"Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

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"Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

Unread post by Caborn »

Hardcore Hentai POW Match
Win by Pinfall, Submission, or KO
Stipulation: Winner keeps the loser for the night
Kaiju Akira
Akira was in the locker rooms wrapping her chest as she prepared for her match tonight. The six foot four monster was wearing a long red skirt that went down to her ankles and a was open on the left side. She had belts and chains to wear around the waist but she chose to forgo them for tonights match since they seemed like extra accessories to her. She had already put on her red fingerless gloves as well as white wrestling boots. So as she finished binding her breasts down with the wrappings, Akira was ready to head out for the fight! Her manager Nori seemed stressed about the match type itself. Weirdly she seemed to be stuck on the hentai part of it instead of the fact it was hardcore. Akira figured she must've been mad about it because when she learned that her opponent was a guy she became bright red.

The Kaiju figured that she'd calm down after she won tonight, though. Akira was pretty calm herself despite the fact that this would be her first fight in front of so many people. The only thing she was worried about was if her opponent would actually put up a good fight. There was no point worrying about that before she saw the guy, though. So she'd finish wrapping up her chest and leave the locker room so she could head out and make her entrance.

The Kaiju's theme music began to play as she walked out through the stage entrance. Almost immediately she found herself nearly blinded and deafened by the bright lights and booming music mixing with the roaring crowds. Akira stood on the stage as she began to to scan her surroundings. As her senses adjusted to the environment she began to silent walk down the ramp towards the ring. A part of her wondered why people would bother watching a fight when they could go fight for themselves somewhere else. In fact a lot of people in the front row seemed a lot more interested in her flexing for them judging by their shouts. Deciding not to bother understanding the masses though, Akira would climb up the ring steps before walking across the apron. Lifting her leg up the big woman would step through the middle and top ropes as she entered the squared circle.

Now standing in the ring, Akira decided to listen to the demands of the crowd while she waited for her opponent. It didn't bother her much and it'd help pass the time if anything. So stepping into the center of the ring, the kanji would lift her arms and flex her biceps for everyone. Almost immediately the woman was shocked by just how loud they got in response. Somewhat curious about it, she switched her pose after a few moments and flexed one arm instead while the other started patting her bicep as she showed it off. And just like the first time the crowd went wild in approval. It seemed like flexing one arm got them just as happy as flexing both. Deciding to wait in her corner, the blonde woman would walk over and rest her back against the turnbuckles. At first she was leaning back with her arms hanging over the ropes. But then she started flexing her right arm again and they started cheering. Chuckling to herself, Akira couldn't help but find it funny how she could make them cheer just by moving around a little.

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Re: "Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

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It was late at night and that evening there would be the match between Tokie and Akira, Tokie was very calm, he was in his dressing room backstage waiting for the girl to make her appearance and for a LAW employee to come and call him to enter the scene , the boy was intrigued by the woman about whom he hadn't found much information as she hadn't been fighting for long in those stages, but as soon as he saw her he was quite surprised by her size, she was really muscular and big, Tokie also had a bit of muscles but nothing like that, he remained staring at her for a few minutes, astonished by the disproportion between the two, but he gathered courage and prepared a strategy to try to win that match!

After the girl's entrance, it was the brown-haired boy's turn who, as soon as he heard his Intro, began to wind up and prepare to enter the scene, then when the security guard was called he darted away from the dressing rooms and launched himself into the action, when entered he darted at full speed towards the ring greeting as many fans as possible and trying to avoid the woman's gaze until he entered the ring amidst the applause of the audience, at which moment he turned towards her and smiled slightly

《Prepare to Lose!》

He said as he was very surprised by how big it was, it seemed to be an adult against a child, up close it looked almost double but Tokie would put 100% into trying to beat her, also the rules of the match allowed full freedom for the wrestlers and whoever would won he could control his opponent all night! After the various checks the bell rang and the fight began

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Re: "Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

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Akira was surprised to see her opponent as he made his entrance. He looked so tiny, but she figured that was just because he was way over on the stage, though. However as she waited in the ring, Tokie would make his way over and when he finally arrived in the ring she realized he really was small. In fact, she recognized him from the halls. She honestly thought he was a stage hand or helper. Akira never imagined a guy like this could be her opponent.

Staring at her opponent, the woman tried her best not to laugh at him. She stayed quiet, thinking how cute is was that he was gonna try to fight her. Akira was even caught off guard when he told her to prepare to lose.

In response, the woman looked to her right and left before simply asking, “Me?”, to the man standing their while she pointed at herself. Akira was honestly confused. This guy couldn’t possibly think he stood a chance. Could he? He definitely looked like he wanted this fight. And even if he turned out to be let down…the muscular woman wasn’t going to refuse if he really wanted to throw hands.

“…is there someone coming out to fight me for you? Because…I don’t think you can do this.” Akira explained bluntly as she walked up to her opponent. Simply reaching forward, the woman would try to grab his waist and lift her like someone would a small child.

“Are you lost maybe? Should I find an adult for you?” Akira asked, unable to resist taking a jab at Tokie as she teased him for his size disadvantage with a smile.

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Re: "Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

Unread post by Treky »

Tokie was really shocked by the difference in size between the woman and him, after entering the ring the tension had risen quite a bit, and honestly the boy didn't feel at ease, knowing what would happen if he lost and what could happen during the match, the rules were very permissive, and certainly seeing the girl's behavior she wouldn't have gone easy, as she got closer to him she seemed older and older and sure of making the boy understand who was in charge.

Tokie hearing the bell decided to position himself in a defensive position trying to avoid the woman who probably wouldn't be as fast as him, so he made her come closer and tried to move away from her grasp but unfortunately for him the woman managed to catch him anyway and took him to tall in a really simple way, and began to make fun of him given his smallness, Tokie tried to free himself by trying to kick her torso but they didn't seem very effective in fact the match was in full control of the woman and it would have been difficult for Tokie to emerge victorious

《Leave me, Bitch!》

he screamed trying to free herself and trying to kick her but they were useless and the woman seemed to be able to absorb all the blows and return them with double the force

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Re: "Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

Unread post by Caborn »

Akira just watched as the smaller man struggled in her grasp. Flailing about as he kicked her body repeatedly, the yankee would soak up his hits like sandbag. Appearing unfazed as she took multiple blows to her chest and abs. Meanwhile, the crowd was cheering and laughing at what was going on in the ring. Akira couldn’t really say this was the fight she was hoping for but she’d make the most of it. So the blonde woman would pull Tokie against her body. Wrapping him up in a tight hug to prevent him from kicking at her any more. 

“No...I think I’m just gonna curse ya.” The heavyweight yankee responded as she began to squeeze Tokie with all her strength in a bear hug. The move was simple but effective, and Akira planned to use it to drain the fight out of her opponent.

After giving him a good squeeze, she would carry him over to the corner before throwing him back against his corner. 

“Start blocking.” Akira would say bluntly as she raised her fists. Giving Tokie a warning, the woman wanted to make sure he put up his guard so she could give him a nice, long pounding. Then, after a brief pause, the blonde would start drill Tokie with punch after punch. Beating him like he was a piece of meat with a smirk on her face. Even if he wasn’t a threat to her, Akira could have fun with him as her punching bag. And a cutie like him made a great one.

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Re: "Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

Unread post by Treky »

Tokie couldn't do much. Against the woman who repelled her blows without doing anything, the woman seemed clearly superior to the boy from every point of view, she seemed almost amused by the fact that Tokie tried to hurt her but without any success, after a few the blow absorbed, the woman decided to change her grip, bringing the boy closer to her and starting to hold him close, immobilizing him completely and really hurting him, the boy could only moan in pain trying to wriggle to escape from that strong hold, all his efforts were useless considering that the woman was too bigger than him and easily blocked the boy's escape attempts by holding him tightly to her and approaching the corner of the ring and then crashing him there

《I'll make you pay..》

The boy said in a small voice given the strong pain, feeling it he raised his arms trying to at least shield his face from the strong punches of the woman who had transformed him into a punching bag after a few punches the boy was unable to keep his guard up and he began to suffer heavily from the woman's blows

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Re: "Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

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Akira thought it was cute how Tokie struggled in her bear hug. It reminded her of a kitten in a way. Even hearing him threaten to make her pay was adorable. Akira doubted he could keep his word, though. Either way the muscular woman wasn't holding back as she threw him into the corner and started tenderizing him with her fists. Blow after blow would collide with Tokie's guard, but while he had listened to her about blocking, he wasn't able to keep it up. Soon her barrage would begin to break his guard as she started landing punches to his body and head.

Seeing how he had dropped his guard, Akira would stop beating him and instead prop his arms over the ropes of the corner. Then, pulling back her arm, the kaiju woman would send a thunderous chop across his bare chest. "THHHHWWWAAAAACK!", the sound of the slap would ring throughout the arena and cause the fans to cheer in response. "I said you had to block." Akira would say, sounding somewhat disappointed he failed to listen to her. Meanwhile, the fans were more than happy to tell her what to do. She could make out shout for her to do various things to Tokie. Most didn't seem helpful in a fight but she figured it couldn't hurt to listen to their suggestions. So grabbing the back of Tokie's head, Akira would pull him face first into her abs and press him against them. "Kiss them." the muscular woman commanded, forcing her opponent to worship her muscles as the fans started to roar in approval.

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Re: "Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

Unread post by Treky »

Tokie was cornered while the woman began to hit him with a volley of punches, the boy tried to defend himself by raising his arms and trying to cover his face from the strong blows of the woman who increased in intensity and power, breaking down the boy's defense, making him open her arms giving her the opportunity to hit him very easily and more heavily, but the woman, noticing that the boy's defense had fallen, seemed to get angry, so she decided to hit him with a strong blow causing a loud noise and great pain to the boy who made a loud moan of pain.

The woman did not seem satisfied with what the boy was doing, she was quite angry at the fact that the boy was unable to defend himself from her blows, so also taking inspiration from what the public was telling her, she took him forcefully and held him towards her abs, the boy, now almost exhausted from the various blows, let himself be done and as soon as the woman ordered him to kiss them, the boy, after a few seconds of regression, began to use his lips on her sculpted abs, venerating her...Tokie was now under the woman's thumb and he would have done almost anything for her, given the purpose of the match he would have become the kaiju's slave for that night


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Re: "Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

Unread post by Caborn »

Akira watched as Tokie obeyed her. Having forced his face against her abs, the towering woman would enjoy having him kiss her midsection. Smiling and letting out a purr, the blonde would rub his hair like she was petting a cat. "Mmmmm~ Not bad...lick them too~" Akira would command as she kept her opponent face first against her abs. With the fans cheering, the towering yankee would decide to flex one of her arms to show off. Looking like a muscular goddess as she posed with her male opponent pressed face first against her body and forced to worship it.

Even if she couldn't get him to give her good fight, Akira was starting to think she could make do with making him give her a good fuck. "Do you love my muscles, kitten?" she asked with a smile. "You love being commanded by a strong hand, don't you kitten?" Akira purred, having decided on calling the man a kitten at this point.

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Re: "Kaiju" Akira Gogata [D] VS Tokie Fronderbarg

Unread post by Treky »

Tokie remained attached to the woman as she continued to give orders to the boy, Tokie didn't wait a second and started using his tongue on the woman's abs, cleaning her and worshiping her, the woman was too much stronger than him and had had an almost hypnotic effect on the boy who was ready to follow any order, the woman seemed amused at seeing that rather unusual situation for a match who began to make fun of the boy.

《Yes...I love them I would do anything to adore your muscles》

He said with a fairly loud moan, the guy was really submissive to the woman who could ask anything from the guy who would perform it without hesitation

《Mh..yes, you are a deity, I adore you~》

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