Type and rules: The stipulations dictate it as a No-DQ match, thence the wrestlers are free to take the match off the canvas, use chairs, tables and rails as they please and any other objects they can expropriate to harm.
Victory by- pinfall, but this will only count if it is executed inside the four corners of the ring.
Just remembering those stipulations made Yusure's head feel not only sick but also in the clouds. She was alone in the dressing room and couldn't feel more at peace for having this moment of privacy to ponder while she finishes putting on her long boots for then continues to adjusting the straps that this new suit involves. She's not afraid of the games or anything in this federation - or so she thinks - but the ones she's had since she finally got into L.A.W....aren't exactly what she expected.
And just imagining all the crazy things that could happen in this pala awaiting her.... She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly to calm her nerves as she continued to dress. Whatever awaits her inside that ring, it was what she was looking for when she agreed to be a part of this stable, and she's not going to regret her choices. She joined this group because she wanted challenges, and challenges have been given to her and she has given her all to overcome them, maybe she would have liked them to be against competitors she liked better, but this is not an arena where you can choose your partners, and she is no queen to set requirements, she will accept whatever comes her way as the Face - or twenner - that she is!
And there are always better matches to come, she just has to improve herself and she can enjoy them more! Besides, she's just about to have her third match today and she won't be disappointed or frustrated beforehand!
Someone came knocking on her door to make sure she was ready, she had no more than 10 extra minutes to finish.
"I'm almost!" she replied, before Yusure, followed by putting on and tying her mask and shaking out her hair to give herself one last quick glance at her full body in front of a mirror. She felt untranslatably uncomfortable with how different this was from her previous gear, but it was a good design, and she couldn't ask for changes after it was a gift.
Once she walked through that door, she was no longer Yusure and became her tougher counterpart, she had to form her mettle, stay a Leona longer and if she wanted to give her all in her matches as she should, she had to start by getting rid of distractions - such as stage fright.
As soon as her music played over the speakers, it wasn't long before she was walking through the entrance to the top ramp, a rampant woman, orbiting her arms and shaking her head from side to side before heading as imposing as she can with the rhythm Alice taught her, towards that ring to give the best 'third match' that can be given to her record and simultaneously, it will also be the best intergender she will give to her opponent in this federation with pro-wrestling!
mask & tinted
