Tore Hensen vs Ash Daniels Humilation Match!

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Re: Tore Hensen vs Ash Daniels Humilation Match!

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After Tore's spanking session he absolutely loved making Ash wither in pain as her face was flushing matching her cheeks as he loved the domination and the feeling that he was able to get out of this until unfortunately she got out of it crashing on top of him! Unfortunately for Tore he would once again find himself deep into Ash's buttocks with her reverse facesitting him!

Ash was gonna let make him suffer too as she started to grind hard into him rubbing her butt hard into his face as his face was going even deeper than last time as his poor nose was starting to really dig into her with this ultimate humiliation! Tore would however get frustrated enough once again to manage to topple her off again as he desperately needed to get some oxygen into his system again! Unfortunately Tore would be too busy wiping his face and trying to get some oxygen into his system as he sat himself back into another corner of the ring just trying to get some energy as the crowd cheered seeing this!

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Re: Tore Hensen vs Ash Daniels Humilation Match!

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The whole time Ashley held her perch atop Tore's face, her face had lit up with a big eager grin. Maybe a moment ago she had suffered an ignoble fate, hunched over the boy's knee as he smacked her across the rear to a chorus of cheers and laughs - but now, she had turned the tide and more than made up for it! Now, grinding her hips to and fro atop his head, she puffed out her chest and held up two peace signs as the fans cheered her even louder than they had cheered Tore a moment ago. She couldn't think of a more fitting punishment for such a smug, stuck-up stick-in-the-mud than getting smothered out under her bare ass. And everyone was eager to see it!

Tore, however, could only be incensed by such a predicament. As he continued to shove and buck against the redhead, he finally managed to knock Ash off of him, causing her to go toppling over onto her face. "Gah..!" She landed with her knees folded under her and her hips held up in the air. There, she would need a moment to stop and collect her thoughts while the world stopped spinning all around her.

But if there was any saving grace in the matter, it was that Tore had come away from the ordeal far worse than she did. Shaking herself out, Ash sat back up, then slowly picked herself up on her feet. She reached behind her for the waistband of her trunks, about to pull them back up...right when she noticed that Tore, in his daze, had stumbled back into the corner, and was still catching his breath. At that, Ash paused. A wicked smirk came to her face. She knew exactly how she could exploit this.

"...Hooold that thought," she said to herself. Playing a little to the crowd, she reached behind her and slapped her own ass, drawing a cheer - but then, she came running backward, going to thrust her hips out behind her to drive her behind into Tore's face for another stinkface, this time with the back of her trunks still pulled down!

"Ya miss this?~"
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Re: Tore Hensen vs Ash Daniels Humilation Match!

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After being humiliated a bit from literally being sat on like a chair from Ash's bare butt he would finally managed to push her off as he wiped his face in disgust he stumbled his way back into a corner one of the worst places he could've stumbled back into it, but Tore didn't fully realize it anyways as he was just trying to get some air back into his lungs!

After sitting there for a bit as he looked up as he was horrified to see Ash spanking her bare butt at the crowd and technically him too as she drove her hips back as once again her bare butt flew right into his for another stinkface! Tore muffled and kicked helplessly as she mocked him about missing it felt his face start to slip into her bare butt crack!

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Re: Tore Hensen vs Ash Daniels Humilation Match!

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Ironically enough, Tore's humiliation would be his own undoing. In pulling down the back of Ash's trunks, he had inadvertently ensured that when she struck next, there would be nothing to protect him from her bare behind. And when he had stumbled back against the corner, he was practically asking for a stinkface! A devious smile crossed the face of the Californian girl. She couldn't have asked for a more perfect opportunity. And she certainly wasn't going to pass it up!

Tore would only notice it a moment later, but by then it was too late to do anything about it! Ashley took off in a charge straight backward toward him - and as she came close, she swung out with her hips, driving her backside against his face to slam it between her ass and the turnbuckle! At the sight of Tore's face being ground up against her ass, the fans rang out with cheers - more than a few of them were jealous of his predicament right now. But he certainly wasn't enjoying it - and Ash was, in fact, going to make perfectly well sure he didn't!

"AAAAALL RIGHT!~" Even having landed on Tore's face, the redhead still took the time to play things up to the crowd, smacking herself across her rear and causing her cheeks to jiggle a little against her opponent - a sight that drew some cheers of its own! Then, with a grin on her face, she threw up both hands with the sign of the horns, banging her head in the air as she began to rock and twist her hips from side to side and grind his features in as deep as she could! Ash wouldn't be surprised if this alone would be enough to push Tore over the edge...and if it was, she'd quite frankly be disappointed, considering how much fun she was having right now! Until then, she would have her fun...
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Re: Tore Hensen vs Ash Daniels Humilation Match!

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Tore was in a heap of trouble as he couldn't believe he was getting humilated like this so far as his face was still buried in her butt crack in a bare ass stinkface from the trunks he pulled down earlier! Tore muffled as and kicked his legs harder as he wanted to tap out already, but losing to a stinkface would just be so embarrassing as she grinded all over his face his features sinking deeper into her as he tried to push her off again, but he didn't have as much energy as earlier as the crowd continued to love the booty onslaught she was showing Tore at the moment!

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Re: Tore Hensen vs Ash Daniels Humilation Match!

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Tore might not have been feeling so hot at the moment, but Ash was on top of the world. She had Tore powerless to fight back, sunken into the corner with his face buried squarely between her cheeks. By all accounts, she had already won - it was only the boy's stubbornness that was keeping him from admitting defeat now. But she was taking her victory lap, and she was doing so in spectacular fashion, grinding her bare ass up hard against Tore's face! The whole time, the arena was cheering her on, and she was happy to play things up to them, pumping her fist triumphantly over her head. She could hardly imagine a more ignoble fate - all the better for someone who had been so obnoxiously smug!

Still, Tore was fighting back. He pushed at Ash from behind, and the redhead grumbled a little as she looked back over her shoulder. With his oxygen drained as it was, he wasn't able to gather much force behind that shove, certainly not enough to break the hold. But it did remind Ashley that he still had some fight in him yet - or at least, enough to keep his head in the game. Clearly, there was more she'd have to do to get that out of him. But then, she was prepared.

She'd take a step forward, enough to break the stinkface. She didn't have to, but it would allow her to set up her next move - it seemed that Tore would need something even stronger than the stinkface to see him off. "Alright, fine, that's how you wanna play, huh?" Reaching down, she grabbed him by the head and pulled it up, going to rest it on her shoulder. "I can arrange that!"

Ash pointed out toward the crowd, signaling she was ready for her next move. Then, as she called out a battle cry, she ran forward, keeping Tore's head on her shoulder. As she reached the center of the ring, she'd jump off her feet, going to slam his jaw down against her shoulder for a stunner!
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Re: Tore Hensen vs Ash Daniels Humilation Match!

Unread post by jdo_sss »

Tore was unbelievably in a humiliated predictiment as most people would probably tap out to this already in a humilation match especially considering he has practically his whole face showed up someone's bare ass as that couldn't get anymore embarrassing especially since a whole crowd full of people are cheering her on to continue! His fury was boiling more than his embarrassment that was the only thing that stopped him from tapping out, but if it continued much more he may have to!

Fortunately or unfortunately for him Ash was getting bored waiting for him to tap out to her stinkface as she would pull him up from the corner in his groggy state and immediately give him a stunner as he groaned flying back to the middle of the ring laid out as the official noticed there was still life in Tore, but barely as he laid flat looking up at the light!

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