stood poised for the match.
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Deku was still admittedly a bit unsure of his opponent. Particularly because her face while not betraying any negative intentions, also didn't harbor any positive ones, it was blank and impossible to read, making it hard for him to anticipate anything in particular. As such he would at least be willing to try and shake hands with her in order to start this match off on a positive note. Also admittedly her being in a dress also threw him off, but he chalked that up to just the general grandeur of certain LAW wrestlers.

In any case his blonde opponent would approach and reach out to grab his hand, for what he thought would be a hand shake only to instead get spun away from her! "Whoa!" Deku gasped out as his stomach turned from the sudden spin, just about crashing into the corner with a light wince, but it wasn't particularly violent or aggressive action.. almost playful.

Looking back up at Eliza he would blink as the woman warned him before suddenly taking off her dress and revealing a more traditional one piece wrestling attire. Blinking at this for a moment Deku would gulp slightly before raising his fists up and nodding. "Right. I will." Deku said with a nod, prepared to start the match as the bell would ring, prompting him to rush forward, trying to close the distance with Eliza as quick as he could before swinging his leg up, trying to start this bout off with a roundhouse kick aimed at for Eliza's ribs!

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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Well after the entrances were done it was time for the match to begin and the crowd were all too eager to see more of the dancing passion, having wowed the crowd in her previous bouts displaying her elegant prowess in the ring against the men of LAW. But Deku would be a tricky nut to crack, he looked like he knew what he was doing but not in the arrogant way Shenlong did. No, Deku clearly had some spunk to him if his opening salvo was anything to go by!

Unlike most of her matches Eliza wasn't the one opening here as Deku managed to actually beat her to the punch, or kick rather. But Eliza still managed to at least tense up before the blow and lessen the impact, staggering backwards with a wince. But she was no wallflower.

Already Eliza was moving to respond as she took two steps back and suddenly bolted into an elegant series of spins clockwise, her right leg would seemingly shoot out only to swiftly retract until the third spin there Eliza's right leg would take the built momentum and launch itself right at the hero's chest. Intent on spearing him with her planted foot and hopefully sending him staggering backwards and display to him that her moniker did nothing to detract from her striking prowess in the ring, something he'd do well to learn and fear.
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Deku was still a little unsure of the Dancing Passion as a person but he was sure that he would do everything possible to beat her. That was why he would dart forward as soon as he could, and unleash a strong kick right to her side to open the bout! Smiling slightly as he managed this Deku would try and press forward but found himself unable to do so because of his opponent living up to her nickname!

Breaking out into a series of spins her extending leg warded the hero off from approaching, making him careful but at the same time making it easy to throw him off as her leg extended out longer than it had before, drilling into his abdomen!

"Guah!" Deku gasped out in pain, stumbling backwards from the blow, but not before gritting his teeth. Hitting the ropes he would lean further against them before breaking out into a run, trying to approach Eliza with as much speed as possible before leaping up and extending his arm to go for a flying clothesline on Eliza!

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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Eliza's kick landed clean and the crowd roared in approval, forever and always was the British aristocrat the darling of the audience. The cameras clicking rapidly in the audience to capture this moment in time. That was a blow that Eliza almost always opened with in her fights and time after time it would connect as her foes would be surprised, it always brought a slight smile to the dancing passion's regal visage as Deku was made to be staggered backwards. If only that had managed to reach a more vital spot and Deku might have even been floored and allow Eliza to entertain the audience further with a classic twirl.

Deku rebounded actually, faster than Eliza would have expected. Deku's build was different from most men that Eliza fought back in Britain, whereupon she'd outwit the slow and plodding 6ft something by slipping around their grabs and blows and cut them down. Deku was even shorter than her actually and nimble as a whip because she'd be caught by his clothesline, Eliza had on instinct made to dodge by going into the splits but Deku's height played to his advantage and caught Eliza clean. She'd give a grunt and crash on the mat with a surprised look on her face as she struggled to process what just happened there.
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Despite Eliza catching Deku early on with a kick he wasn't going to be easily thrown off by the woman, no he had to do his best to take her down! As such he used the momentum from her own attack to rebound off the ropes and come back at the woman, managing to land a strong clothesline on the woman to knock her down to the mat! Breathing out a sigh of relief at the move having worked Deku turned down towards her and moved to try and grab the blonde woman and lift her up, turning her to try and wrap his arms around her waist before lifting backwards, trying to slam the woman with a German suplex!

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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Eliza was reeling from that strike, it was rare indeed for a man to catch the dancing passion off guard with a blow. But Deku was nimble enough to make it count however the dancing passion was far from out of it, she might have looked like a dainty flower but she spent enough time in the British indies to know how to take a beating. Deku was scrambling to make advantage of this downed state by trying to follow up with a German suplex.

The dancing passion had been ragdolled in the past by tall, burly opponents. Deku was not one however and Eliza would ready herself for the lift backwards, the move would work. But Eliza managed to shuffle herself enough to land on her hands and feet in the move saving herself from a powerful impact and earning a loud roar of approval from the crowd. The dancing passion rolled backwards after the move and would attempt to swing her right leg into Deku's gut after she got back up, intent on keeping the fight active and moving!
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Landing a solid strike on Eliza that seemed to rattle her Deku would immediately move in on her, keen on trying to capitalize against her by wrapping his arms around her for a German suplex! However as Deku's shoulders connected with the mat he didn't hear the sound of his for smashing into it. Instead he heard the sounds of his opponent rolling!

'Shit!' Deku thought to himself, looking to immediately turn over and roll forward to get back on his feet, popping up only to receive a kick to the gut for his efforts! "Ugh!" Deku cried out in pain from the blow, stumbling back but gritting his teeth in response as he pushed himself back up and tried to go for a kick of his own to her side!

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