Best 2 out of 3 falls
First Fall to be scored via Pinfall, Submission or KO
Second Fall to be scored via Orgasm
Hentai allowed
No Disqualifications
One thing was for sure - LAW totally knew indeed what they had been signing up Gabi Green for.
Sure, there was a lot of pure, honest, innocent wrestling going on in the league... And there was also a lot of not-so-pure, twisted, naughty and lustful wrestling going on in the league as well. As it went for Gabi, she had certainly been signed up with the latter kind of matches in mind. Yes, her first two hadn't been all that heavily on the not-for-minors side, but her last one certainly had already been almost purely adult entertainment.
And this one tonight? Well, based on the rules that she had just read, this was certainly more on the OnlyFans -side of things.
Not that Gabi minded though. These kind of matches paid well. And these kind of matches were exactly the ones that she had been assuming to have been hired for in the first place. These were her bread and butter. It was just up to her to have some fun, try to cope as well as she could, and also to provide as enjoyable of a show for the viewers pleasure as she could along the way.
The only difference now was that she was actually facing a male. No, not something that she would have assumed not to happen, but it was still her first in LAW. This was going to be new for her. How was her opponent going to turn out to be like? A hapless submissive jobber? Or a dominant alpha male? Or something in between? Gabi wasn't sure, but she thought that all of those types existed in LAW. Now it was just up to her luck - or the management's fancy - to determine which way they would like to see the Brazilian hottie's night to go tonight inside the LAW ring.
Gabi Green - Amor da Amazõnia
Entrance theme: Anitta feat. Jhama - Essa Mina É Louca
Hearing her Brazilian entrance tunes beginning to play, Gabi began making her way calmly down the ramp. Having gotten more accustomed to the LAW crowds by now, the green-thonged woman waved quite a bit for the crowds along the way, even if she had absolutely no need to be playing their favorite or anything like that. They were still her customers tonight! Still, the curvy girl made her way somewhat unseremoniusly inside the ring and proceeded to her corner to wait for the arrival of her opponent, while starting to complete some stretches, wanting to make sure that her flexibility was up for the task of the match tonight, taking advantage of the ropes as well to show off some of it, and her delicious body for the crowds as well.
Now the only burning question left to be answered was... How was this man who she was about to face tonight going to exactly turn out to be like?