Tokie vs Vivi The spicy side of wrestling ~

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Re: Tokie vs Vivi The spicy side of wrestling ~

Unread post by Treky »

Tokie was on the ground in pain but tried everything trying to use her strength in her feet to try to hit Vivi and try to take some kind of advantage and get out of that rather complicated situation

He noticed how the woman easily hit the blow but seemed not to be in such a calm state, he touched his arm perhaps a little sore, Tokie thought he could have an escape route but the woman with a strong blow blocked the boy hitting him between the legs again making him moan from the strong pain, he did not stop there because he continued to apply pressure making him suffer even more

《L-let me go》

He said with a moan while trying to move the girl's foot with his hands totally exposing it to other blows

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