Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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Match Type: Hentai Match
Rules: Victory by forcing an orgasm from your opponent
This was going to be a first for Yuna. She had never competed in a hentai match before - but really, it would be a no-brainer for her! Her matches were plenty sexually charged already, and she always made sure to work seduction into her fighting style in order to charm her opponents and the crowd alike - something that had both won her success over her weaker-willed foes and contributed in no small part to her popularity. Really, this would just be taking things one step forward. Some wrestlers might have felt a little anxious at the thought of competing before a public audience and striving to wring a climax from their opponent, but for Yuna, she wasn't the least bit worried. If anything, she was flattered that the people backstage liked her enough to want to see her take part in such an erotic competition - and she was determined to give them their money's worth!

"The following contest will be a hentai match, scheduled for one fall! Coming first to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan! At 6'1, weighing 232 pounds...YUNA MATOU!!"
In keeping with the more sensual stipulations of this match, Yuna had foregone her typical leotard attire in favor of a bikini that clung tenuously to her heaving breasts, which jiggled up and down with every step she took! Already, the sight was enough to win her no shortage of cheers and wolf-whistles from the fans, and she was happy to put on a show for them, blowing kisses into the stands and smacking a hand against her behind to accentuate her equally voluptuous ass! When she came to the ring, she stepped up to the apron, tossing back her hair and letting it dangle down her back as she struck a pose for the cameras flashing all around her. Then, with a contented chuckle, she stepped over the ropes. She couldn't wait to see who her opponent would be.
Last edited by CaptainL on Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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Ren was preparing for the match against The big girl Yuna, after the last humiliating defeat against Lady dimitrescu he had to try to win, he was quite anxious, his debut had ended with a great humiliation...but this time he would give all of himself to win

"AND FROM ENGLAND, 185 cm for 80 kg we have REN AKERY !"

Once the light of the whole arena turn red, Ren theme play hard and a big red fog come into the arena, after some second Ren appear! Ren look so confident and ready for that fight, he give high five to some people and come into the ring

After he come up the ring roar hard and all crowd be so excited this is his first match and want do anything for do a good start! This time he face a girl and enjoi this, for him all female are inferior to male power

"Little girl get ready! Because you'll never forget this loose"

He do little jump and wait the bell for start the fight

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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Now it was time for Ren to make his entrance - and Yuna took this opportunity to size up her opponent. She leaned forward with her hands on her knees, in the process bending over a little bit more to leave her bountiful cleavage on full display, and when she saw the look of confidence on the young man's face, a smirk crossed her own. It seemed that her first hentai match was going to be an interesting one. Yuna clearly had the advantage in this match when it came to size, but Ren didn't even seem to let that bother him, facing her with as much bluster and determination as a man twice as big as he was. If he could back that up, then Yuna was sure to have quite the challenge ahead of her...if he couldn't, then she would teach him a lesson.

Ren threw a taunt back at Yuna as she stepped forward to face him, but all it did was cause her to let out a chuckle. "Little girl? Well, well...~" Winking at Ren, she clasped her arms together around her chest, swaying back and forth to accentuate her curves all the more. Yuna was both older and larger than Ren was, and she wasn't lost on the irony. "Sounds like someone's getting cocky. Let's see how well you measure up..."


With the sound of the bell, Yuna bent at the knees and raised her hands, settling into a stance. She took a few steps closer to narrow into range, but when she got close enough, she would suddenly reach out to grab Ren's wrists, trying to shove back at him with all her weight behind her! She was convinced she could overpower him then and there. But if he had a plan to counter, it would let her get a feel for what lay in store.
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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ren was ready to demonstrate to all the audience that he was a high-level wrestler and that he could beat anyone, the woman in front of him was bigger than him, she probably would have physically overpowered him but thanks to her great speed she would have repeatedly hit the woman trying not to get hit...Entering the ring he saw the girl and was really amazed by the beauty of the woman he tried to ease the tension by making fun of her but the girl seemed really serious and ready to get serious

Ding Ding Ding

the dark-haired boy remained silent for a few seconds when he was confused by the sound of the bell, he took a few steps back towards his corner giving the check to the referee, but the boy at that moment was very agitated, seeing how the girl approached to him and with great speed she grabbed the boy throwing him to the ground with great force, the still excited and embarrassed boy could not fight back sore on the ground letting her do what she wanted with the poor boy's body, Ren tried to get up with the use of ropes but it wasn't that great

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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Right from the get-go, the difference in size between Yuna and her opponent was obvious. Anyone could see that Ren would face an uphill battle if he had his sights set on out-muscling the much larger Yuna. Yuna saw that, too - and she was intent on pushing that size advantage right from the outset of the match. He had begun to retreat into the corner - no doubt intimidated by the sight of Yuna barreling toward him, and that was a thought that made the heavyweight chuckle to herself; she couldn't help but feel flattered if she was that imposing. But she wasn't going to stop Ren from running away. If he was backing into the corner, that would just make sure he was boxed in with nowhere to go - and that was exactly where Yuna wanted him!

"Oh, what's the matter? Going somewhere?~"

Yuna was already chuckling to herself at her good fortune even before she set things into motion. As she closed in on Ren, she would throw herself off her feet, going to tackle him so that she would pin him in the corner under the weight of her body! Ren would be able to get a rope break easily in his position, but Yuna didn't care - she was sure the impact would leave him plenty winded anyway!
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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Ren moved away from the girl reaching his corner, by now the physical difference between the two fighters was clear, Yuna was much bigger and more muscular than Ren, Ren knew that the woman would have exploited that advantage as much as she could, she clung to the ropes that they were in the corner and he pulled himself up, as he recovered himself slightly he saw the large figure of Yuna approaching, it was intimidating and Ren felt like an ant in front of a giant

I-i will win this!

Ren jumped when the girl approached him and asked him that ironic question and then used his foot to overpower the boy, Ren went down to the corner and was strongly struck by the weight imprinted by the woman, but with little energy left he he clung to the ropes ending that move, Ren at that moment was exhausted and the woman's strength was now evident, he had total control of the fight, Ren was currently on the ground closed in his corner, covering his body with his arms to block any blows, Yuna at that moment was free to do what she wanted!

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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A smirk came to Yuna's face as she bore witness to her handiwork. Sure enough, her sheer physical bulk, coupled with the momentum of her charge, had proven enough for her to roll through Ren like a bulldozer, flattening him into the corner. With someone as big as Yuna closing in on him at full force, he simply didn't stand a chance! With Ren's balance giving way, the brunette pushed herself back up to her feet, looking down on him with a smirk on her face and her hands on her hips. Of course, Yuna knew that there was far more she could do with Ren now that he was down. After all, they were only getting started...and it would be a shame to end the match so quickly, before she had the chance to savor the moment.

"Well, well..." she mused to herself. "That certainly hit you hard, didn't it? Ah, but you're still fighting more than I would like...tsk. We can do something about that, can't we?"

With a shake of her head - and a playful smirk - Yuna closed in on Ren, bending down to scoop him up from the mat now that she was sure she'd be able to do so without issue. If successful, she would lock her arms around the back of Ren's head, going to push him face-first into her cleavage and hold him there for a smother! In a hentai match, it still wouldn't be enough to finish him off - but she figured she might as well have fun with it all the same. And surely it wouldn't hurt to get him softened up before she moved in for the kill.
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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Yuna had taken over the reins of the match, she seemed to have total control of the situation, by now the difference in strength and experience between the two was really great, Ren had been dominated by the size of the woman, by now she didn't have much chance of winning , had been brutally hit in the corner making him fall to the ground like a bowling pin...Yuna now had an insurmountable advantage for the young boy who by now could do nothing but suffer the woman's blows and moves

Ngnn~ is a fight i-i will win~

Ren said moaning slightly at the woman who pulled him up with enough strength, Ren now seemed destined for a great defeat, Yuna seemed ready to teach the boy a good and hard lesson, Ren got his head caught and crashed towards the body of her, suddenly removing the air from the boy's body, a terrible sensation, Ren squirmed slightly to try to free at least his nose so as not to faint, he also tried to get away from her but by now the boy was too weak and was unable to move a millimeter, the woman's strength was clearly superior and all those who were watching the match understood the big difference between the two

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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Ren had tried talking tough, but Yuna would only meet that with a chuckle. "'re adorable~" she teased, sticking her tongue out playfully. Ren was determined he was going to win, but Yuna was already convinced her victory was all but assured. The sheer difference in size between the two was enough to cast doubts on if Ren would even be able to lift Yuna, let alone beat her. And when so far she'd had no trouble manhandling him and crushing him beneath her weight, she was sure there was next to nothing he could do to even put up a fight.

Now, as she smirked even wider, Yuna pulled Ren's face into her cleavage, causing his head to practically disappear in the embrace of her bosom! His voice soon grew muffled as he was enveloped by the heavyweight's bust, the sight alone drawing her a few cheers. Yuna met those with a wink and a smirk, and she shuffled her weight from side to side to let her breasts sway, showing off for the cameras. But at the same time, she held his head firmly in place, pushing his face in even deeper. If Yuna had her say, Ren wouldn't be able to get out without a fight. And he barely seemed to be fighting as it was!

"I do have to wonder how long you'll last...~" Given the nature of the match, Yuna's taunt had more than one meaning, and she was well intent on testing Ren's stamina in both regards. With one hand, she pushed firmly at the back of his head to make sure it was pinned in place. But with her other hand, she slowly worked her way downward, brushing her fingers along Ren's sides - before she slipped her hand between his legs, squeezing at his groin! "Well, well...what do we have here?~" she snickered, giving a tighter squeeze, both to provide some stimulation and to see just how well Ren was holding up!
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ren Akery - Hentai Match

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Ren was really in a pitiful state, the woman was overwhelming him in a really heavy way, the boy remained crushed next to the woman moaning and moaning given the lack of air and the great excitement that was being created between the two, Yuna had taken the reins of the match given his size much higher than that of the boy, as if that weren't enough Ren was very sensitive to a certain type of move, that was one of them, not only was he beating him but he was humiliating him by showing everyone how wide the gap was between two


Ren continued to moan and moan as the woman continued with her submission, the boy's head seemed to disappear between the woman's prosperous breasts, he got stuck between them while the woman rocked causing a lot of damage to the boy, the perfume and the smell of the woman was entering the boy's head like a hypnosis making him increasingly weak and excited at the idea of ​​being dominated by Yuna in such a heavy way, after a few seconds the woman used her hands to squeeze the boy's groin causing quite a lot of damage, a small squeal of pain came from the boy, Yuna putting her hands on the young man's intimacy could clearly feel that he was excited, the bulge in his pants was now evident, Ren was now dominated by Yuna and anything he would have done would have followed and helped her , by now he had lost all hope and the match was now in total control of Yuna who could abuse him as she wished

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