Blaise Cameron vs Makie Akamatsu

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Re: Blaise Cameron vs Makie Akamatsu

Unread post by Underdoggo »

It, admittedly, took a lot of effort on Makie's part not to just give in to her urges then and there. Blaise was an undeniably attractive man, made all the more so by the way glistening sweat was now coating those abs and biceps of his. This close, Makie couldn't deny that there was a primal urge to just lean in and lock lips with him.

But Makie also had her pride as a wrestler to consider. And right now, despite the fact that she had given her all against this man, she had lost. Her pride had been hurt, and she wasn't about to add to that humiliation by making out with Blaise in the middle of the ring.

Blaise, for his part, responded to her defiant declaration in a unsportsmanlike manner...for the most part. That was, until he mentioned getting her on her back. At this, Makie turned a deep shade of red, even as Blaise hurriedly tried to backpedal his comments.

"Baka," Makie stammered in embarrassment. Glaring a little at Blaise, she slowly backed off and exited the ring. Around her, the fans were still cheering both her and Blaise on, entertained by what had still been an intense and exciting match.

By those standards, at least, Makie at least felt proud of herself. And next time, despite what Blaise claimed, she would make sure he was the one who got pinned...

Winner: Blaise Cameron by pinfall

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