Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

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Re: Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

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Vesper breathed in a shuddering breath as he felt the woman close in around his member, something that only motivated him to pump in and out of her at an increased pace, her own moans and gasps of pleasure and pain guiding him into what he should do next, what was working and what wasn't, and he was determined to only do what worked.

Lifting his head from her chest he would reach up with one hand to grab her hair and gently tug her head back as he continued to pump into her. "Hah... all that tough talk... and you melt so quick.. hah.. you must really like this huh?" He asked her mockingly, all while matching her pace, driving himself as deep into her as he would with the fabric of their clothing still in the way, but damn if it still didn't feel great.

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Re: Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

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"Mmph!" Zypherus' protesting whine morphs into a needy moan as Vesper pulls her head back, forcing her to arch her spine and present herself even more fully to his relentless thrusts. The harsh tug on her hair only heightens her sensitivity, sending tingles down her scalp to mingle with the searing pleasure in her loins.

A flush spreads across her cheeks, and her breath comes in ragged gasps as she meets his mocking taunt with a defiant glare. Even as her legs clamp down greedily around him, she manages to hiss, "You wish it was me melting... You're the one losing control here!"

Despite her brave words, however, Zypherus can't hide the tremors wracking her body, or the desperate clutch of her thighs around Vesper's hips as she tries to invite him deeper.

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Re: Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

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Oh yeah things were going all Vesper's way in the moment as he continued thrusting into his opponent, pulling her hair back and exerting his dominance over the woman. Of course she was still trying to resist and show some defiance, but he could tell from her needy moans and tight grip of her legs around his waist that her words didn't match her feelings.

"That so? Then I think I'll just go ahead and stop, I'm sure you'll be happy with that huh?" Vesper said mockingly and doing just as he said, stopping dead in his tracks, still keeping a hold on his foe's hair to remind her he had her... But not outright continuing, intending on cutting her off from what she was doing and proving who was the one in control.

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Re: Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

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Her vision blurs for a moment with frustration as Vesper abruptly ceases his rhythmic movements, leaving Zypherus unsatisfied and panting heavily. Angered by the tease, she decides to retaliate with an impulsive strike, burying her forehead into the center of Vesper's forehead with a resounding thud.

"Owie..." she whined, voice strained from her aggressive action, hands clutching her head. She is now regretting that but the job was done to disengage from the man.

If he really wants it, he got to work for it.

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Re: Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

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Vesper smirked smugly as he looked at the way Zypherus was squirming and panting, clearly having a visible reaction to his sudden stop which he was all too happy to let take hold of her for the time being. At least until she threw her head forward, bashing her skull into his face!

"Ugh!" Vesper cried out in pain, forced to release his buxom opponent and take a few steps back, holding the bridge of his nose while glaring at her. "Ok... just for that. I'm gonna stop holding back." Vesper growled out, all too ready to take it to her but waiting for her to make the first move and come out of the corner!

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Re: Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

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Dazed and momentarily disoriented from the headbutt, Zypherus staggers upright, relying on the sturdy turnbuckles for balance. In her unsteady state, she fails to notice the inviting view her raised rear provides to Vesper behind her.

Lost in her own thoughts, Zypherus absently reaches back to adjust her swimsuit, which has ridden up to expose the rounded globes of her ass. The thin fabric does little to conceal her plush curves, leaving them tantalizingly on display for her opponent's appreciative gaze.

"Ugh, stupid move," she mutters to herself, rubbing the sore spot on her forehead. Still facing away from Vesper, Zypherus remains oblivious to the compromising position she's put herself in, too preoccupied with her discomfort to realize the erotic tableau she's unwittingly created.

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Re: Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

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Groaning softly still from the headbutt Vesper would fix a firm glare at his opponent... or rather his opponent's back side which slowly brought a smirk to his face. 'Oh she's just asking for it.' He thought as he marched up behind Zypherus and gave a loud smack to her ass before wrapping his arms around her waist, pressing his groin against her ass for a moment as he backed up a few steps. "I'm going to make you mine." He growled out dominantly in the woman's ear before shifting his hands from around her waist to grab her breasts, roughly squeezing them before throwing himself back to launch her with a boobplex!

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Re: Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

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A startled yelp escapes Zypherus' lips as Vesper suddenly delivers a resounding spank to her exposed rump, the sting shooting through her tender flesh. Before she can react, strong arms encircle her waist, pulling her back against a firm, muscular chest. The unexpected sensation of his hardened length prodding her ass cheek makes her gasp, her core clenching involuntarily.

"Ah, fuck!" she curses breathlessly as Vesper's hands close around her heaving breasts, fingers digging into the supple flesh. Zypherus struggles briefly, but his iron grip holds her fast. Then, without warning, he launches her backwards with a brutal boobplex, sending her flying toward the mat.

She lands with a thud, the wind knocked from her lungs, her ample bosom bouncing from the impact. She lies there dazed.

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