Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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Re: Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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Prayuth wasn’t sure if she did it on purpose. It was always hard to tell what was intentional or not in the middle of a fight. Sometimes, things just happened. Everything was so fast-paced that you got hit with the occasional stray bullet. He’d made similar mistakes in his official bouts all the time; nothing was meant by it.

Whatever her intention, it didn’t matter - as Prayuth came roaring in, her foot shot between his legs. Right between his legs. Hitting the exact worst spot it could’ve and sending a shock straight through his body. Prayuth made a sound that was somewhere between a shriek and a groan, and immediately went down on the canvas, nestling his precious jewels and kicking his legs, gritting his teeth at the seething pain.

The crowd found it funny. He didn’t. This was an action movie, not a comedy.

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Re: Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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Bella had admittedly been quite worried as Pray bowled her over with that kick, forcing her onto her back and prompting her to lash out with a defensive strike in a desperate attempt to stop herself from getting mounted. What Bella wasn't aware of was that her blindly thrown kick had landed so perfectly she wanted to claim it was calculated, as she had struck him right in the one place no man wanted to get hit. Men feared getting hit there even by children, and Pray had just taken a shot there from one of the best legs in LAW (Bella would argue THE best), so it was safe to say that he was suitably pacified for the time being.

It took Bella a moment to realise what had happened, but when she did her face would immediately twist into a devilish grin as she climbed back up to her feet. The King would march over to the Thai fighter and raise her boot into the air, letting it hang for a moment before she stomped down on Pray's head and started grinding her heel on his skull "Phew, that's more like it. If you know what's good for you you'll stay down!" Bella didn't keep this up for much longer though, they may have had a crowd watching them but this was still a brawl and she needed to keep up the damage. Once she'd proved her point she would step off of Pray's head and back off a few feet, before lunging forward and throwing her leg back so that she could swing it like a pendulum at Pray's gut for a Soccer Kick that would send him sprawling across the rough concrete if it hit.
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Re: Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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People often thought fight scenes were difficult, and they could be a pain in the ass, but Pray had learned some secrets over the years that not everyone realized about, simple things that made them so much easier. In his experience, the key was to treat them like any other scene, and work with them like a miniature movie unto themselves. A simple beginning, middle, and end, following the three-act structure, building tension that way. Worked every time.

If that was the case and they were sticking to it, this was the ‘All Is Lost’ moment. The moment of desperation, where the hero seemed utterly screwed, where he needed to find a way out of the darkness. It was hard to imagine a more desperate scenario then being face-down in the street with your crushed set of balls.

To her credit, Bella found a way to make it even more distressing, as she promptly came over and mashed his skull into the street, grinding it beneath her heel. Could’ve frankly done without eating concrete, but hey, at least she was getting into the spirit of things.

A gut check came right after, as she reeled back and let fly with a crushing kick, one that hammered his midsection. He went rolling away and smacked into the nearest way, where he stayed for a moment, coughing and wheezing. He needed a moment, but strongly suspected she wouldn’t be giving it to him.

Gritting her teeth, Pray used the wall for support and tried to rise up, putting his back against it as he went higher. Whatever came next, he needed to keep his eye on King, be ready for any opportunities that came his way.

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Re: Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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After stepping off of Pray's head and getting a small run-up Bella would punt the Thai man in the gut to send him sprawling into the nearest wall, leaving the redhead with a slight ache in her foot and a smile on her face. Bella would quickly march after her opponent, and as he tried to rise up to his feet she would lunge at him and throw a knee strike aimed at his gut! As a Nak Muay knee strikes were likely a favourite of Pray's, so maybe it would somewhat console him as his abs were caved in.

If her knee strike struck true then Bella would grab Pray by the shoulders and drag him away from the safety of the wall, then she would get behind him and wrap her arms around his waist from the back. This fight thus far had been extremely strike-oriented with both fighters mostly using moves from their original martial arts, but this was still a LAW match at the end of the day and so Bella would opt to switch things up on Pray by using a wrestling move; namely she would try to lift him up and throw him overhead for a Back Suplex!
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Re: Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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Bella was in a good spot, and she knew it. Pray was familiar with the look on her eyes as she came his way - confident, strong, bold. He’d had similar looks more than a few times himself, before he finished off an opponent and scored the win. Not a good sign.

He brought his arms up, looking to defend, but she moved in too fast for him to block her best. He still wound up taking a sharp knee to the stomach, and while it was far from the worst he’d ever suffered, it was more than enough to drive the wind clean out of him. He doubled over, gasped, and she was quick to take advantage as she pulled him away from the wall.

Prayuth was still new to wrestling, but even he knew the setup for a back suplex when he saw it. He also knew he damn well didn't want to be taking one onto concrete. ”Nope!” As he was lifted up, he swung his arm around hard and tried to clock Bella on the side of her head with a sharp elbow, hoping to stop her momentum and, more importantly, save him from a concussion.

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Re: Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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Though Bella had thought that switching up her style and using a wrestling move instead of Karate would throw Pray off it would appear that the young woman had miscalculated, as though she had softened Pray up with a knee strike to the gut her choice of move would give the Thai man too much time to prepare himself. Thus, when Bella began to lift him up she would only get him about halfway up before an elbow strike caught her on the side of the head from her blind spot, dazing the redhead and immediately forcing her to release Pray, simply dropping the man a few feet instead of the grand slam she was hoping to deliver.


Taking such an unexpected blow to the head had ravaged Bella's sense of balance, forcing the redhead to stumble drunkenly away from Pray as she clutched her head and moaned in pain.
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Re: Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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That was close. Way, way too close.

Prayuth was used to doing his own stunts and had taken no shortage of nasty spills in his time, but there was a line to everything, and he drew that when it came to flippin’ concrete. The last thing he needed was a concussion in his career. One of his old buddies, Drew Jackson, was a stuntman who picked up one of those in a botched car wreck stunt, was never the same again.

That being said, he wasn’t above giving a little head trauma to Bella in return. While she was staggering back, Prayuth pushed his way up, locked on target, and took off into a berserker’s run, dashing her way at full speed. He waited until he was close enough, then leaped up, raised his leg, and sent his knee flying towards her skull at full speed, trying to hit him with the move that had brought him no shortage of victories: the Knee Bomb.

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Re: Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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The thing about a battle between two strikers is that compared to your average wrestling match they could end far more suddenly. No build up to your strongest slam or most complicated hold, just one of you finally managing to press your opponent's "off" button, and when Bella was sent stumbling by Pray's elbow to her head the Thai finally found hers. With Bella's equilibrium completely thrown off she would back up to try and make some space to recover, but this would prove to be a mistake as it put her in range for Pray's best move. While Bella was still busy trying to stop her vision from spinning Pray would leap up and smash his knee into her skull!


The attack landed with a sickening sound that made the audience wince in sympathy, even those that had been cheering on Pray. Without so much as a scream Bella's limbs would suddenly go slack and she'd fall backwards in a lifeless manner that made it clear to anybody watching that Bella had been knocked out cleanly! Bella was left laying out spread-eagle, staring into the sky with hollow eyes that saw nothing as the crowd cheered for Pray's victory!
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Re: Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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No pomp, no circumstance, no three-count, no calling out to the audience, no flair. Just a knee to the face. Prayuth was a simple man, at the end of the day.

As much as he enjoyed the flair that came with wrestling and movies, he was always a fan of injecting some gritty realism into things and going back to his roots, and you didn’t get much more muy thai than ramming your knee down someone’s throat. King, to her credit, had put up a way better fight than most guys would, but today was just not her day.

”Phew.” He wiped the sweat off his brow as he stepped back and took a moment to throw his thumbs up to the appreciative crowd. His main focus was on King at the moment, though - that had been a nasty fall, best to make sure she was still doing okay. As okay as could be expected, anyway.

”Hey.” He kneeled at her side and looked her over, head to toe, snapping his fingers to get her attention. ”Hey, you still okay, in there?”

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Re: Bella King vs. Prayuth Sakda - Lights, Camera, Action

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Luckily for Bella she hadn't been unconscious for too long, as a few seconds after she had been knocked out by Pray's knee she would groggily come back to her senses. For a moment it felt peaceful like she was waking up from a deep sleep, then Pray's finger snaps brought her back to reality and made her remember how much pain her body was in courtesy of the man she was now looking up at "Tssk... damn it..."

Bella hadn't actually seen the attack that took her down coming, but feeling the throbbing in her skull and seeing Pray looking down at her after being laid out was enough for the redhead to realise what had happened, putting a deep scowl on her face as she stared up at the victor "What do you care? Go fuck yourself" she growled. Clearly Pray's victory hadn't won him any respect with the foul-mouthed Brit.
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