No-DQ Match! Heather Sunderland Vs. Kasey Crass

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No-DQ Match! Heather Sunderland Vs. Kasey Crass

Unread post by Lycanstar »

"Mmmh... I guess it couldn't hurt."

It had been a serious minute since Kasey had last had a proper singles match. Since tagging with His partner Bill the two had seemed almost a little inseparable both backstage and in the ring. To a degree Kasey was a little sick of feeling like He had to rely on Bill to boost His confidence or dominate their matches... Perhaps that over-reliance had made Him rusty when it came to taking things on all on His own. Or maybe He never knew how to take on new challenges in the first place.

But whatever the case may be, Kasey was presented with an opportunity to take part in a rather impromptu thrown-together No-DQ match tonight; there was empty space on the card and the expected participants had no-showed. His opponent would be Heather Sunderland; somebody who based on their record perhaps seemed adept at taking on a match of this calibre, but She seemed visually less imposing than Kasey could have imagined somebody of Her pedigree being. Had He really thought all this through though? His tag-team partner was as usual impossible to find backstage unless He chose to make Himself present, meaning it would be impossible to ask for the advice of a more seasoned Wrestler Kasey actually trusted.

Screw it. Kasey didn't need to be coddled constantly; He was adept. He could take on whoever the hell He wanted and win, for god's sake, He had gotten this far in LAW already. Psyching Himself up backstage He would don His most confident self; letting His bangs down and slipping on His signature mask, prepared for the night that lay ahead.

Sauntering through the curtain and down the ramp; Kasey outwardly made Himself appear as uncaring as He could. He strutted confidently with a generous sway of His hips and flick of His hair; He was the top shit and everybody in the arena had better remember it. What He lacked in meaningful fighting prowess and technique He hoped would be counteracted by His charm and ability to throw off His opponents- Assuming they would no doubt be enhanced by Him.

As He leaned against the ropes and awaited His opponent- He could only hope that His assumptions about His own bravado were true.

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Re: No-DQ Match! Heather Sunderland Vs. Kasey Crass

Unread post by TiefBlau »

Heather wasn't about to pass up the chance to expand her record in the intergender division of LAW all the same, humming to herself as she finished preparing herself in the back. She was sure she could pull this one off just as nice as most her stuff, nodding to herself in the mirror and sticking her tongue out just a bit, a visible grin forming on her expression. She finished putting together her attire, before heading out into the hallway.

After her opponent's entrance, Heather stepped to right behind the stage, watching on the monitor and crossing her arms. The way he was carrying himself..Heather clicks her tongue just a little. She was more than ready to put him in his place tonight in her mind, another little nod to herself before finally, her music began to play over the speakers, Heather stepping out onto the stage area.
She was dressed in her purple fishnet top, black bikini top over that, black baggy pants, and black boots. She made her way down the ramp, giving a few high-fives to the fans on the way down before sliding underneath the bottom rope. She headed straight to the corner, getting up onto the middle rope and raising her hands in the air, basking in the reaction she got just for a little while--before finally hopping off the ropes, turning to face her opponent.

"Mnh--Hope you came full prepared to get your butt kicked tonight! Stepping into the ring with one of the best at the whole high risk hardcore stuff!!" She let out, pushing her chest out a little with her hands on her hips!
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Re: No-DQ Match! Heather Sunderland Vs. Kasey Crass

Unread post by Lycanstar »

As Heather made Her way to the ring Kasey was starting to feel that She may be more adept at hardcore matches than He had initially thought- Her attire certainly gave off that vibe; opting for baggy pants and a fishnet top rather than any kind of typical wrestling or overly revealing style. Comparatively Kasey seemed like He was sooner prepared for a more intimate kind of match rather than one where anything goes as far as violence was concerned.

But that concern would have to remain bottled up as Kasey glared Heather down; trying His best to maintain His composure as the two would soon begin to square up-


Kasey stepped forward in a... less than ready pose. It was clear He thought the idea of some kind of grappling pose would be beneficial but the execution was certainly less than stellar. How should one approach a hardcore wrestler like Heather? Is She going to pull a baseball bat out of Her ass or will She actually go for some kind of wrestling technique? Kasey admittedly wasn't sure in the slightest but He had to at least seem ready as He awaited Her to make the first move while silently glaring through Her.

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