Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

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Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

Unread post by Mkmd13 »

There was something quite familiar about Karbon's next opponent, but he just couldn't quite put his finger on it, "A nine tailed fox wrestler?... I swear I must have fought or saw something like this back at my old job but..." His words began to trail off as he looked at the clock in his locker room. He only had five minutes left for him to get ready as the knight hurried up and put on his gear, "No use thinking about it now, I'll just have to see what she looks like when she makes her entrance." After he was ready, Karbon exited out of the locker room door and headed down the hallway towards the backstage curtain. He looked over at the stagehand who started giving him a countdown until he was set to enter the arena. As soon as the stagehand's... Well... Hand signaled "One", the lights in the arena began to dim until they went black.

Karbon walked through the curtain as his theme music played. The strobe lights flashed in time with the beat, only showing glimpses of the wrestler as he made his way down the ramp and towards the ring. He slid underneath the bottom ropes and positioned himself down on one knee in the center of the ring as a red spotlight shown upon him. The knight then looked up towards the ceiling as his cue was about to hit in his theme song, "NNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE!!!" The music then started to fade after that and the lights returned back to normal. Karbon got back up and walked over to one of the turnbuckles.

Leaning against it, he turned his head towards the rampway to see just who this Ahri girl really was.
Last edited by Mkmd13 on Fri May 13, 2022 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

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Ahri prepared for her debut match in LAW, a fight against some male who's name was some sort of Element. Oxygen Mannering, she thought? Whatever it was, she'd dominate him when they met in their next match.

The arena dimmed black as Ahri began to stroll on the catwalk towards the ring. She waved to some fans and posed sensually, showing off her stomach, before she entered the ring. Her theme music blared out as she continued to stretch sensually, trying to get into Beryllium's head.

She walked over to her opponent. "Nitrogen, was it? I hope we can have a nice match. Be prepared to be humiliated, however."


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Re: Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

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The girl that walked out of the tunnel sure did play the role of a fox well and he gulped at just the sheer beauty of her, "This... Isn't going to be easy." He said to himself as Ahri came out with only a bathing suit on. The crowd certainly ate it up as well as a lot of cat calls would be aimed towards her direction. She didn't appear to be shy by it either as he watched her wave to the fans and posing for them. Once she got into the ring, she began to stretch in front of him. To appear as if he didn't care, Karbon would look away from her.

"I can't get distracted by her. I need to really focus on the match!" The knight said to himself and tried to get himself into the right mindset as Ahri started to walk over to him. Not wanting to show any kind of weakness, Karbon puffed out his chest a bit and had a stern expression on his face, "The name's Karbon and by the end of this match, I can guarantee that you won't forget it! Like you will even have a chance to humiliate me!" He retorted back.

The referee would then get in between them and started to explain the rules of the match. Since it's Ahri's debut in LAW, they went with standard rules: ropebreaks, count outs, no outside interference, and the likes. After he was done explaining, the referee looked over at Karbon and asked him if he understood the rules, "Yeah I get it. It's not my first rodeo here." The referee then turned his head and looked at Ahri and asked her the same question.

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Re: Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

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:Heh, you're already distracted by me merely entering the ring. What chance do you have? I'll humiliate you so badly you'll want to die of embarrassment." She stepped towards Titanium and pressed her breasts and crotch to his chest and groin.

When asked if she knew the rules, Ahri answered "Yes, I do." The referee rang the bell to start the match shortly after and Ahri began circling her opponent. She stuck out her leg, attempting a leg sweep so that her opponent would be on the floor!
Last edited by breakthingsxd on Fri May 13, 2022 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

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The knight would scoff at her little banter towards him and replied back to her, "Please... You know how many times I've heard that from other wrestlers here? You have no chance!" She would then get right up close and personal with him as she wanted to make him as claustrophobic and uncomfortable as possible even before the match began. Karbon would blush a bit, but still remained serious. The referee would then address her about the rules and once she agreed, the referee would direct them both back to their respective corners.

The bell would then ring and Karbon made his way out to the center of the ring. Ahri followed suit as she began to circle around him, like a beast stalking their prey. The knight kept his eyes glued on her though and looked to counter any move that she might make. It didn't take long either as he saw her crouch down and try to sweep his feet out from under him! Karbon jumped upwards just in time to dodge her leg and when he landed, looked to take advantage of her position, "Heads up!" He shouted as he launched off of his back foot and stuck out his knee. Since Ahri's face was now down in level with his waist, Karbon looked to hit her with a knee strike right to the head!

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Re: Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

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"AHG!" Ahri groaned, grabbing her head as she fell to the ground. She wouldn't stay stunned for long, though. If she got the chance, she would dodge Lithium's next attack and then trip him, allowing her to transition into her next move.

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Re: Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

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Karbon's knee strike landed true against Ahri's face as she was sent staggering backwards from the blow. But, since this was just the beginning of the match, Ahri still had plenty enough to go on to bounce back. Wanting to keep the momentum on his side, the knight would go in for a right hook against her head, but the fox woman would duck away just in time and trip him up! "W-whoa!" Karbon exclaimed as he felt his body go weightless. Before he knew it, he would land hard on his back on the canvas.

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Re: Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

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"Got you now-" Ahri said provocatively. She would then scramble on top of her opponent and spread his legs with her powerful ones in a grapevine pin while combining it with a breast smother!

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Re: Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

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Just as he landed on the mat below him, Ahri seemed to be all over him! She laid her frame down upon his as the knight struggled underneath her to try and escape, "Oh no you don't!" Karbon said, but the nine tailed fox seemed to be one step ahead of him as she would grapevine his legs with hers. With his legs now locked up and his arms firmly in control with hers, all that was left for her to do was place her lovely breasts right into his face! The knight's eyes would go wide as they quickly approached and the lights all seemed to go out at once.

"MMMPHPMPHP!" Muffled noises would come out of his mouth as he tried to protest the hold, but every time he would breathe, he would only be able to breathe in her scent combined with her perfume.

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Re: Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox Vs. Karbon Mannering - Follow the fox!

Unread post by breakthingsxd »

Ahri had Karbon completely locked down under her wonderful curves, her smooth yet strong abs grinding against Karbon’s. Her toned thighs and calves locked Karbon’s legs ramrod straight, stretching his groin painfully as Ahri rubbed her crotch against his. The most pleasant part of the contact for Ahri, however, was forcing her breasts straight onto Karbon’s face. She was dominating her, and she enjoyed as she looked to humiliate Karbon.

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