Bullying The Bully - El Rey Del Cielo vs Sona Valentine (D)!

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Bullying The Bully - El Rey Del Cielo vs Sona Valentine (D)!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Match Type: Ironman Match
Match Conditions: The wrestler with the most falls after one hour of wrestling will be declared the winner.

It wasn't always a common case in LAW that one was allowed to welcome a new wrestler in for a debut match, and it was usually even rarer that those debut matches ended up being intergender affairs, but tonight happened to be the needle in that haystack for one El Rey Del Cielo! The luchador had become something of a staple in LAW's mixed wrestling scene at this point, as he had managed to carve out a great deal of success within a promotion of mostly women wrestlers, and that had helped him get opportunities like these! And what a debut it would be to welcome in a new LAW wrestler with, as the match that was scheduled for tonight was an ironman match, a time limit bout that even a pin or submission wouldn't end, only score a point for either wrestler! It would be one whole hour of wrestling, nothing to take lightly, but if there was anyone who was up for the challenge and more than ready to put on a show for that long, it was the masked man currently making his way towards the entrance to the arena proper!

Another consideration was the fact that his opponent, being a debuting wrestler, was someone that he knew quite literally nothing about! With that incoming surprise lingering on his mind, he would get ready for his entrance, taking a quick last second to adjust his mask and make sure his attire was looking good before letting the crew know he was ready! And so as his music began to play, the masked man would take a large step out through the curtain and out onto the entrance ramp, ready to greet the masses watching on!
El Rey had a pretty brisk walk to the ring, a lengthy entrance never something that the male wrestler enjoyed, as he always found himself far too eager to get into the ring and get to the action! That didn't mean that he wasn't ready to show off just a little bit though, as inside the ring he'd climb up onto the middle rope and face the crowd, spreading his arms out wide as he did some hyping up of the audience!

"Who's ready for a show?! Come on, make some noise!" He yelled, swinging his arms upwards to draw thunderous cheers from the fans, before he'd hop off the ropes and land with a thud back on the canvas, excitedly bouncing up and down as he performed a few last minute stretches and warm ups! His eyes remained locked on the top of the ramp where the spotlight would soon shift, as both himself and the fans excitedly awaited to see who this brand new LAW wrestler would be, and what they would be bringing to the ring!

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Re: Bullying The Bully - El Rey Del Cielo vs Sona Valentine (D)!

Unread post by Echidnut! »

After the rather jubilant entrance from the Luchador, the lights would cut down! Creating a dim glow from the now shining lamp light across the ramp opposite to the joyous man in the ring. From there, the new audacious woman of the LAW ring would be seen wearing what could only be described as "form fitting" dress like attire. Her white top was hugging at the caramel excess that pressed against the fabric threatening to break free at any moment, the cleavage of which rippled like waves to each step she began to make down the ramp, leading her towards the arena. Her walk was slow, methodic, and planned with every intention of swaying the crowds attention from the Luchador in the ring, towards her.

It was the exact opposite to how El Rey had done his entrance, his quick walk and eagerness to enter the ring was absolutely contrasted by how she seemed to enjoy making him wait and waste his time~ Meanwhile she was showing off every nook and cranny of herself to anyone whoms eyes would wish to peer into the wobbling aspects of her rear end, the jiggling excess fat on her chest, and the otherwise lewd nature of her approach to the ring almost as if she was disgracing the entire thing when walking up the stairs alone.


Even to enter the ring, she looked at him with a sly look and a shit eating grin on her face, her eyes were glancing over the Luchador up and down as she spread her legs wiiiide as she moved between the middle ropes, before stepping back in, allowing the match to truly be sealed in stone as she entered, and began to briskly walk up to the man himself, it seemed like meeting in the middle might be sporty, but it was anything but that to be quite honest~

"Oh. My. God. Isn't being a Luchador kinda cringe now a days~? I mean like, seriously, who does that anymore~? When they told me I was gonna be fighting a man I expected well, a man~ Not just a muscle head playing pretend~! What an embarassing first match this turned out to be~!"

She mocked and berated the pride of a Luchador right to his face, even so far as to put her index finger and poke it out into his chest, despite their clear height and weight difference, she was prodding him without a care in the world, smiling up at him the entire time as she fully intended to emasculate and humiliate him!

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Re: Bullying The Bully - El Rey Del Cielo vs Sona Valentine (D)!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

When El Rey's opponent appeared at the top of the ramp, it was immediately clear that a lot more effort had been put into her entrance than put into his, as the lights around the arena dimmed and directed towards the top of the ramp, as his opponent appeared! Immediately, she cut a striking figure, a pretty face with caramel skin, carrying herself with plenty of confidence and poise as she began to walk down to the ring. Oh, and she was curvy. VERY curvy. Watching her come down towards the ring gave El Rey plenty of time to study her, the way that she walked and the attire that she was dressed in, certainly not typical wrestling attire, but then again, he had seen stranger within the LAW ring! Still, she was certainly taking her time, giving everyone a chance to take in the incredibly curvy body that she possessed, El Rey being one of the eyes watching her figure as she eventually made it down to the ring!

It seemed like quite the long wait, but when the middleweight woman finally reached the ring and climbed inside, El Rey was immediately met with the fact that she was taller than him, at least by a couple inches, as she stood above him! That didn't matter to him of course, he was a notorious flirt and had no issues being attracted to women taller than him, so he stepped towards her as she entered to offer her a handshake and a kind word! And right as he opened his mouth, she would beat him to the punch. And boy, did she hold nothing back!

El Rey looked at her with a slight surprise, her verbal tirade immediately attempting to cut the man down to size as she ruthlessly mocked him, tearing into lucha libre in general as well as El Rey personally, even going so far as to jab a finger into his muscled chest! And to be honest, this was a first for El Rey! He had faced heels before, Dana Ashford being a notable example, but she was still somewhat playful with her words, and nobody had really gone after him so viciously before with their words! All in all, it left him standing pretty still in front of her, before he would finally be able to get a word in!



El Rey was only able to briefly show his surprise, but before any more words could be exchanged between them, it seemed that the ringside officials, perhaps having lost time by waiting for Sona's entrance, had rang the bell with the two still face to face! And that provided some interesting opportunity! Without a second wasted once the match began, El Rey would suddenly reach his arms out, twisting them to grab hold of Sona's waist, before he would suddenly yank her off of her feet, flipping her in one swift motion to hold her against him, stomach to stomach, while she dangled upside down! His head would be settled between her thighs, chin resting nicely atop her glutes, and one arm wrapped around her back while the other reached down and grabbed her head, keeping it pointed downwards! All so that he could suddenly drop down to his knees, aiming to drill Sona's skull directly into the canvas and start the match off with an instant tombstone piledriver!

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