Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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Standard POW Match: Winner determined by pinfall, submission, or knockout. Loser will become the winner's prisoner of war for 24 hours.

Melony was backstage, getting ready for another match in LAW's Intergender ring. This time it was a POW match, meaning the winner would take the loser captive for a set amount of time. Melony figured she'd defeat her opponent, introduce them to the wonders of her castle, serve them declious food, and give them a fun, gentle smothering before just letting them go early. They'd both likely have a good time overall. Maybe he'd even wanna willfully stay in her domain for a while.
Jasmine's Causal Theme
Jasmine, Melony's best friend and fellow queen soon came up to her. "Yo Melon Boobs! What's going on?!" Jasmine chirped.

"Greetings, my friend! Just getting ready for another POW match." Melony responded.

"Against who?"

"Karbon Mannering."




Jasmine laughed. She couldn't help herself. Karbon didn't have the best reputation as a wrestler, having a match record that was...less than ideal, many of his loses ending with his mug wedged in his opponents cheeks. Melony was literally one of the absolute WORSE opponents the booty-weak male could go up against.

"Quit laughing Jasmine. It's rude."

"Psshhh. Hehehe! I'm sorry, it's just the moment you knew your opponent, you probably thought: 'This 'bout to be an easy-peasy, smother-squashing dub!'"

"No, I did not....think those specific words, no. Karbon could, possibly, maybe, perhaps find a way to fight back."

"What, against THAT perfect, plump, peachy booty you're packing?!" Jasmine chuckled, pointing at Melony's butt. The fruit-themed queen couldn't help but blush and smile.

"Maybe he could get me in a-"


Or push me back to the-"



Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah....NAH."
Jasmine gave Melony a playful spank on the rear, before heading off. "Happy squashing, bestie!~ Save a seat on his mug for me, after you bring him hooooooome~."
Entrance Theme
With a giggle and a sigh, Melony entered LAW arena to her entrance theme. She ambled down to the ring, snapping her fingers and shaking her wide, lovely hips from side-to-side. Once in the ring, Melony waited for her adversary. "At least he's facing me instead of Jasmine. I won't be too rough with him. Teehee." Melony said to herself, being tactful as always. Though she planned on burying her foe in her huge, peach-themed cheeks nonetheless!
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Re: Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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Well this was a new one. For one thing, Karbon never heard of a, "Prisoner of War" or POW match before he was told by his manager what his next match would be. Once his manager gave him the run down about it, the blood in Karbon's veins ran cold, "So, if I lose to this chick, she can basically have her way with me for 24 hours!? Who the hell makes this kind of stuff!?" To say that this match boasted a high risk high reward outcome is an understatement to say the least. The only good thing out of this though is his opponent was pretty average so he should be able to put up a decent fight.

The knight was just about done getting ready backstage when he began to hear his opponent's entrance music begin to play. That was his cue that he needed to hurry up and get near the backstage curtain. Karbon wrapped things up and walked at a bit of a rapid pace until he finally reached his destination, "Whew, just in time." He said to himself as his opponent's music began to fade away. When everything was quiet, the lights went out in the arena and his entrance music began to play.
Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare
The bells would begin to chime to set the erie mood as the sudden sound of guitars would make some of the new fans jump. That is when Karbon made his way out there in the cover of darkness with only strobe lights illuminating him in time with the drums and overall beat. The crowds reaction towards him was mostly negative except for the few fans that like to cheer the heel so there was no high giving or showboating. The knight would finally reach the ring as he rolled underneath the bottom rope and positioned himself in the middle of the ring, down on one knee. Right in time with his music, he would scream, "NNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTMMMMMMAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRREEEEEEEE!!!" As a red spotlight would shine upon him. He would then get up and point at his opponent and say, "Now your nightmare has come to life."

The lights would then return back to normal as Karbon backed up slowly towards his own turnbuckle, keeping his eyes fixated on his opponent so that she doesn't try anything funny before the match starts. By looking at her though, she doesn't seem to be the type that would cheat, but here in LAW, looks can be very deceiving.
Last edited by Mkmd13 on Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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Melony had become quite popular among the LAW fans, especially after her and Jasmine's career-making tag championship match with the SWAT Cats. But in contrast, the crowd gave a mostly negative reaction to Karbon's appearance. Melony had to wonder. Was Karbon Mannering really that bad? Both as a wrestler and a person? She's soon have the opportunity to judge the male fighter for herself, as Karbon was soon in the ring with her. The male heel finished his flashy entrance, uttering words that were likely meant to be intimidating. But after Karbon declared to be the queen's nightmare come to life, Melony smiled and clapped!

"Oh bravo! Bravo! That was really cute!" Melony chirped, not threatened by Karbon in the slightest degree. "Queen Melony, ruler of Nectarine Nation, at your service." Ms. Peaches said with a bow, before turning around and bending to stick out her perfect, pink, plump behind towards Karbon. "I do hope you enjoy queening dear.~" She teased, tapping her buns at him. "That's another term for female facesitting, if you didn't know.~"

Melony straightened up, before ambling to her side of the ring, her wide hips shaking all the while. She faced Karbon and got into a fighting stance, awaiting the bell to sound. If Karbon considered Melony to be just an average wrestler, he was in for a rude, smothery awakening! Though at least Melony still had it in mind to be relatively gentle with him, her rough partner Jasmine would not have granted him such a luxury in that position!

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Re: Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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It seems as though Karbon's entrance had the exact opposite effect on his opponent. Instead of her being intimidated, she thought it was cute! This ticked the knight off even more as he said, "Cute!? It wasn't supposed to be cute! You should be shaking in your boots right now." His opponent would then introduce herself as Queen Melony and then said something that would make his blood run cold, "Q-queening!? Hell no, we are definitely not going to be doing that here! And of course I know what queening means." If there was one thing this man hated was having a girl's ass in his face. Never-the-less though, that kind of thing was perfectly legal here in LAW though, whether if Karbon liked it or not.

With all of the introductions out of the way, it was time to start the match. The referee would signal for the time keeper to ring the bell. The echo of it would excite the crowd even more as they were about to see a very exciting match. Even though the crowd wasn't behind him in the slightest, the cheering in general still got his blood pumping. He would leave the corner of the ring and made his way for the center. The knight wasn't too sure if Melony would respond to this in kind or if she would try to circle her way around him.

If Melony decided to meet him in the center of the ring, then Karbon would try to initiate a lockup with her. Looking to try and overpower her with his strength and begin to weaken her down with a side headlock. If Melony instead, decided to circle around the ring, then the knight would try to use that to his advantage. With her so close to the ropes, he would rush towards her and use both his body weight and momentum to push her up against them. Then, execute an Irish Whip to send her flying towards the ropes behind them. If all went well, then Melony would be force to come back towards him. In which he would try to execute a standing dropkick!

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Re: Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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"Shaking in my boots?" Melony puzzled, when Karbon declared his entrance should've made her scared. Despite the hardcore music, it was Karbon's reputation as a human chair that made Melony not consider him any type of threat. Though she would be nice and keep that to herself. But when her male foe declared there wouldn't be any queening, Melony couldn't help but respond. "I don't mean to brag of course. But I must inform you that every opponent I've faced has been queened by me in the ring, more than once if I might add." Melony said. "So the chances of you being the first one to completely escape such a fate are statically low. I am a smother wrestler after all, sweetheart."

It was true! Unlike Karbon, Melony had a solid match record. But win or loss, all of Queen Peaches' opponents had been force-fed her phat, juicy peach a number of times per match! And with the sound of the bell, this match was now on! Instead of meeting Karbon in the ring's center, Melony opted to circle around the ring, keeping a sharp eye on her opponent. It seemed Karbon actually had a plan in mind. When Melony was close to the ropes, he took action, charging at her! The male heel attempted to squish Melony against the ropes with his body, but the nimble middleweight managed to get out of the way in time. However, Karbon would still end up grabbing Melony's wrists, before throwing her to the opposite ropes with an Irish Whip!

But Melony could work with this! As the queen's back pressed into the springy ropes, she thought quickly. She could use the momentum to her advantage! The fruit-themed monarch was already very, very fast. But with the added momentum of the ropes flinging her, she'd come at Karbon like an absolute bullet! Rushing at Karbon, she'd jump in a air and stick her rear out, attempting to slam Mr. Mannering in the face with her booty! This was her signature Peach Bullet, a flying hip attack Plum hoped to use to knock Karbon silly, perhaps before the man even set up for another attack himself!

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Re: Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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So far, Karbon's plan was working to perfection. He would wait for his opportunity to come as Melony circled around the edge of the ring until he was close enough to grab hold of her. As he did, he pressed his body against hers so that they would both gain some momentum off of it. Then, the knight would throw her across the ring. It was then that his plan started to fall apart. It appears as though Melony was either looking for this to happen, or she was well versed enough that she could deal with this sort of thing right off the bat.

Either way, as Peaches was returning back to Karbon, she was the first one to make the move. She would jump up into the air and spin around so that her back was now facing him. Then, she bent forward so that her booty was now sticking out and it crash landed right on his face! "Gaah!" The knight let out a pained cry from the impact. Right off the bat, Karbon already had a face full of ass, even if it was just for a brief moment.

The knight's vision went blurry for a second before staggering backwards and into the ropes behind him. It was a good thing they were there too. If not, he would have fallen backwards for sure! The ropes helped him keep his body upright, but with him being in this kind of position, he wasn't able to make much offense. This left him open for a follow up attack from Melony if she wanted to.

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Re: Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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Queen Peaches turned Mr. Mannering's attack against him! Karbon had thrown Melony to the ropes. But what he had intended to be a detriment to Melony, Melony would instead use to her advantage! The wise monarch cleverly used the momentum of the ropes, as well as her own speed, to come soaring at Karbon for a flying hip attack. And once the middleweight's strong butt impacted its target's face, Karbon would be knocked silly!

Melony landed with grace, smiled and turned to witness the fruits of her labor. Her attack had left Karbon staggering backwards, leaning on the ropes in a dazed state. "I promise I'll be more gentle with you later, honey." Melony teased, hands on her wide, curvy, sexy hips. While she meant no disrespect, she truly did consider poor Karbon fragile. "But this is still a fight. I do need to soften you up first, I'm afraid."

On that note, the Booty Queen would dash at Karbon full speed yet again, building up a ton of kinetic energy. The nerdy sweetheart would then use said energy against Karbon, absolutely bashing into the man's gut with a running hip attack! Melony would strike out her famous fanny once more, aiming to knock the wind outta Karbon. Her butt causing the heel's body to bend, along with the springy ropes behind them, before Melony would get off and see what state she now left her adversary in!
Last edited by dddybee on Fri Jul 21, 2023 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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With the vicious hit to Karbon's face, Melony tried to assure him that she was going to be more gentler with him later on during the match, but that she still needed to soften him up some first at the beginner. The knight replied to in kind by saying, "Oof... Oh please. That was just a lucky hit is all. There will be no softening up!" Karbon said as he tried to steady himself back upwards.

Just as he got himself up though, Miss Peaches continued on the attack. She rushed right back at him and hit him in the stomach with a hip attack! "Uuuggghhh!" All the air came rushing out of his lungs from the great impact. This would double over the knight and send him straight backwards again against the ropes. But, since he was so close this time, his momentum would then carry him further back out towards Melony.

As he did, Karbon's legs would start to give out from both blows and he had no choice but to go down on both knees in front of her. It basically looks like to the audience that Karbon was now, "bending the knee" towards the queen. When in reality, it was all that the knight could do in order to at least stay upright. Karbon was shocked at this point on how tough his adversary was... He was expecting a much easier fight.

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Re: Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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Melony was called the Booty Bullet for a good reason. Already her legendary rear had done a number on Karbon, first bashing him in the face, then bashing him in the gut! After Melony's booty impacted the male wrestler against the ropes, Karbon fell down to his knees, with the fruit-themed queen standing over him.

"I guess little ol' me just got lucky again." Melony giggled. "But now that you ARE properly softened up, I shall commence with the smothering. Thank you for bowing to the queen, by the way."

The middleweight turned her huge hindquarters towards Karbon, letting a butt-shaped shadow cast right over his face for a teasing moment. Then suddenly, she reached one her strong, flexible legs back to wrap around the back of Karbon's head! The monarch would then use said leg to pull Karbon's face right between her massive, peach-themed bum. While keeping perfect balance on one leg, Queen Peaches aimed to preform a standing butt smother in this unique matter. And just to be safe, Melony would use her free hands to grab Karbon's wrists, wanting to minimize any possible way the man could resist her sweet, cheeky, plump prison!
Move Reference

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Re: Queening a Knight - Melony P. Peaches vs. Karbon Mannering

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Things were not going his way at all. As Karbon fell down onto his knees, Melony would say to him that she must have gotten lucky again and the knight would reply back, "Yeah... Beginner's luck is all." Peaches would then state that he was properly softened up and thanked him for bowing to her. Karbon would reply in kind, "Oh please, I would never bow down to... MMPHPH!" Before he could even finish his sentence, he felt the back of his head getting pushed, right into her ass!

Karbon's arms started to flail about aimlessly as he began to struggle. Right now, all he was breathing in was the scent of Melony and he didn't want any part of that at all! It was a clearly unique kind of smother, that's for sure and one that Karbon could truly say that he's never been smothered this way before. But, to his advantage, his opponent was only on one leg now. Getting his head back in the game (and out of her ass) the knight would take both of his hands and place it on her butt cheeks. Then, with one good, hard push, Karbon tried to knock her off balance to get out of her smother hold!

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