Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

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Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

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Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.


Lee Seong-ji was at the end of her tether.

Ever since she and her mistress came to Japan, they had suffered indignity after indignity, as LAW failed to meet their more than reasonable accommodations. First, they had failed to get her the window seating first class that she required, making her sit next to the aisle and suffer the indignity of having commoners and servants pass her by and move within her personal space. Then, when they arrived, there was no limousine service waiting for them - instead, LAW hired a driver and had them sitting in the back of his van, a cramp space that did not allow her mistress to spread her legs. The hotel they were brought to was subpar, only four-stars, and lacked all the necessary amenities - there was no masseuse on call, the television was only a measly 70’, and when time came for breakfast, it wasn’t brought to them. No, they had to go to the lobby and retrieve it themselves.

Or, rather, Lee did.

Regardless, it was all unacceptable. But now, with only moments before her debut match, they had to come to the final straw. Lee had left the comforts of South Korea along with her mistress, had risked everything in the endeavor, and they would no longer suffer indignities.

”This tea is tepid!”

She stood before the foolish stagehand who had served her this insulting cup of tea, with the inferior item tightly between her fingers. Lee held it up so the mousy woman could see the exact error. ”I gave your crew specific instructions. Before each match, Mistress Luong is to have a cup of green plum tea prepared for her. It is to be heated to precisely 83°C - no more, no less. These were simple orders.” She gave the inferior tea a sip. ”This is 75°C, at best. Did you not watch the instructional video I sent along? I made it quite clear that-”

The stagehand, who looked for all the world like a deer caught in the headlights, opened her mouth to speak what would have no doubt been idiotic words. However, Luong spoke up before she could issue a single embarrassing excuse. Her mistress had been busy stretching and preparing for the match ahead, paying them little heed - or so Lee had thought. She stood on one foot, with her other leg raised and stretch to the sky, showing off her perfect poise and balance. [“Lee, let it be.”] She graced the hallway with her angelic voice, doing justice to their native language. [“The tea is of little consequence. My match is about to begin.”]

With her head held high, Luong strode down the hall, not bothering to look the stagehand's way as she passed. Lee nodded and shoved the tea back to the imbecilic servant before hurrying after her mistress. ”I expect the tea to be ready when we return. Properly done this time.” She swung around just long enough to make eye contact with the stagehand through her thinly-rimmed glasses. ”83°C. Remember.”

Luong came out to the LAW crowd a few moments later, walking down the ramp in time with her
. Lee kept up with her mistress as best she could, staying in her shadow, but her long strides made it difficult, and she’d fallen entirely behind by the time Luong made it to the bottom. Her mistress hopped onto the apron and quickly flipped over the ropes, gracing the ungrateful audience with her magnificent agility as she came down for an impossibly soft landing. With a hand on her hip, she strode to the center of the ring and turned towards the entrance, waiting for the music to die down and for her opponent for the night to come out.

Lee made her way up the steps behind her, slipped through the ropes, and came over to stand at her side. While Luong had made it clear that she was not to interfere, a few issues needed to be addressed before they could begin, and she was here to facilitate the process.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

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Storm would never claim he enjoyed all that he had needed to reach this level. Some of the past years he would have done differently if he had the chance. Maybe he would have foregone the private coaching. Maybe he would have chosen to ask his mother to move back to his father's Scotland so he could be with those he had spent his first few years befriending. Maybe he would have spent more time on the people and less on honing his craft if he had a second chance. But knowing that his work had led him to this point, to perform at this level in front of thousands and to have the opportunity to make something more of himself helped soothe all the ills. He had a chance to be something.

He remained in constant motion by the door of the locker room. Nervousness clung to him, sure, but he always knew working up a burn ahead of a match could cure his ills. Storm did his best work when he had silence and action. Outside of hearing something down the hall about tea - whatever that was about - he had his silence and could make his own action. He would rather people not see him nervous. People respected the cool, calculated heads, not a kid who got anxious about his coming match.

Knuckles rapped on the door before it opened, revealing an attractive stagehand. "Jordan! Forty seconds." The Highlander just nodded to reassure her, and once she disappeared, he took in a breath and reached for the model claymore by the wall and the fur-lined cloak he wore as part of his entrance. He had never been one for too much showmanship except in his fighting exploits, but when a mentor had the idea of honoring his father, he couldn't deny that he loved the idea, save for the people who asked him why a man with a primarily midwestern American accent had chosen a Scottish legend as his persona. They usually found the story... endearing, he supposed.

With his props in place, he stepped out of the locker room and headed to the stage. He knew his opponent's name - Luong Chun, female, Korean, strong track record, also making her debut. He had known of the League's focus on women's wrestling for years, but word of a growing men's and mixed division was what had attracted him. He wanted to be a part of the revolution in a promotion known as one of the world's best, and frankly, he needed to... get out of the States for a while. His matches with women had been few, but they had always gone... reasonably well, save for the strange feeling of getting tangled in combat with the opposite sex. He couldn't imagine this match would go any differently.

Long since past nerves when fighting in front of crowds, Storm marched onto the stage when his music filled the arena, and he let his blade pierce the sky before slinging it over his shoulder. He kept his eyes on the ring, marched his way there, and laid his sword down on the apron as a tribute to his father - felt just like another normal night in the ring.

Until he laid eyes on Luong. He could tell which of the two staring back at him was the wrestler. The one with the presence. The one with the long legs. Longer than his. The one who looked like she should be conquering the world. He had wrestled pretty women. She eclipsed them all, easily. Storm could sense himself staring too long as he crossed in front of her, and he worked to unhinge his eyes.

What were they waiting for, anyway? He started to finish his routine, but the two watched him with a strange gravity. Instead of pulling off his jacket, he wheeled back around toward them. "They didn't tell me this was a handicap match," he said, coolly, trying to break the ice.
Last edited by Crossedes on Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

Unread post by BlackAkuma »


That was the first thought that came to Luong’s mind as her opponent came down the ramp. White, male, and had an above average body by most standards, but nothing stood out to her otherwise. He had the look of peasantry - no poise, a sloppy stance, unkempt hair. She would allow that some might have considered him handsome, but then, she had long passed the point where a pretty face could move her. Many of her suitors had been easy to look at, but few could satisfy her where it counted. Nothing about ‘Storm’ told her any different.

…except, perhaps, the sword he carried with. She was slightly curious about what the story was behind that.

Luong did not acknowledge Storm’s words, acting as if she hadn't even noticed him yet. [“Lee,”] She idly looked over her nails as she leaned in the corner. [”Tell this man that I am his one and only opponent, and that, if he drops to his knees and kisses my foot, I will give him the small mercy of not sitting on his handsome face after he is defeated.”]

Her servant responded with a spirited nod and stepped towards Storm, drawing the referee’s attention. She needn’t worry - Lee knew better than to interfere in her matches. This preamble was merely to extend a most generous offer that could save them time and allow him to escape with some dignity.
Lee Seong-ji
”Attention, wastrel!” Lee held up her hand, indicating Storm was to take not one step closer. ”Her excellence, Luong Chun, is to be your only opponent tonight. I am merely her translator, and she has asked me to extend you a most gracious offer. If you, right now, drop to your knees and place a single kiss on her immaculate foot, she will do you the immeasurable service of not sitting on your face after you are defeated. Do you accept her terms?”

Luong coughed.

”Oh, and she finds you handsome.” She blinked. ”I disagree. Strongly.”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:28 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

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Had she... heard him? Storm wondered if her social skills didn't fall short of even his own. Staring at someone so striking made him uncomfortable, so he started to turn away and awkwardly abandon his own joke. But she said... something. Not to him, by the look of it. At least, he hoped not, because he hadn't brushed up on his Korean, assuming she had even spoken Korean, in ever. Rather than ignore her altogether, he glanced at the other woman, likely her manager. "Uh... I don't speak-" On cue, the other woman stepped forward.

Storm stepped back. This one did not intimidate like the woman looking disillusioned in the corner and for good reason, but managers taking cheap shots only to get ejected was, sadly, not a rarity. But she didn't seem ready to strike, and Storm caught on before the woman spoke - translator. Right. And a bossy one, to boot. Storm didn't bother with bravado before a match, letting his fighting do the talking, but he frowned at her gesturing for him to stay back. And got called whatever a wastrel happened to be. What in the world was going on with these-

Every ounce of color ran from his face, and his eyes shot over to Luong's feet. Red creeping up as far as his jawline replaced it at the mention of her sitting on his face, and he dragged his eyes clean across to the other side of the ring to avoid looking at her. "I don't-" And if the offer hadn't served as roundhouse kicks directly to his composure and psyche, her adding that Luong thought of him as handsome sent him spiraling right out of the ring - figuratively, anyway. As it was, he stood frozen, even with his face burning and his body stirring.

He hacked at the image in his mind threatening to excite him. It was just an intimidation tactic. It had to be. Steeling his resolve - after a few too many seconds - Storm briefly glanced at Luong like a boy about to ask the teacher for a hall pass. But his eyes settled on the translator. "I don't think I'm going to do that."

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Re: Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

No, Luong didn’t think he would. They never did, in her experience. Too wrapped up in their bravado to know what was good for them, too ignorant to realize that they were outclassed. Storm would learn, one way or another, and until he did, his reactions were quite telling.

Luong had expected a far more biting comeback in response to her offer. More often than not, she was met with stern condemnation, as her opponents vowed to make her kiss their feet instead or blathered on with some kind of pithy comeback. All so much nonsense, and she had grown accustomed to ignoring it. But Storm’s reaction was a more bashful one. Embarrassed. For a moment, it seemed as if he could not even bear to look her way, and she didn’t fail to notice the attention he gave her foot. For a second, she even thought he might accept. When the offer was rejected, it was done with little conviction.

Her radiant eyes stayed on him, and the hint of a smile began to form. This would be interesting.

”So be it!” Lee thumbed her nose at him and quickly exited the ring as Luong stepped out of the corner and made her way to the center. She approached with long strides, one foot in front of the other, the slight sway of her hips - movements better suited for the catwalk than the ring. The referee moved between them, raised her hand, called for the bell, and Luong…

…did nothing. She didn't bring her arms up for a grapple, didn't bounce on her heels, didn’t even move into a proper fighting stance. She folded her arms in front of her chest, tilted her head to the side, and stood still, staring at him, just outside his attack range. She didn't say a word or make a move, daring him to take the initiative.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Tue Sep 05, 2023 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

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Storm pieced it all back together in his addled mind. He couldn't claim a wealth of experience in professional wrestling - a year at most - but he had never heard of so much as the concept of someone offering... that. Kissing a foot to avoid... what she threatened. It didn't even make any sense because he couldn't understand what she would gain. Yes, he didn't watch much TV, since he found it a waste of time, and he didn't know all the ins and outs of the League's roster. But he couldn't fathom the offer, and his subsequent glance in Luong's direction to process how much his refusal bothered her only revealed a growing smile that unsettled him as much as the questions. He wondered if he had come to the right ring.

His answer did send the translator packing but summoned Luong closer. Something told him that if he kept avoiding her gaze, she was the type of woman to latch onto his anxiety. He... frankly didn't know how to deal with that sort of woman, but he also shouldn't let her know that. Or look... anywhere below her eyes. Once again, he batted back the thoughts of what she had promised to do to him, going so far as to pinch himself to avoid going down the rabbit hole. He was in control. This would work out fine.

Just to show her that she hadn't affected him, he took off his jacket, looking her straight in the eye all the while. "Odd offer. Is that something you do to avoid fighting?", he asked, not even sure if she understood. Her understanding didn't matter. He ensured he looked confident as he threw the jacket past the turnbuckle, and he squared up after a nod to tell the ref he was ready, his stance stiff and wide-legged.

She... stared at him, like a model who had paused at the end of the runway. Had she caught the signal? Was she still trying to intimidate or confuse him? Whatever, he had to act. Storm clapped, hoping that told her he was starting even if she wanted to stand around, and with agile feet, he ducked and deeked until he came close enough to try and dive for one of her legs to take her down.

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Re: Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

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Luong canted her head from one side to the other, not quite believing what she was hearing. Was this man trying to taunt her?

It was almost adorable. Ignoring that he couldn't possibly know how much English she spoke, she was not so easily baited - no, she did the baiting. He would come to learn that, in time.

She looked over with an approving glint as he took his jacket off and gave her the full view of his body. Yes, an impressive specimen, she would allow. From her understanding, LAW had no shortage of small, unimpressive men, weak little boys who played at being fighters, when in reality, they had only come to be beaten around by superior women, getting paid to do something they would’ve had to pay for in other circumstances. While she couldn't say that wasn’t the case for Storm, he certainly didn’t look the part - athletic, strong, muscular, with abs hewn from stone.

A perfectly acceptable form. But did he know how to use it?

Luong received the answer to that question momentarily as he clapped his hands and moved in, going on the attack even as she stood still. Her eyes tracked his movements, keeping track him as he darted about. Fleet of foot, this one, but not fleet enough.

”너무 뻔해요”

He dove for her leg, and Luong burst into action, leaping back far enough to avoid his arms but staying just close enough to keep him in her attack range. She raised her foot as she flew and whipped him in the chin with a snap kick, striking fast enough to hit him before her other foot touched the ground.

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Re: Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

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The temptation to follow up his first question by asking if she was a zombie crossed Storm's mind. He decided against it. Without knowing whether she could understand him, he might waste his breath, anyway. And while he did try to keep people on their toes with his unflappable statements, he preferred to avoid outright insulting them. Intentionally, anyway. He did so unintentionally too many times to count... Something about the way she scanned over his body when he removed his coat told him that he at least had her distracted in some way, however. Storm didn't know how to take advantage of that sort of distraction, however, especially after that weird offer.

But if she wanted to stand idle and silent, he would act. Though she didn't remain totally silent, even if he didn't have a damned clue what she said as he cut in toward her. His eyes shot to her face, unreadable, but he continued, shifting from a solid base into a fluid motion that made his movements faster - everything seemed to click-

She clicked better. He could see her moving, but at best, he would have popped back up and gone for her head or chest with his elbow. Her foot lifting, he did not see, and it caught him in the chin hard enough for him to bite down on the inside of his cheek. The blow caught him with enough forward momentum that he didn't outright fall, but he did end up flopping back onto his rear. Instincts told him to get his arms up to protect his head.

He guessed he had some intel. And a jawline that fell like it could fall off.

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Re: Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

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There it was, the first kick. Always the most satisfying.

There was nothing quite like the feedback, in Luong’s estimation. When one of her kicks landed, she could feel the impact all through her leg, this burst of energy that traveled through the ligaments and bones. Wailing on a sandbag brought some satisfaction, but nothing was close to punishing the human body. To smack her foot along a jaw and feel the bones giving way, to feel the head snap back. To say nothing of the look on a foe’s face when they realized what they were truly dealing with.

Addictive, like a drug, and one that Luong had not indulged in for too long. She would have her fill with Storm.

To his credit, the man had decent reflexes, despite the shock that had to be taking over. He raised his arms as he sat there, anticipating a strike to the head. A likely target, given her position. Where most savvy martial artists would have struck, looking to do the most damage in the least amount of time.

That wasn’t Luong’s aim, however. She wanted to punish, to humiliate, to maul. As such, she had already begun to move in search of a juicer target after landing her first kick, skipping around behind him only an instant after he landed. As he prepared for a frontal assault, he left his back wide open, where she struck.

Luong swung her leg low and fast, coming at him with a soccer kick to the spine, and following up with another only a half-second later, hammering them home with brutal precision and force.

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Re: Stancil 'Storm' Jordan vs. Luong Chun - He Who Hesitates

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The hit never came, and Storm spared himself a second to check and make sure he hadn't bitten himself more badly than he thought. Nope, just enough to taste the blood on his tongue. "Okay. So that's what you do," he said, as much to himself as to Luong, as he spread his arms far enough. He expected to see her there, smiling or laughing or however she got her kicks. She had disappeared. The light rattling of the canvas - too light - told him that she had moved, but he couldn't whip around to get a location on her or manage to roll himself away before a blow rocked his spine hard enough to send his shoulders rocking back. A second one followed in almost the exact same spot before the tension released well enough for him to escape.

Survival instincts took over, and though his back screamed for him to stay still so it could deal with the trauma, he darted until he had the ropes to his back and his body up on a knee, giving her no room to whirl around behind him again. His chilly gray eyes stared at her, willing her to think better of attacking again, even as his body said he wouldn't be able to do much if she tried. His arms tingled from the shots to the spine - not enough to suspect an injury, but enough to tell him to outright avoid a third one.

Her offense was... so odd. Storm knew wrestling inside and out, and he had never seen someone play so much keep-away yet move with such ease. He palmed at his back, knowing it could survive the hits, but he had to... rethink his approach here. He already had a rusty hinge on his jaw and a throbbing back, and they had barely been fighting for twenty seconds.

"You just gonna run?" he asked, slowly rising, ignoring the pain. He didn't make any sudden movements as he had before, but he inched his way toward her, seeing if she backed up, with all his defenses raised.

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