Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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Giulia La Rocca vs Troy Lincoln
POW Match
Victory via pinfall, submission, KO, count-out, or disqualification
The winner of the match is allowed to restrain the loser and take them as their prisoner for the night

Tonight was the night!

After having arrived to wrestle in Japan, Giulia La Rocca had already enjoyed a rather successful and popular run in the ranks of the Tension brand of promotion AFW. So successful in fact, that the Italian had been offered a rather valuable contract from the booming promotion LAW, which appeared keen to increase their footprint on the intergender wrestling scene. They seemed to had already contracted quite a number of eager male combatants to the league, while many of their established female wrestlers seemed to be rather hesitant or reluctant to fully engage in the intergender side of things. Of course, one couldn't blame them, but that had still made Giulia a hot target for the management to get signed to the ranks of LAW!

But of course, handsome monetary reimbursement was far from the main motivator of entering the competition for Giulia. She had a genuine passion for wrestling, and a strong will to keep on proving her worth as a wrestler! And any opportunity she could get was going to be a great one. She was ready to gain more success, honor and glory for short and strong female wrestlers, and pride to her home country Italia!

Giulia La Rocca - La Forza Italiana

"The following contest is a Prisoner of War -match... Making her debut, weighing in at 159lbs, from Roma, Italia, is Giulia La Rocca!"

Starting her march down the ramp as the tunes of her entrance theme began filling up the arena, Giulia had a confident and determined look on her face as her sights were firmly set onto the ring. She was carrying an Italian flag around her waist which covered her hips and thighs, and she dutifully kept on holding it even when climbing her way into the ring. Only when having marched across it and gotten up onto the opposite corner, did the Italian unwrap the flag from around her waist, lifting it high up in the air while finally revealing her muscular thighs and behind to the crowds! Then jumping back down, she proceeded to do the same thing on the opposite cornerpost, before heading towards her own corner.

Even if she was having her debut, Giulia did not feel like making any statements - the announcement had already been enough. Besides, she preferred to do the "talking" after the bell had rung anyway... Setting the Italian flag and her glasses aside by her cornerpost, La Forza Italiana then proceeded to do a few squats while waiting to see how her opponent of the night was going to be like... She had only been told his name moments ago, but nothing else. But that didn't matter though... Giulia was sure, that it was going to be a blast capturing him as her prisoner tonight!
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Re: Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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”Holy crap, that’s awesome!”

Troy stared at Betsy for a moment after he explained to her what a POW match was. He had to say, that reaction took him off guard - after all, ‘excitement’ isn’t the sort of response one expects to get from their significant other after being told they’re going into a match where they could potentially spend a night as a slave to a sexy women neither of them had ever met before. Then again, he hadn't married Betsy because she was an average sort of woman, so maybe this shouldn’t have come as a shock.

He had just given her the news now, as they sat in the back, waiting for his opponent to finish her entrance. It was a hell of thing to just throw at somebody at the last minute, but he figured he shouldn’t have been too surprised, knowing something like this would happen one day. He and Betsy had come to some consensus about sensual matches, with the two of them agreeing to do hentai matches so long as they okayed it with each other beforehand, working on a case by case basis…but that was the ring. This was something that would go beyond the ring, far beyond. He wasn’t sure how Betsy would take that.

He’d imagined a lot of responses, but this wasn’t one of them.

”So you’re, like…you’re okay? With this?” He thumbed in the direction. ”All of this?”

She shrugged it off like it was the simplest question. He’d seen her more concerned about what they’d be eating for lunch. ”Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be.” She thumbed towards a nearby screen. ”You think she’s hot, right?”

At that question, Troy looked over to the screen and gave the question some serious thought - he would have to give that a definite ‘yes’. GuilIa was a short woman, but well built, muscular and athletic, with a firm, fine body. He was curious to see how she moved in the ring, and while he didn’t want to get ahead of himself, the idea of spending a night with someone like her wasn’t exactly unappealing.

He rubbed his chin, thinking about it for a moment, before he turned back her way with a raised eyebrow. ”Wait - you do realize I could win, right? She might be coming home with me. Us.”

Betsy blinked a few times, as if that notion had never occurred to her. She spoke up just as Guila’s music died down, with a knowing smile on her lips. ”Yeah. You could.” She winked as she sashayed past him towards the curtain. ”But you won’t. Come on, loverboy.”
Troy Lincoln, ready for action!

The two of them were walking down to the ring a few moments later, with Troy doing his best to keep up his long, proud strides and Betsy bopping along to the music just behind him. She hung out at ringside as he scaled the steps and slipped in through the ropes, where he found Guilia ready and waiting for him.

”Miss.” He nodded his way and waved at her, but made sure to keep a safe distance for now, not sure what to expect with the Italian siren. ”Pleasure to meet you.”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Oct 19, 2022 4:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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By now, Giulia regretted a bit that she hadn't done a proper promo to introduce herself. Or that was mainly how she began to feel more and more the longer it took for her opponent to finally make his appearance... For Giulia, this seemed like an excessively long time. Had they been expecting her to do a promo? Was there some commotion backstage? Was she going to get somehow surprised?

Soon enough though the Italian realized that her head was racing before her already, as the energetic and ominous, frankly rather patriotic-sounding music began blaring through the speakers, and she could see a figure emerging from the backstage down the ramp. Now, this was one of those moments when she yet again had to curse herself for taking off those glasses a bit too early, as seeing her opponent properly as soon as possible was always going to be beneficial. But it was still OK - by the time her opponent slippied in through the ropes, she could already clearly see him - and the fact that the figure marching down had not actually been just one, but two persons, one of which apparently decided to stay out of the ring.

"Wise move!"

The guy seemed very keen to engage with her tough, immediately nodding and waving her way. That was OK for Giulia, in fact, she wanted to already get closer to him to get a better feel for him, and what kind of a wrestler's body was he exactly hiding beneath all those clothes. Taking a few steps towards Troy, eventually settling in the middle of the ring, Giulia could already tell that the man was quite a bit bigger than her. Much taller, which was totally expected, but quite some heavier as well, which probably meant that tonight's match wasn't going to be just a walk in the park.

Not that it needed to. Giulia was perfectly ready to face bigger opponents than herself! That just got more adrenaline pumping into her veins...

Offering her hand out, the Italian decided to wait for the big boy to meet her in the middle of the ring, and offer him a good and proper handshake. "Giulia. Signorina Giulia." the girl began... "And pleasure to..." pausing for a moment for another obvious scan of his body, before continuing "Well, meet you as well. I'm sure it will be very pleasurable... Although, I do think you're a bit overdressed!" she ended with a chuckle, noting that Troy's outfit wasn't the most revealing one. "And you brought your own cheerleader as well? What's up with that?" she decided to still query in an amused tone, while taking an obvious glance towards Betsy.
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Re: Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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Now that they were properly in the ring together, Troy took a moment to properly size Giulia up, and the results were mixed. He definitely had the height advantage, but the strength advantage was in more doubt. Her outfit put those legs on full display, and he was willing to bet that wasn’t a coincidence - the woman had an impressive set of thighs going on, ones that weren’t too far off from his own, which was no small statement when you consider their difference in stature.

There was also the whole thing with debuting wrestlers to worry about - namely, you never quite knew what to expect from them. A lot of times they came out hot from the gate, looking to prove themselves on their first outing. It was a mentality her perfectly understood, he’d been there a few times, but it was something to look out for. These things could wind up being more antagonistic than they had to be, if you were careful.

Troy also noted that Giulia was giving Betsy a wary eye, something he wasn't at all unused to.

He made his way over to the center of the ring to meet her and extended his hand, giving her a quick shake and a respectful nod. At least they were starting off on a good foot. ”Oh, Italian. Ciao, come stai?.” He’d taken a couple of Italian classes in high school. Sounded weird with his Texan accent, but he made the most of it. ”And this suits me just fine, thanks.” He gave his dubs a quick stretch and winked his way. She wasn’t the first person to say that about his attire, but it had never been a problem for him.

Now came the customary part of the match where he assured his opponent that Betsy wouldn’t be a factor to worry about. ”Don’t worry about Betsy. She’s not a cheerleader, she’s-”

”I’m his wife!” Betsy hopped and waved towards Giulia from ringside. ”Don’t mind me, I’m just here for the show! Feel free to come over here if you need any tips on beating up my husband!” She threw a sly wink her way. ”By the way, he said your butt looks awesome in that outfit.”

”I said no such thing.” Troy closed his eyes and groaned, then let it go with a sigh as he looked back towards Giulia. ”Anyway. Ready to go whenever you are, miss.”

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Re: Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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Troy was quick to earn the first inadvertent grin on Giulia's lips. So he clearly wanted to be Mr. Charming right from the start... And while some might have dismissed his little attempt at very Texan-style Italian somewhat uppity or ignorant, Giulia actually appreciated it! It wasn't that often that wrestlers outside Italy turned out to know any Italian, and frankly, Giulia found Troy's words very respectful, earning an approving raising of eyebrows from her.

"Well, suit yourself!" Giulia responded to Troy's response about his outfit, trying to momentarily sound as Texan as she could - with probably sounding just as goofy as he had just done. But she didn't mind. "In any case, I'll eventually end up getting to suit you exactly the way that suits me!" she then added, giving a noticeable glance down along his body to ensure it wouldn't be left unclear what she meant.

But then came the part that really dropped the Italian's jaw. "His Wife?!?" Wow, that was something... And something totally unexpected! Talk about a curve ball... Especially after her two little additions after the first admission. So she wanted him to lose?

Giulia was genuinely astounded. "Oh, wow... So.. You brought your wife here?" the Italian asked Troy, looking amazed as she looked right into his face. "Is she...? I mean, does she...?" Giulia was tempted, very tempted to ask whether Betsy knew that this was a POW match, but since the Italian quickly determined that there probably was at least a small chance that she didn't... It would end up being so much more fun if she only found out about that later! "Well, never mind... You guys do you!" she then concluded, signaling Troy that she wasn't going to finish her question.

But Giulia hadn't left Betsy's words unnoticed, and it was evident from Troy's face that what she had just admitted certainly was a bit embarrasssing for him - whether it was true of not. But of course Giulia was going to find out about it! After his final words, Giulia turned swiftly on her heels so that Troy would be getting an excellent view of her from behind, before turning her head backwards as she began taking steps towards her corner. "Oh, I'm always ready, big boy... Come and get me!" she then added, letting Troy have a good view as she proceeded to her corner, finally then turning around to face the ring for the bell to ring.


Biting her lip, Giulia was for now just observing what Troy was doing. She was seemingly just leaning relaxed with her back against her cornerpost, but her muscles were actually already tensing, preparing in case the guy would take the bait and launch his attack.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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Troy had two working eyeballs, and as such, he was perfectly able to see the way Giulia was looking at him, scanning him from head to toe with a come-hither stare. He’d be lying if he said it didn’t have something of an effect on him, but he was doing his best to push those thoughts to the back of his head. Men rarely won these POW matches, and he wasn’t looking to continue the trend.

This woman was confident, focused, and upbeat, which likely meant she had good reason to be. He’d be staying on his toes tonight.

Giulia’s cool facade dropped for a second after Betsy spoke, and he could only imagine what was going through her head. He was just about to say something else - couldn't remember quite what - when Giulia spun around and gave him an excellent view of the subject Betsy had just brought up. He had to concede, it was, in fact, an awesome ass. He would need a side-by-side to compare it with his wife’s, but yes, it would make for solid competition. Muscular, thick, powerful, attached to legs that matched it. Scissorholds were popular with female wrestlers, and he’d already been facesat once in his short time with LAW, so he knew what the score was, here.

That caution carried over when the bell rang, and his opponent kicked the match off by just…standing there. He dropped into his grappling stance, but hesitated to make a move on her, and the crowd was treated with an odd sight for a few seconds: Troy, a strapping giant of a man, hesitating to move on a woman who barely came up to his chest. More than a few laughs broke out.

Troy ignored them all. He wasn’t rushing into this.

He took one step forward. Then another. Then another. Halfway to her, close but not too close. Wait, and-

He took a big step forward, brought his leg up, and tried to clobber Giulia with a big boot to the face before she could get away.

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Re: Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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How Giulia had just decided to start off the match was so clearly, obviously, a bait, that the Italian was well-prepared for the option that Troy wasn't going to take it. She probably would get to lounge in the corner for a moment, before eventually returning towards the middle of the ring to meet the big guy... But of course, she had to be prepared also for the chance that he would take it.

And he did. Immediately dropping to a grappling stance, Troy began slowly approaching her... Albeit with rather great hesitation. It earned a very satisfied look on Giulia's face, but also a rather curious one. She wanted to definitely see what he would come up with! Although it did seem to take its sweet time, which wasn't left unnoticed by the crowds.

But it wasn't left unnoticed by Giulia either. And while some may had thought that she would have enjoyed Troy getting put into such awkward situation, that wasn't really the case. In fact, the longer it took, the more careful Troy's steps turned out to be, Giulia was growing increasingly unease. He hadn't rushed into an attack like a mad-man, which would have been easy to dodge and counter, but instead was aiming to strike with precision. Bad news.

Now it became Giulia's dilemma to solve without looking stupid. She was slowly getting cornered, but she did not want to just pursue an escape. She wanted to bravely take what was coming, rise up to the challenge she had just issued, but somehow still counter it with an attack of her own.

And while Giulia was proud of her height, and keen to prove that it wasn't a disadvantage, right now she had to admit that it was. Troy's reach was going to be far greater, and it was going to be difficult to land a strike before he could... And he clearly wasn't stupid. That was proven as he positioned perfectly, stopping just far enough before Giulia had the guts to try her own attack, but close enough that he got his boot delivered to the Italian's face! And while she could eventually see it coming, she still couldn't get her face out of the way enough to not feel its effects. It definitely hurt, but still didn't prevent her to now act on what she had been plotting for herself. Thus, taking support with her arms from the top ropes, the Italian jumped her legs up, trying blindly to shoot a kick with the soles of her boots straight to the bigger man's midsection, hoping that he had come just close enough along with his kick!

And if it worked out as it should, she would obviously have something to say. "Oh, a boot to the face? What a gentleman... Would hate to be your wife..." Naturally, that would be just a taunt. In all honesty, Giulia considered Troy's move and approach to have been clever, and perfectly fair.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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People often took one look at Troy and assumed him to be this big, lumbering oaf, the sort of guy that you could trick into wrecking himself up, easy prey for a smart, faster opponent. While he wasn’t a certified genius or anything, he was far from the dullard that he was often assumed to be, and he took no small amount of pride in proving his opponent’s wrong. In a way, it was one of his biggest, best weapons - people often made mistakes when they thought you were too stupid to figure them out.

That being said, it wasn’t as if Troy was immune to that sort of thing, either, and this was a good example of it. As dangerous as it was, he couldn't not take the bait and move in on her, knowing full well that it was bound to blow up in his face.

Only it didn’t. Not exactly.

No one was more surprised than him when the attack connected, finding its mark on Giulia’s face and knocking her back against the turnbuckle. The only thing that could’ve surprised him more was the way she retaliated - leaping up and slamming her heels into his chest, hitting him with a stiff drop kick.

With no corner to save him, Troy stumbled back, and might’ve even fallen over all the way if he hadn't put his foot down. He didn’t miss her little taunt in all of that, though, and he had a reply ready to go. ”Eh, your heads at the perfect height for it. Couldn't resist.”

With that little verbal jab done, he set about landing a physical one, and moved into to close the distance on her with a big strike. Figuring his best bet was to play the range advantage and pour pressure on, he threw out a right straight to her face, then followed up with a sweet hook from the other, aiming to cover a wide area with blows and limit her options to evade. She didn't seem all that fast. He’d tagged her once, he could do it again.

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Re: Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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Troy's kick hadn't connected perfectly, just enough to still cause an impact for Giulia. But the same held true for the Italian's counter... While it did connect and send the bigger guy stumbling backwards, the strength behind it hadn't been as brutal as it could have been - partly as the Italian had decided to execute it all the while taking support from the ropes. It still succeeded in getting Troy a bit further away from her, giving her some more room to breathe... And potentially uncorner herself.

Such was Giulia's confidence for that to happen that she felt it was appropriate to taunt him - although she hadn't really expected him to come back with a clever, or at least a semi-clever jab of his own. Or two in fact, as she found out soon enough when his fist came flying towards her... That was fine. She could dodge it from this distance... *SMACK!*

Now that wasn't fine. The third jab was the charm. And the Italian lady was happy that she had once again recalled to take off her glasses before the match had begun... But still, there were obviously some things that she still had to start recalling to do.

Such as not underestimating her opponents.

Giulia's face hurt now, and this wasn't exactly the great start that she had been expecting. She also knew that she couldn't just stay with her back against the cornerpost, all vulnerable to further strikes from the American... Or at least, she couldn't stay this high against the cornerpost.

Forming a quick plot inside her head, Giulia suddenly tried to drop down to a sitting position, her back still against the the corner, as if she had fallen down from the force of the jab. But when there, counting on Troy being still close in front of her, the Italian would try to kick her legs out towards the guy's shins, hoping that the impact would drop him on his knees! Then, she could maybe wrap her legs around the guy's waist for a squeeze, in hopes of keeping him in place for a moment...
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Giulia La Rocca (D) vs Troy Lincoln - Una Guerra Patriottica

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Paydirt. It wasn’t a pretty way to go about things, but Troy’s little wager had paid off, as he managed to land a good blow on Giulia. He wasn’t exactly a striker by any means, but with the size and distance advantage he had over this woman, it hardly mattered - he could hit her without too much risk of getting hit in return. He’d be foolish to pass up such an opportunity, and while he knew the crowd would give him some flak for it, he was prepared for the hate.

Maybe not from all sources, though. ”Booooooo!” Betsy’s voice gave him the briefest pause. ”Pick on someone your own size! Boooooooooooo!”

Troy would’ve loved to point out she was close to Giulia’s size and the two of them never had any problems sparring, but he decided it was best just to rise above his taunting wife and move on to the task at hand - namely, pressing his advantage on the mighty Italian mite, who’d been thoroughly rocked by the hit. He threw a quick ‘really?’ glance towards Betsy, then centered back on Giulia, as she languished in the corner, Troy reached out to grab her head and lift her up to her feet…

…only to fall right into a trap, as she kicked her legs out and forced him to fall to his knees.

Troy wasn’t sure what he was expecting after that, but it was a safe bet to say he hadn't thought her neck move was to catch him with a bodyscissors. Sure enough, though, that was what happened, and he felt the pressure right away as she clamped down, crushing his midsection with those mauling thighs. He cried out, first in shock, then in pure pain, as he went to fumble at her thighs, making a vain effort to push them apart and escape the fleshy vice.

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