Flex or Break Against the Machine (For BlackAkuma)

Official Mixed and MvM matches take place here. Women who are in the mixed division can wrestle each other here as well.
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Flex or Break Against the Machine (For BlackAkuma)

Unread post by TheLoneWanderer »

The Pit: A match within a sunken pit with wooden walls, just high enough that it’s impossible to escape without a ladder, and a dirt floor. The combatants wear minimal clothing. The only way to win is to beat your opponent into a state of unconsciousness. After the victory, the winner has the option to punish their opponent until they’re satisfied. No Disqualification. 'Common Sense' Rules apply with the absence of a referee.

"Get on your back."

It is the same except that Fei has MMA gloves for this outing.
Nursing his bruises from his matches against Rai and, mainly, Riza Hawkeye, Fei had been assigned a new opponent only a week later. In a contrast, Sara had been the one to actively seek him out for an offer. A signature that appealed to her tastes, and with stipulations that reminded him of his time in barebones MMA before coming here to LAW. The aforementioned demand caught him off-guard, after he had accepted, given the lack of sweetness to it. It had been terse enough to make him consider the option until appealing to her desire.

Here he was now, with Sara - an American - and her hips hugging around his stomach. Fei thought it was cute how he was facing down another blondie too. He could beat on her whether standing or on the ground, so the position was not an issue for him. The temperature though, it was fairly warm due to the climate control. Reminiscent of a sunny day at the beach, complete with the warm dirt he rested on. A bit stuffy, if he were to complain and included the woman resting on his lap. Had the demand been some kind of test for if he'd get on all fours? Clearly, Sara would've gotten an answer north of submissive judging by the raised eyebrows he gave her when she requested.

His upper body squirmed underneath hers, as she was rubbing against his skin and forcing the healing welts beneath his top to act up. Specifically, in the email, she had also informed him of the minimal clothing 'rule' but lack of eroticism. Perhaps she liked the primal enjoyment of his privates being one stripping away? He did not know her well enough to ask, nor did he care in favor of focusing on the actual match. To even the scales of servicing the fans, Fei busied himself with thumbing her textured abdominals before returning his hands to her hips. A little exploitation as well as teasing, provided he won the whole cage match. Thoughts on the woman's body were particularly positive, as she did not hide how hard she worked and did not skip either squats or deadlifts.

"I am ready now. Let us start when you are..."

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Re: Flex or Break Against the Machine (For BlackAkuma)

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This was good. This was precisely what Sara needed.

Work in LAW had been slow, too slow. While she’d found some work initially, it had ground to a halt over the past few months, with management skittish about putting her in the ring, saying she didn’t test well with fans. She didn’t smile, she didn’t slap hands, she didn’t do any of the little dumb shit that all the precious and pretty princesses did. All Sara wanted to do was fight, go home, and get paind.

But that wasn’t enough to get you matches. And so, she had to persistently push and push and push, until someone in the booking committee finally gave her what she craved.

A pit fight. Perfect.

One that was currently going her way, too. She had her legs around Fei for a moment, mounting him - nothing serious, just a display of dominance. While this wasn’t a sensual match, she would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy the view. He wasn’t not handsome, she would admit, but she pushed those thoughts out of her mind for the moment and focused on the fight.

”Very well.” She stood up and slipped into her fighting stance, fists tight and raised, feet spread and set in the dirt. The crowd - a few guys looking down on them from above and trying hard not to fall in - cheered them on from up above, but she ignored them even more than she usually did.
War Ready
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sat Mar 08, 2025 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Flex or Break Against the Machine (For BlackAkuma)

Unread post by TheLoneWanderer »

All business on Sara's end, it looked like. Nothing wrong with that, in his opinion, as his instructors in the past had been especially harsh if anyone's 'playing' veered into 'slacking'. But there was no enjoyment to be had if you were knee-deep in muck. However, this was a match and he was very much allowed to enjoy it. After Sara's agreement, she let up in order to change her mind about which game she wanted to play.

He pulled his knees underneath himself as she rose, popping up to his feet and adopting the usual stance of shoulders being raised and the right arm being pulled back to allow max power with his strongest side. To ease himself into the match at his own rhythm, he bounced on his heels before closing in.

There were hundreds of ways to begin, and he could definitely save grapples for later. He chose to test how she'd respond with a 1-2-3 combination. A right jab, sent straight from his chest. A left hook which curved into its target. Finally, a left uppercut, which was the only one that deviated from the previous attacks' target. The first two were aimed to batter either her forearms or chin depending on her blocking ability. The last hit aimed for her sternum, at the middle point of her ribcage.

If her skills were as good as that fresh body, Fei may haven eaten dirt from a harsh sprawl. He had to be careful here given her physical ability to manipulate him, up until she forced him not to be.

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Re: Flex or Break Against the Machine (For BlackAkuma)

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Careful. Careful.

While Sarah didn’t stray from it, she hadn't often had to fight men in her career. It wasn’t by design, mostly by coincidence, with most of the organizations she’d been apart of frowning on mixed combat. She, herself, didn’t care too much about what her opponent had in their pants. So long as the money was right, there wasn’t a person on the planet she wouldn’t fight, and she wasn’t the sort to discriminate.

Having said that, even she wasn’t so overconfident as not to realize the danger of taking on a man with such a huge size difference on her. But a part of her relished the challenge and was glad that they hadn't thrown her one of the many pathetic men that were littered in the LAW roster.

At least, he didn’t look pathetic. It was a start.

He didn’t fight pathetically, either. Many men with his size would’ve come in bullheaded, and she was frankly expecting to be rushed. Instead, he approached her with measured steps. She slipped the jab easily enough, and the left hook was avoided with a quick step. The uppercut, however, needed a block, and she winced as she took it on the arms, getting a feel for his power in the process.

Undeterred, Sarah kept moving, her bare feet gliding in the dirt. The last thing she wanted to do was stop or give him a chance to get comfortable - no, she needed pressure, constant pressure, and that meant fighting in the pocket. She moved left, then made a sudden switch to the right and lashed out as she shifted, swinging her leg low for a powerful sweep aimed at his knees, taking care to slam her shins into the side.

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Re: Flex or Break Against the Machine (For BlackAkuma)

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Sara could take a hit. That much was evident. He whiffed the first two, and the third connected with his gloved knuckles piercing against her guard. Naturally, his arm rechambered, leading to his gaze to follow her to the left and make his body do the same.

A gnarly 'SMACK' echoed as Sara misdirected him, feeling her shin smash into the joint. This forced his knees to curve into each other, making Fei wobble on his heels. He twitched back, stumbling to the center of the pit, until he collected himself enough for an attempt at salvaging his defense. He let himself descend to the height of her navel and then kick his feet off the dirt. This way, he could defend a push kick by taking to the stomach instead of having to wash the taste of skin out of his mouth later. The regular takedowns were predictable, so he did not want to risk getting booted if he could help it.

His goal had been to wrap his arms around her waist and then straighten out his knees to lift Sara up. This could prevent a sprawl, and might have assisted him in securing the counter-spear if she walked into the clinch. To cap it off, Fei dashed them over to the corner Sara had been approaching to drop her on her butt by leaning forward. He knelt for a riveting conclusion, in order to spice up the spear by raising his elbows up and rain them down on her belly and head one at a time for the sake of precision.

In regards to Sara's positioning, she'd likely be stuck between the pit corner and Fei's oppressive pressure in bottom guard. Not completely on her back, despite his best efforts.
Last edited by TheLoneWanderer on Sun Mar 09, 2025 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Flex or Break Against the Machine (For BlackAkuma)

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Sara liked this. It was what she was all about.

While she’d come to tolerate the wrestling ring, she never forgot her roots, and a part of her longed for this sort of fight to be a staple in her life. There was something invigorating about having the Earth between her feet and the four walls closing in around her, as if she had nowhere else to go. Like this was the way human being were supposed to fight - no referee, no gimmicks, nothing to hold her back.

She was already doing well, putting Fei on the backfoot with her opening volley. She wanted to capitalize on that gain as well, but the man moved in before she had the chance and tackled her, lifting her off the canvas and bringing her down hard in the mud, with her back colluding against the wood of the pit for an added bonus.

Far from pleasant, it knocked the wind out of her, but she wasn’t done yet. She took a stiff shot against her stomach before she reached up and trying to snag his head, hoping to pull him down into a chokehold, while her legs wrapped around his waist and clamped on tight - without the fear of pins, this sort of maneuver was far more effective than usual.

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Re: Flex or Break Against the Machine (For BlackAkuma)

Unread post by TheLoneWanderer »

Now in Sara's world, Fei continued to hammer at her with vicious elbows. Bone smacked against flesh, rending the defense from Sara as his final hit made her stomach give. Final, due to Sara's counter. Deep inside her hips, with his waist against hers, Fei had been blindsided by the speed of her arm getting around his neck from Sara's nubile body. From his perspective, his head had been leveled above her chest until the snap of an action brought his nose into her side which lead to her armpit.

A Guillotine Strangle.

The beefy American's hips snuggled close to his body and her knees dug into him as she tried her best to catch his chin on her forearm and PULL. An effort that was succeeding. Fei wasn't sure whether he preferred Sara's roughness or Valentina's honeyed holds. He did not have much choice in either if he did not expend an equal effort in slithering out. The sudden pressure made his body slacken, with his legs quaking in the dirt beneath them. His arms grasped at her stomach to ground his mind, with the palms settling on her abs.

Hands. He needed to get them off. Her feet could be worried about later. HIs fingers went to work by shooting up to her locked hands, between the two's chests, and aiming to get his digits inside the space of the grip she was using. This way, he could try to pop his head out without exhausting his thighs. Downstairs, Fei's waist squirmed in Sara's guard as he attempted to push backward away from her lap. All he had to do in the future, in his mind, was win mount and lock a joint.
Last edited by TheLoneWanderer on Tue Mar 11, 2025 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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