Tara Jaeger vs. Prayuth Sakda - Ain't That a Kick in the Head

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Re: Tara Jaeger vs. Prayuth Sakda - Ain't That a Kick in the Head

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Yup, worked without a hitch. Honestly, Prayuth was kind of getting used to doing throws the more he executed them. They lacked the, well, punch of delivering a well-times strike, but there was something about lifting someone and drilling them into the canvas that appealed to Prayuth’s monkey brain. He could do this all day.

Whether or not Tara could take it, well…

At any rate, she was down now, and it didn’t look like she was getting up anytime soon. He figured this was a good time to get a little soft with things, get to know Tara a little better. He moved over her downed body, reached forward and tried to pin her wrists above her head, keeping her in place while he brought their faces together.

”So. I’m a little new to this hentai thing. Give a guy some advice.” He canted his head to the side, looking better at her pretty face. ”What should I do next, huh? Suggestions?”

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Re: Tara Jaeger vs. Prayuth Sakda - Ain't That a Kick in the Head

Unread post by Bare »

Laid out from Pray's suplex Tara had the epitome of a stunned expression on her face, such a heavy hit from a big, strong man like Prayuth Sakda. Wincing and trying to sit up she would be cut off as said big man came down on her, literally, laying on top of her and grabbing her arms, pinning them above her head and leaning oh so close to her face, asking for advice in a cute, teasing way. A way that Tara herself would probably use if the positions were reversed.

"Huh... hah... Well... Unfortunately... you're best chance... just slipped by... handsome." Tara said as she tried to use the fact that her legs were free to snap her legs up, wrapping them around his waist for a body scissors while leaning up to close the distance between them and kiss him! All the while, as she squeezed with her legs, she'd begin grinding and pumping her hips against his own.

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Re: Tara Jaeger vs. Prayuth Sakda - Ain't That a Kick in the Head

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Pray wasn’t being coy with that question - not just, anyway. He was genuinely curious to see what turned Tara on, if she had any particular way she liked to get down. He liked to think of himself as a giving lover, and he could already tell his opponent had her own lusty idea of the way these things would go. He was willing to oblige.

Then her legs came around his waist and clamped down with a crushing force, slicing into his ribs. Then she pulled him down into a smothering kiss, wrapping her lips around his with a hungry passion.

He had mixed feelings.

For the moment, Prayuth sought to survive, pushing their bodies towards the ropes as she amped up the pressure, looking for a clean break. At the same time, he fully enjoyed the kiss, reciprocating as their tongues lid over each other and heated flowed between their mouths, savoring her taste with every second.

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