Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

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Re: Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

Unread post by DSX93 »

"He even said please."

"Ms. Kildahl has trained him well." One hand on the belt buckle, with the other gripping him through his pants again. Ionia was done with the teasing this time; previously, their strokes were to keep the man standing at attention, but now, she wanted him marching.

"Perhaps we should place him in the Tree of Woe."

"Or hang him in between the ropes and milk him like a cow. Would you like that, Ishigami? We have plenty of time, and you haven't even had your first orgasm yet."

"Or do you like it where you are?"
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Re: Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

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"U-uhh... Well, this seems better than being hung upside down..." Yuto replied with a sheepish smile, although his shaft twitched underneath his pants when Ionia mentioned about milking him like a cow, which was a clear evident that he reacted stronger to the idea even if he didn't say anything about it.

He really felt like he simply couldn't resist his opponents at all, and not just because they outnumbered him. The way they talked to him and stimulated him, giving him just the right amount of touch and pressure to stir him up, but not to the point where he felt like he had to fight back. Even if they didn't hold him firmly, he just didn't have the willpower to defy them completely. This kind of domination wasn't something he's used to, but he definitely didn't dislike it.
Last edited by Lico on Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Ishigami - Mixed

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Re: Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

Unread post by DSX93 »

The writing that his verbal and physical reactions left between the lines did not go unnoticed. "Vrea să fie muls ca o vaca." The pair shared a chuckle amongst themselves.

"Vreau să fiu cel care primește esperma."

"Nu vă faceți griji, sunt multe pentru amândoi."

"Știu. Dar încă vreau prima lui ejaculare."

"Atât de exigent!" With another chuckle, Ionia reached for his belt buckle...with only one hand, teasing its undoing while the other started pumping him faster. "Since you have asked us so nicely, we will grant your request. Let us know when you're getting close."

"Nu îmi vei acorda cererea?" Lacramioara's tone was light enough for it to pass by Ishigami's ears, but Ionia did not miss the warning present in her words. "Nu-ți face griji, iubirea mea. Va trebui."
"Vrea să fie muls ca o vaca." -- "He wants to be milked like a cow."

"Vreau să fiu cel care primește esperma." -- "I want to be the one who gets his cum."

"Nu vă faceți griji, sunt multe pentru amândoi." -- "Don't worrry. There is plenty for both of us."

"Știu. Dar încă vreau prima lui ejaculare." -- "I know. But I still want his first load."

"Atât de exigent!" -- "So demanding!"

"Nu îmi vei acorda cererea?" -- "Will you not grant my request?"

"Nu-ți face griji, iubirea mea. Va trebui." -- "Don't worry, my love. I shall."
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Re: Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

Unread post by Lico »

Yuto didn't understand almost everything his opponents said, and that was never a good sign. At least Ionia kept him distracted with her stroking, giving him something to really focus on, namely his pleasure. He could only wriggle around pitifully within their hold, his lower half began to move back and forth a little, humping Ionia's hand.

"Y-yeess... nnnghh...!" he moaned, and it didn't take too long from that point to reach the boiling point. "I'm... nnhhh...! G-getting c-closee..."

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
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- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Ionia was amused. The man was so easy. Of course, handplay was a specialty of hers, but she found herself wanting to switch places with Lacramioara, just to see how long it would've taken for her touch to-

"I'm... nnhhh...! G-getting c-closee..."

Not very long at all. "Mimi, dear?"

"Yes, my beloved?"

"You can let him go. I would like for you to do the honors; you'll know when.

Lacramioara released Ishigami from her part in the two-on-one hold and stood behind the two. What did Ionia have in mind?

The white-haired woman maintained a hold around his waist with one arm as she rose to a position behind him, lifting a hand to the back of his head to nudge him forward. "Bend over." She would apply no real force, instead waiting to see if he would comply or resist.
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Re: Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

Unread post by Lico »

"E-eh...?" Yuto was surprised that Ionia stopped het stimulation as he told her he's close. "Why..."

He didn't get to protest as Ionia then gave him a little push and ordered him to bend over. It was a rather curious move from her considering she could just force him into a position of her liking. Was this some sort of a test? They were in a match so he thought that she shouldn't be too upset if he decided to put up a little resistance. However, the talk between Ionia and Lacramioara prior to this made him wondered what they had in store for him. Just thinking about the possibility already made his shaft twitched under his pants.

In the end Yuto decided to do a little bit of both. He acted as if he's trying to resist Ionia, but slowly bending over just to see her reaction. Would she wait for him or would she decide to take the matter into her own hand?

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Ishigami's reaction was an interesting one. Pretending to struggle in her grip while still doing what she commanded him to, albeit slowly. Too slowly for Ionia's liking. To speed it up a little, she took the hand that was at his waist and seized a wrist, taking a good handful of his hair now instead of just pushing at the back of his head as a distraction. Offense on two angles, highly likely to render him helpless to the assertion of her will.

She would bring the arm around to his back and crank it, bending it and subsequently putting pressure on his shoulder. Although painful, it would still be a not at all effective hammerlock, truly, but this would have been a night off even if she were doing this entirely alone, so she wasn't worried. She would continue to nudge him forward, with no real force still.

"Yes, it's been established that you like pain to go with your play, but when I give you a command, Ishigami, I expect it to be obeyed. You do remember where you are, don't you?"

Reminding him of his place, yet not moving him along as fast as she could. A move intended to cool it down to a point that would allow Lacramioara more than a few seconds when she got her hands on him.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

Unread post by Lico »

"Ack...!" Yuto groaned as Ionia became more forceful and twisted his arm in the hammerlock while grabbing some of his hair. "N-nngh... y-yes..."

It was somewhat expected that she'd urge him to obey her whim with force, but it's still rather painful. He got the message loud and clear, though, and bent himself over with little resistance from that point. He glanced around nervously, trying to see where Lacramioara was, and what she was going to do to him.

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Behind the two of them, still, waiting. But Ionia was quick to get the parts moving when Ishigami bent forward, stepping to the side of him while maintaining her holds on both his wrist and his hair, making little, but all too important adjustments to her grips. She needed to maintain control, but putting him in the hospital was not the goal with her repositioning.

Upon achieving the proper placement, she would swiftly switch which hands held what: His wrist would be held by that of the hand of the corresponding arm, as opposed to the opposite, while the other nudged his head down. One leg of hers would cross over his, the foot still remaining on the mat for what would be his benefit, in relation to the alternative. His free arm would be hooked behind it, and the one she initially seized would be straightened and lifted, and the hand that clutched at his hair would be removed to make way for her other leg, which she would wrap around the back of his neck.

Bring the other hand in to assist the other, and
And indeed, Lacramioara didn't needed a signal to know that this was her moment. After taking to the other side, she knelt down and reached for his clothed manhood from two angles: One would feel for his balls. The other, his shaft.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:33 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Food For Immortals (Ionia and Lacramioara Albescu vs Ishigami Yuto)

Unread post by Lico »

Yuto groaned and squirmed around as Ionia made her adjustments. It was rather straining, but nothing he couldn't handle. He barely resisted, partly because he knew that it'd only make things unnecessarily more painful for him. Soon enough the octopus hold was skillfully applied by Ionia, which put him under his opponents' mercy again.

"Aughh... nnggh...!" he struggled a bit, only to pause abruptly once Lacramioara joined them again, leisurely placing her hands on his crotch as if it belonged to her. "A-aahm..." he moaned, his dick throbbing in her hand.

Even though the hold was causing him some discomfort, the sensation between his legs gradually began to distract him from it.
Last edited by Lico on Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Ishigami - Mixed

Thread Request

- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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