Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

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Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

And she's only on her third match.

Type and rules: The stipulations dictate it as a No-DQ match, thence the wrestlers are free to take the match off the canvas, use chairs, tables and rails as they please and any other objects they can expropriate to harm.

Victory by- pinfall, but this will only count if it is executed inside the four corners of the ring.

Just remembering those stipulations made Yusure's head feel not only sick but also in the clouds. She was alone in the dressing room and couldn't feel more at peace for having this moment of privacy to ponder while she finishes putting on her long boots for then continues to adjusting the straps that this new suit involves. She's not afraid of the games or anything in this federation - or so she thinks - but the ones she's had since she finally got into L.A.W....aren't exactly what she expected.

And just imagining all the crazy things that could happen in this pala awaiting her.... She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly to calm her nerves as she continued to dress. Whatever awaits her inside that ring, it was what she was looking for when she agreed to be a part of this stable, and she's not going to regret her choices. She joined this group because she wanted challenges, and challenges have been given to her and she has given her all to overcome them, maybe she would have liked them to be against competitors she liked better, but this is not an arena where you can choose your partners, and she is no queen to set requirements, she will accept whatever comes her way as the Face - or twenner - that she is!

And there are always better matches to come, she just has to improve herself and she can enjoy them more! Besides, she's just about to have her third match today and she won't be disappointed or frustrated beforehand!

Someone came knocking on her door to make sure she was ready, she had no more than 10 extra minutes to finish.
"I'm almost!" she replied, before Yusure, followed by putting on and tying her mask and shaking out her hair to give herself one last quick glance at her full body in front of a mirror. She felt untranslatably uncomfortable with how different this was from her previous gear, but it was a good design, and she couldn't ask for changes after it was a gift.

Once she walked through that door, she was no longer Yusure and became her tougher counterpart, she had to form her mettle, stay a Leona longer and if she wanted to give her all in her matches as she should, she had to start by getting rid of distractions - such as stage fright.

As soon as her music played over the speakers, it wasn't long before she was walking through the entrance to the top ramp, a rampant woman, orbiting her arms and shaking her head from side to side before heading as imposing as she can with the rhythm Alice taught her, towards that ring to give the best 'third match' that can be given to her record and simultaneously, it will also be the best intergender she will give to her opponent in this federation with pro-wrestling!
mask & tinted
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

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โ€Calm down Aiden, itโ€™s only a match, youโ€™ve done this before! Hell you debuted on a damn PPV, whatโ€™s one debut in another company gonna do to you?โ€

The indie darling stood in his own dressing room, right now he didnโ€™t feel confident at all, even after that training session with Daniel. He just felt like a dork, but when has that ever stopped him from doing what he loved: wrestling. The match stipulation was a no-DQ match, he didnโ€™t have much experience but he could dish out some pain with weapons as well as he could with a normal match! He was already dressed in his usual attire, trunks, boots and all so when he was finally called, he was more than ready to get out there and show the crowd some real lightning!

Aiden physically cringed at that thought. He needed to work on his labeling skills, but that would come later, what would happen now would make or break his LAW career so he couldnโ€™t make a fool of himself, not yet anyway! Aidenโ€™s door was knocked on, an official wanting to make sure he was ready! โ€In a second!โ€ Aiden replied, before closing his eyes and to himself all while having a beating heart in his ears,โ€Ok Aiden, you can do can do this.โ€. When the redhead finally emerged from the dressing room, his face showed his determination to do his best in the ring, even if he came up short, he can always say he gave it his all!
Entrance Music
His music soon came after his opponentโ€™s entrance was finished, the lights dimming and revealing the diminutive stature of Leonaโ€™s opponent! His hands raised out as if he was embracing the large crowd, which seemed to get behind this cheering the boy on as he bopped his head to his own song! Crab-walking his way down the ramp, and finally making his way to the ring! Rolling into the ring and climbing to top turnbuckle, bellowing out a large โ€HELLLLOOOOO JAPAN!!! as a sign of respect and also a bit of homage to his AFW debut opponent Jasper Rhys!
His attire going into this matchup!

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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

With the two standing on the same canvas, it was only the referee's call to ring the bell to open this match once and for all. But it would take a few seconds to finish the last few moments of Aiden's music track. Seconds that were enough for Leona's eyes - now green from contact lenses - to travel from her corner to her opponent's in an attempt to meet his.

Who knows what kind of idea that look meant, but the disruption of the ceramic mask made her expression harsher than it really was.

The call was made, both were attracted into the centre of the ring and the bell was struck three times. And now the Luchadora would have a privileged view of her spiky, unruly reddish hair (because of the light filters here). As cute as everything else. But none of that would be reflected in gal's face - or so she wants to believe.

Leona would raise her arms to invite him for a collar-and-elbow. Her eyes remained the same, as fixed as an owl's on Aiden's, not even blinking - yes, she was looking to be awkward and she was sure she could pull it off, and the moment Aiden made contact with her for the hold, the luchadora would grab his hand by the wrist and pull it to wedge it between her waist and her arm and get closer to his bare bicep so she could grab it while sending her other arm behind his neck to hook it and pull him down. Also was crossing her leg to trip one of his in all these grips to she could propel him over herself and sit him on the other end of the mat. A Judo throw!


Maybe she was being too rough, but if she can surprise him, she can also control him. And trying that strategy might be the best thing to do with the way her match have been going lately.
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Wed Jun 28, 2023 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

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Aiden nodded to the cheer of the crowd as his music soon died down! It just felt! He didn't know much about Japan even after his stunts in AFW, even after his training with the twins, he still felt somewhat unprepared for the upcoming fight! But he didn't care! This was his first match here, and he'd be damned if he fumbled that opportunity!

Aiden stared down his own opponent, not a stranger to fighting gals even in his indie days, being met with an intense glare of her own! Aiden meet her gaze with his own determined face! His golden eyes having a predatory gaze to them in spite of his size!

The two quickly met each other in the center, and needless to say, Leona wasn't too bad looking, Aiden would even go as far to call her cute, but he was already focused on the match to care about how she looked like, meeting the luchadora in a collar and elbow tie up! He was struggling to keep up with her in the realm of chain-wrestling successfully being able to out work the young wrestler! With a sudden shout, Aiden hit the ground with a loud grunt but that didn't mean that he was done yet! Aiden would still manage to hold on to her arm even after his tumble, using the small leverage to pull her in close as he wrapped his legs around her neck! Trying his hardest to bring the taller girl down with him!

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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Leona had pulled it off in the blink of an eye, caught Aiden with a powerful ground throw, and a Yusure inside her would exhale at finally getting off to a decent start. As long as she kept at it, focused on her work and paying no attention to childishness - like noticing what it was like to have a cute, athletic, cutesy guy scantily clad by a Trunks in front of her and in physical contact, everything was going to be fine.

But just as an arrogant Lioness took the positions for granted and was about to lift her knee off the ground and pull Aiden up in the process, his hands would latch onto her arm, anchoring her in place. And before she could process the moment, his legs would be raised up against her head and catch her in a head scissors and then pull her in to catapult the luchadora away and even things up!

She barely had time to utter a complaint! Still herself would also be quick and know how to play with the falls, for she would roll on the canvas to make distance between them before rising up on one knee and looking to where Aiden should still be. To mark him with the same piercing eyes.

If all the ground remained level, she could rise up and orbit around the lightning, lurking. "Hmm... You're not so submissive." That gruff roar escaped her, as goofy as Yusure assumed it must have sounded something that would must have stayed as a thought to herself.
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Leona Chase-Arawn

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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

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Leona was quick, Aiden could give her that but he was quicker, bringing the two wrestlers to a standstill with a counter of his own. The Five Foot Tornado's aloofness to the match needed to change. He needed to take this one seriously! Even if he was staring down a mysterious bombshell right in front of him, staring him down.

He responded to her piercing glare with smug shrug, smiling at the masked wrestler, with an mischievous attitude that most people who knew him was very common for! She may have escaped his grasp but she couldn't escape the tornado forever!

Popping up to his feet, he dusted himself off and proceeded to fix the large tuft of hair that was stuck near his face during the sequence. He simply gave Leona another shrug, before getting ready for another attack!

""I like to think of myself as...a free spirit! Aiden proudly said, another smirk rising as he looked back at his impressed opponent, Aiden was in for a fun match and he loved it!

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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

One corner of her mouth turned up in a half smile as Aiden finished his rebuttal. The girl would not stop orbiting him, and her gesture was tantamount to that of a lady indulging a child's happy dreams, and perhaps seeing someone who boasts so much energy like that is not the wisest thing to do in a match. Especially when it's against you and you can't be indulgent. But, still, was a good combo that boy; and it's a pity she has to hit him.

Giving a complicit murmur at his attitude, Leona would soon turn sharply in his direction and pounce on him! The luchadora would rush as fast as she could, bending her knees to the ground in an attempt to be in a position to plant her shoulder into his abdomen and swiftly slip an arm between his legs in an attempt to knock him down. If she managed to surprise him like that, Leona would mount his abdomen and pin his hands to the ground to immobilise him and go for a pinfall.
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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

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Aiden would notice the small smile that came from the corner of the luchadores's mouth, giving his own lopsided smile back at Leona as the two circled the ring! The crowd waiting in anticipation for the wrestlers to get back into it! Aiden was pretty confident that he was prepared for whatever Leona was going to throw at him. Oh how wrong he was! The masked woman able to get the drop on Aiden, the suprise shot making The Five Foot Tornado buckle over and fall backwards because of her other hand!

His woes weren't over as he was soon mounted! Pinning his hands so he would find it harder to get out of the pin! Seeing as how he couldn't let this match end early, Aiden would thrust upward, moving his shoulder off the mat and stopping the count at one!

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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

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The Lion Fu mask seemed to want to play more closely with this boy, and when he managed to grab the lightning and throw it, Leona felt like a cat with her ball of yarn and she won't deny that, even if it's not very decorous, having that prospect of him underneath her got to her a little bit. "Hm~." She even forgot about the bill just to smile mischievously at him as if she was in control of the whole situation.

But that illusion was quickly dashed when Aiden jerked upwards, throwing the luchadora forward and saving himself from a 3 count.

She gasped as she landed on her back on the canvas. Head-to-head, both boys on the ground, but Leona still maintained her grip on Aiden's hands out of foolishness, and she wasn't about to let go. She'd already have a manoeuvre to improvise and see if she could at least keep things neutral: she'd lift one leg and swing it out to the side to try to quickly pivot and get onto her chest, trying to force the boy to pivot as well so they could get up slowly, looking at each other perhaps, and attempt a test of strength hold.

"Not bad." She wouldn't know if it was herself or her role that was flattering him, but this was slipping from Yusure's control.
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Leona Chase-Arawn

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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Leona Chase-Arawn: A Mask of Opportunity

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Aiden had managed to evade the three count, while also managing to flip Leona over him, as the two still held each other's hands in the ring! Aiden never usually found himself getting technical in matches, mostly just trying to win the collar and elbow tie-up and going off from there! Dragging it out really dampened his effectiveness in the match and really showed how green he was when it came to more technical holds!

Being forced to get back up as the wrestlers were brought back to their feet in the middle of the ring, an attempt to get a test of strength going on!

But Aiden had a knack for flouting those, while the wrestlers were level with each other or well. As level as you could be with someone like Aiden. A small mischievous grin formed around his face as he preformed a move that was familiar to most followers of his earlier matches in Japan! Suddenly slamming his foot down hard against his opponent's boot, which was enough to make her react, he would use the opportunity to catch Leona in a headlock!

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