Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Her strength and skill had always amazed him, yes he was stubborn but so was she! Ryu had openly admitted, to her and to the world that he admired Valley Doll III and that her being at the top level had nothing to do with nepotism. She had her own style distinct than that of her mother and was a great wrestler with or without that moniker. He was truly giving it everything he had and she could tell! He aggressively fought against the choke and scissors by smacking her back against the turnbuckle twice before turning around and dropping her down on her back, yet still she persisted!

Now things were looking bad for Ryu. He gave it his best yet Valley was able to take it and then some more, as she began to squeeze him even harder than before while she was on the mat. Ryu was now panicking, having unable to escape even after his aggressive approach, he was in trouble now that the two were on the ground. His hands began to grab her arms to try and loosen up her grip before moving up towards her chin to push her head back, trying everything he could to loosen the hold but it was no dice!

Ryu's groans grew louder as did his frustration, it was clear that Valley had him cornered and that there was no way out! His muscled body was starting to sweat more now with him desperately flailing about on top of her. "Gugh.....UGHH" he moaned, being....out of ideas now!

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Could Valerie win the first fall like this? No. And despite how it may have seemed, she was highly cognizant of that fact. Putting Ryu into this hold wasn’t an attempt to get a submission out of him - stubborn as he was, she doubted that would’ve worked, at any rate.

No, it was more about wearing him down, and it did that job splendidly. She clamped on tight, persisted, and even though he did his best to wear her down, the only thing he did was continue to waste his energy, grinding himself down.

She waited until he was worn before she finally let up on the hold, but that didn’t mean he was out of the woods. As soon as she released him, she pushed him to make some space, drew her legs in, then shot them both at once, striking him hard in the chest with both heels to knock him away.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Ryu was running out of time and ideas, the only saving grace was that a Knock Out would not technically make him lose the first point. However, she could simply knock him out and then go the pin too if she wanted. His brutish approach didn't seem to work on Valley, who countered his thrashing and slams well. The blonde simply didn't let go and challenged him head on, as if she dared him to try and force her to make him let go but whatever he tried didn't work. Now, he was fading fast and the advantage was with the young rookie wrestler, who was wearing the legendary veteran down.

Stretching his hands as much as he could, he tried to crawl on his hands and knees to the corner but Valerie had other things in mind, she would release him but not before drawing her legs back and then springing them forward against his chest to knock him away from her! "Gugh!" he cried out loudly in pain from that kick as he rolled away from her a few steps and ended up face down on the mats.

Ryu started to push up onto his hands and knees but was a little sluggish in his efforts to do so.

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