"Get on your back."
It is the same except that Fei has MMA gloves for this outing.

Here he was now, with Sara - an American - and her hips hugging around his stomach. Fei thought it was cute how he was facing down another blondie too. He could beat on her whether standing or on the ground, so the position was not an issue for him. The temperature though, it was fairly warm due to the climate control. Reminiscent of a sunny day at the beach, complete with the warm dirt he rested on. A bit stuffy, if he were to complain and included the woman resting on his lap. Had the demand been some kind of test for if he'd get on all fours? Clearly, Sara would've gotten an answer north of submissive judging by the raised eyebrows he gave her when she requested.
His upper body squirmed underneath hers, as she was rubbing against his skin and forcing the healing welts beneath his top to act up. Specifically, in the email, she had also informed him of the minimal clothing 'rule' but lack of eroticism. Perhaps she liked the primal enjoyment of his privates being one stripping away? He did not know her well enough to ask, nor did he care in favor of focusing on the actual match. To even the scales of servicing the fans, Fei busied himself with thumbing her textured abdominals before returning his hands to her hips. A little exploitation as well as teasing, provided he won the whole cage match. Thoughts on the woman's body were particularly positive, as she did not hide how hard she worked and did not skip either squats or deadlifts.
"I am ready now. Let us start when you are..."