Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

Unread post by TheRacker »

Submission ironman match
Wrestlers will be covered in oil
Win condition: Wrestlers get a point each time they make an opponent submit. One with most points after 60 minutes, win.

Emma was getting ready for her next match, which is probably the toughest encounter so far. Ironman match is on schedule, which will really test her endurance and winning this one will place her on a map of a LAW wrestling. Fighting a male opponent might help her a little - hopefully her charms will distract him to at least some degree.

She heard announcer calling her name and she showed up. Waving to her fans, Emma navigated her way down to the ring.
She entered the ring and noticed assistant and a bucket of oil. She raised her arms and let him put an oil over her body while she patiently waited for Ryu to join her in the ring.

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Re: Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Not expecting to be wrestling in an ironman match, Ryu Hiroshi was pleasantly surprised when he found out that he was going to wrestle in a more traditional match until he was informed that the wrestlers would be covered in oil. The Dragon did not have the best of track records in oil wrestling but he was looking to change that, The bronze male was a proud one and he wanted to master all forms of wrestling and in an ironman match he could only get better and better at the art of oil wrestling.

Ryu Hiroshi
After changing into his wrestling gear, Ryu would head outside the arena and make his way down to the ring. He notice Emma already in the ring and oiled up, he gave her a nod in acknowledgment before letting the assistant oil up his muscular body too. After he was oiled up, Ryu noticed the time of sixty minute and he was going to test himself and Emma on how far they could go. Approaching the woman, he would get close to her for a staredown.

"Don't expect me to take it easy on you" he said before offering her his hand for a handshake before the start.

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Re: Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Emma smiled and reached forward for a handshake. She knew the fight will be very slippery due to the oil, but now she was able to actually feel it. Their hands just slipped away and she had to focus quite a bit to maintain the shake.
Oh that's perfectly fine, i don't expect that. Emma returned with a smile on her face. Just don't underestime me, boy. She winked and backed away.


Countdown began and Emma began slowly walking toward her Opponent. She would double over and try to wrap her arms around Ryu's body once reaching him. She wanted to get him down on the canvas. This probably won't be too difficult, since a little nudge should be enough to get their oily bodies down on the mat.

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Re: Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

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The two wrestlers started off the match with a show of respect, they shook hands and were ready for a long, tiring ironman match. The oiled conditions would no doubt play a part but it was the wrestler who would adapt to the conditions who would ultimately win this marathon of a wrestling match. Ryu's bronze body glistened in oil as he squared up against Emma who warned him not to underestimate him a mistake he was not looking to make at all from the get go.

The bell rang and the two would walk over towards each other, hunched over and arms out infront of each other. Both of them had the same idea in mind as Emma wrapped her arm around his body and he did the same, the two grappled and went back and forth before ultimately Emma was able to take the male wrestler down on his back! "Nrgh!" he grunted as he fell on his back with her on top.

The Dragon attempted to buck up and push into his opponent, looking to roll her over as the two would splash oil all around the mats.

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Re: Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Emma was happy that she was the one who managed to get their opponent down on her back. She didn't waste any time and mounted him right away, but oily bodies works in both ways - sometimes they do you a favor, sometimes they work against you.
She tried to stay on top after Ryu bucked up his hips, but it was a bit difficult with all the oil around. She slipped off him and rolled away before he could get an upper hand.
She carefully stood up and smiled after a fast start of a match.

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Re: Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

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It seemed Emma was quite used to oil wrestling, despite his strength advantage the female wrestler managed to use the oiled conditions against him and slither her way to grapple him down to the wrestling mats. From there, she would mount him and Ryu knew from this position she could easily neutralize his strength. He would thus begin to wiggle under her and buck his hips up into her, doing his best to escape as he managed to topple Emma off. It seemed the oil helped him too and the two would stand back up, resetting.

"Not bad" he said shaking his arms loose before circling her once more, ready to grapple up with her again.

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Re: Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Emma raised her arms and slowly moved closer to Ryu. She knew it will be tough to score a point with their bodies being all oily, but she has to keep going. Oil will eventually get off of their bodies and match will get a bit easier. She would move up close to her opponent and try to wrap her arms around his body. Their bodies would rub to eachother and they would really feel eachother.

But Emma would get a firm grip on Ryu that way, so she'd try to lift him up and slam him down on the canvas.

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Re: Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Their first rounded ended up in a stalemate thanks to the oil, Ryu managed to brush Emma off rather easily while the two scurried away and got back up to their feet. His bronze body glistening in oil as the two would have their arms out and begin to circle each other once more ready to pounce at the first sign of an opening. Emma would move up more close causing their oiled frames to press up as she wrapped her arm around his body and Ryu would do the same, both of them getting in a tight embrace and started to squeeze while the oil caused a lot slide against their frames until eventually Emma would pull him up and slam him down.

"Ughh" he grunted in pain but tried to wrap his legs around her waist whilst he was down with her on top to counter with a body scissors.

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Re: Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Emma was lucky enough to grab Ryu in a way that he didn't slip away. However, she'll need to work a bit harder to get a complete upper hand over her opponent. While Ryu was down on his back and Emma above him, he managed to catch her in a body scissor.
She let out a grunt as she tried to get away from his grip, but didn't have much success doing it.

Instead of escaping, Emma reached down and wrapped har hands around Ryu's neck. She began squeezing him, hoping that his body scissors will get weak enough so she could slip out.

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Re: Iron (wo)man match - Emma Withers vs Ryu Hiroshi

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It was a surprise to see Emma take the Dragon down onto his back, she had out-wrestled and grappled the pro wrestler and now was on top of him. However, he would counter by wrapping his legs around her waist for a body scissor to squeeze the life out of her in an attempt to get a submission out of her while she was on top. He figured she would try to buck off or escape but instead she doubled down on her efforts. She would press herself on top of the male, wrapping her arm around his neck and squeezed him back.

"Uuughh!" he moaned as their oily bodies grind and rubbed against each other. He would thrust his hips up into her trying to roll the two over while they grappled in such slippery conditions.

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