A stop at Poison City! Gil versus KObra

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A stop at Poison City! Gil versus KObra

Unread post by KarlKraus »

Standard Pinfall Match
Winning condition: pinfall

Waiting in the hallway for his call, looking at himself through his visor, the fearless golden battler was...nervous. KObra was accompanied by the crimson witch Claire Wiseman, doing her best to calm him down. "C’mon Alvarez...that’s an easy win for you. Piff paff puff, a punch here, a kick there, followed with a suplex and you pin her, ding ding ding the almighty KObra is the winner! So why are..." "Yessss I’m nervoussss...nervousssly excited to fight her! OF ALL THE SO CALLED WRESSSSTLERSSSS, GIL ISSSS THE ONLY ONE THAT I JUDGE WORTH IT!" The snake sounded like a fanboy for a second while the witch looked at him with dead eyes, not so sure wether he was crazy or just good at hiding his true emotions.

"Ok I got it, go have some fun and one thing...." Claire grabbed KObra’s chest plate and pulled him close to her. "Make her cry and I swear you’ll regret it!" The snake replied with a loud laugh and left as fast as he could. He passed the ramp like a striking vicious rampant while his fans cheered for him, which exponentially increased after his matches. A small smirk was on the golden beserker’s face, his red eyes already flaring and his muscles shining due to the lights barely able to catch up with his speed. In no time he was already in his corner, waiting for Gil to come out and play.

Smother Princess
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Re: A stop at Poison City! Gil versus KObra

Unread post by Arista »

Gil had heard the story before, the 'No, don't do it pleas from those around her, but Gil was never one to back-down from a challenge of any-sort...! So, why should going against KObra be any different? Granted, the first time those warning were given to her are when she met-up with Cyber Widow, and things went down-hill rather quickly there... Who cares, this wouldn't end that badly, would it...?

The lights dimmed as a fair-few pink-beams of light danced across the arena, her theme started and eventually coming with it, was the woman herself, Gil, the great, Arma-Gil-O...!
She bursted out like a cannon-ball, skidding on her heels but making it half-way down the ramp before fully stopping, though, she back-tracked to make sure she didn't skip over any of her fans...! She had to make sure she gave pictures where pictures were due, and hugs as well...! She slowly did make her way to the ring, pain-stakingly slow, as anyone who had face Gil by now would know...! She finally reached the ring and rolled under the bottom-most rope and sprung up to her feet...! "...Hey, hey...! It's nice to finally meet you...!" Gil got close. really close, less than a foot away from the taller of the two, her never-fading smile showed she didn't fear him, not even in the slightest.

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Re: A stop at Poison City! Gil versus KObra

Unread post by KarlKraus »

KObra looked his opponent with red flaming eyes, barely noticeable from behind his visor. That excited look on his face was one of the few reasons why he seemed psychotic. That was only because KObra was already tasting the fight, despite not being started yet. His hisses were much louder than usual, his fists were firmly closed, his mind was clear and his senses were much sharper than ever. "Ssssss the pleassssure issss all mine Gil!" The snake’s voice was cold and fully loaded of hisses, which didn’t seemed to bother him for once. "Maybe I can make an exception for once and be lesssss….brutal." He’d reply to her smile with a hidden one, much more scarier and spine chilling than Gil.

Smother Princess
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Re: A stop at Poison City! Gil versus KObra

Unread post by Arista »

Gil just smiled and nodded at the heavily themed heel, she either was aloof to the situation, or was truly fearless...! "...Well, then let'sssss cute right to the chasssse...!" Gil giggled and shot finger-guns at Kobra, backing away into her corner, dancing on her feet as she waited for the signal...!


With the bell rung, and her engines hot, Gil took right to it, quickly closing the distance between her and Kobra, getting the right distance before springing-up into the air, high enough to attempt to sling her legs over her foe's shoulders, burying his face into her crotch, and driving him down to the mat...!

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