The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

Official Mixed and MvM matches take place here. Women who are in the mixed division can wrestle each other here as well.
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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

Unread post by Person »

Kate would start to get back onto her feet, she needed to get back into the game. As she began to get up, she would feel her wrist being grabbed by her opponent and sent into the ropes. Turning at the last moment, her back would hit the ropes and she would then take a step forward, coming back towards Luzura. But as the Greek wrestler took her second step, she would grab onto the ropes with both her arms and then pull herself back, staying at the ropes momentarily.

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Luzura threw Kate towards the ropes and, at the same time, she bounces off the opposite ones to go for the dropkick, move which she planned to do but missed after Kate held herself with the ropes, making her to land with the back against the canvas after such a missed move.

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Re: The Lucha Coven vs Divine Stars [D]

Unread post by Person »

Holding onto the ropes, Kate watched Luzura jump in the air and hit nothing before falling into the canvas. The blonde wrestler would then exhale with relief. It was now time for her to take control of the match. The Greek wrestler would then push off the ropes and charge forward, closing the distance between herself and her opponent. She would then pull one of her legs back and attempt to perform a brutal soccer kick aimed at Luzura's head, trying to keep her down.

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