When Faith Breaks: Isaiah Bowen vs. Korra the Enforcer

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When Faith Breaks: Isaiah Bowen vs. Korra the Enforcer

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Isaiah Bowen vs. Korra
Normal Match
Win by pinfall, submission or KO

Isaiah Bowen didn't think much of this coming match. Unlike his last two bouts, there was no drama leading up to it. This was just a standard, run-of-the-mill match with nothing attached. Isaiah actually felt relieved that nothing was on the line but pride. He could handle that. Eventually, he got the cue to enter, and, as was typical for the LAW crowd. Isaiah "The Prophet" Bowen came out to an "ooh ahh" response...
The song, a dark country song called "Have Faith" had been his entrance music for some time. "When Faith Endures" was his battle cry. Not necessarily faith in a higher being, but, faith in himself and his abilities. Not that he a problem with faith in a God. Isaiah entered the ring to a generally positive response. The Prophet, which is in fact only a persona, nothing real behind it, stood in the corner and waited on his opponent, whoever she was. He decided to leave his entrance clothes on for now...

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Re: When Faith Breaks: Isaiah Bowen vs. Korra the Enforcer

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Some silly prophet had ideas about fighting her in a battle for supremacy. She had to read over the man’s name just to make sure she wasn’t seeing things, but according to everything she heard it was legit. This man thought he had some foresight above anyone else. She could handle freaks of the combat kind some idiot trying to sell her he was mystic was a cut above too much for her to take with any serious effort. If his prediction wasn’t “getting the holy hell beaten out of him by an unbeliever.” It wasn’t going to do him much good. Korra was out and straight faced as usual, no confident smile or anything of the sort and looking at the cloaked individual in the ring trying to be a wannabe Undertaker. Scoffing the fighter moved down to the ring and entered as she eyed him up. It was hard to tell what he looked like but what she did know was that so far she didn’t seem very impressed.

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Re: When Faith Breaks: Isaiah Bowen vs. Korra the Enforcer

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Isaiah watched his opponent make her way into the ring. No pomp or circumstance, no arrogant smile, nothing. All business. Isaiah smiled, it was actually a kind of a relief to face an opponent such as this. His opponent, whose name was apparently Korra, entered the ring and immediately started eyeing him up, which made Isaiah kind of uncomfortable, and somewhat confused, there wasn't much to go on wearing all that he was.

Isaiah could tell one thing for certain: she wasn't very impressed of what she saw. Isaiah chuckled, "All business, eh? I can handle that." He said as he turned his back to Korra, "Give me a minute, will you?" he asked his opponent and the referee as he began to undress, he reached into his coat pocket, and pulled out a Bible, "This doesn't mean anything to you, does it? It's about to mean everything..." he said as he put it aside. He took off his coat, hat, and finally his mask. Something about Korra made him very uneasy, strangely enough. It was usually him that made his opponents uneasy, now it was the opposite. Still, Isaiah never backed down from anyone, and this would be no exception, "When your ready, ref." he said as he waited for the match to begin.
Last edited by SimplePride on Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When Faith Breaks: Isaiah Bowen vs. Korra the Enforcer

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I know what a bible you preacher. I’ve read it a few different times myself. I’ve always loved a good fiction.” Korra mocked. She wasn’t against religions or the supernatural, she even believed in some of it but the idea of worshipping or following a single god when millions have been worshipped was silly to her. If he was basing this match on his faith she a
Was going to make an atheist tonight. Smiling she cracked her knuckles and waited for the start

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Re: When Faith Breaks: Isaiah Bowen vs. Korra the Enforcer

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Re: When Faith Breaks: Isaiah Bowen vs. Korra the Enforcer

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

It has been agreed by one half of the party. The other half just let the rp end at there choice, as they were willing to see it through.
Last edited by Taskmaster12 on Tue Nov 03, 2020 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When Faith Breaks: Isaiah Bowen vs. Korra the Enforcer

Unread post by SimplePride »

FTR has learned from his mistakes, and promises that something like this will never happen again, for as long as he is on LAW.

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SimplePride #4919

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