There was something quite familiar about Karbon's next opponent, but he just couldn't quite put his finger on it, "
A nine tailed fox wrestler?... I swear I must have fought or saw something like this back at my old job but..." His words began to trail off as he looked at the clock in his locker room. He only had five minutes left for him to get ready as the knight hurried up and put on his gear, "
No use thinking about it now, I'll just have to see what she looks like when she makes her entrance." After he was ready, Karbon exited out of the locker room door and headed down the hallway towards the backstage curtain. He looked over at the stagehand who started giving him a countdown until he was set to enter the arena. As soon as the stagehand's... Well... Hand signaled "One", the lights in the arena began to dim until they went black.
Karbon walked through the curtain as his theme music played. The strobe lights flashed in time with the beat, only showing glimpses of the wrestler as he made his way down the ramp and towards the ring. He slid underneath the bottom ropes and positioned himself down on one knee in the center of the ring as a red spotlight shown upon him. The knight then looked up towards the ceiling as his cue was about to hit in his theme song, "
NNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE!!!" The music then started to fade after that and the lights returned back to normal. Karbon got back up and walked over to one of the turnbuckles.
Leaning against it, he turned his head towards the rampway to see just who this Ahri girl really was.