To The Bitter End: Kyo Akamatsu vs Mary Clarison

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Re: To The Bitter End: Kyo Akamatsu vs Mary Clarison

Unread post by Underdoggo »

Kyo's spine jarred somewhat from where it had impacted from the turnbuckle. He had been forced to release Mary as a result, and as a result Mary was up and moving again. Very smart of his opponent, Kyo noted: stay mobile, stay on the attack, don't give him time to recover. Mary was quickly showing that she was a highly intelligent opponent, one that he would have to try really hard to keep up with.

He half expected her to grab his arm and whip him across the ring. Instead, however, she grabbed for his leg: the next thing Kyo knew, Mary dropped low, flipping him hard to the mat and painfully twisting his leg in a dragons screw whip! "Aaagh!" Kyo gasped as pain shot up his knee joint; he rolled away, trying to put some space.

Mary was trying to limit his mobility, he knew. Also a very smart move. He was now seeing why this diminutive English bluenette had the fearsome reputation that she did...

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Re: To The Bitter End: Kyo Akamatsu vs Mary Clarison

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Mary knew she could not let Kyo get much of any time to rest after the Dragon Screw, she needed to make sure the damage was compounded, and the sooner she could take out Kyo’s legs and his weight and power advantage will make this match easier.

Seeing Kyo trying to get away from Mary, Mary knew she had to make a quick dash with her usually slow speed, attempting to quickly snatch Kyo’s leg.

If she managed to, Mary would then attempt to wrap her legs around Kyo’s legs, before dropping onto her back and locking Kyo in a Figure Four Leglock, really trying to wear the man’s legs down.

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