Tara Jaeger vs. Prayuth Sakda - Ain't That a Kick in the Head

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Re: Tara Jaeger vs. Prayuth Sakda - Ain't That a Kick in the Head

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Yup, worked without a hitch. Honestly, Prayuth was kind of getting used to doing throws the more he executed them. They lacked the, well, punch of delivering a well-times strike, but there was something about lifting someone and drilling them into the canvas that appealed to Prayuth’s monkey brain. He could do this all day.

Whether or not Tara could take it, well…

At any rate, she was down now, and it didn’t look like she was getting up anytime soon. He figured this was a good time to get a little soft with things, get to know Tara a little better. He moved over her downed body, reached forward and tried to pin her wrists above her head, keeping her in place while he brought their faces together.

”So. I’m a little new to this hentai thing. Give a guy some advice.” He canted his head to the side, looking better at her pretty face. ”What should I do next, huh? Suggestions?”

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