"You've Got a...?!?" (Katja Arola [D] vs Tokie Fronderbarg)

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"You've Got a...?!?" (Katja Arola [D] vs Tokie Fronderbarg)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Match Type: Global Frontier Erotic Martial-Arts Wrestling Rules Match (with a Prisoner of War stipulation in effect)
Victory Conditions: Knockout, Vocal Submission, Orgasm during pinfall penalty period or tap out submission penalty (see Additional Details), or Disqualification. The loser will be the prisoner of the winner for twenty-four hours.
Additional Details
- After suffering three knockdowns, throws, and/or slams, a competitor will be required to remove an article of clothing. No further penalties will be occurred once said competitor is nude.

- Three count pinfalls are still in place, incurring a penalty period ala the Resistencia Erotica rules featured in Lucha Libre Erotica: A set length of time (one minute, in this case) where the pinned is prohibited from resisting the sexual ministrations of the one who pinned them.

- Competitors are allowed to tap out in order to be released from a hold. But in doing so, they are required to satisfy their opponent in any way they please until they reach climax, upon which both competitors are allowed one minute's rest.

- Rope breaks are in effect, but competitors are allowed only three to escape a submission hold penalty-free. After these three rope breaks are expended, any future rope breaks taken to escape a submission hold will be penalized in the same manner as if the competitor in question had tapped out. Rope breaks taken to break pinfalls are not penalized.
Katja Arola
Alix Jacques
"Oh, Kat..."

The two were alone in
that wasn't hers, atop a sofa bed that the woman she was currently thrusting into had ready for moments just like this. All seven inches were welcomed and perfectly accommodated, the sex goddess squeezing down on her in a way that lit up every single nerve down to the hilt.

"Fuck, I missed this pussy!"

"And it missed you!"

Alix had her legs wrapped tightly around Katja's hips, ensuring she went nowhere and allowing the former porn star to better meet her in the middle when the hands gripping hers pulled her into the fuckstick that was curved in just the right way, hitting the spot every time it was pounded in. She hadn't really needed to be pulled, throwing herself into it on pleasure seeking instinct. The room was filled with moans and the sounds of flesh slapping into flesh, both increasing in their alacrity. That of the squelching of Alix's sopping wetness as Katja pummeled it was just for the two of them to enjoy.

"Christ! Jesus!"

"My, oh my!"

And Katja kept pounding. And pounding. And pounding. Sparing only a second's thought of whether or not this was a mistake before the minding numbing ecstasy pulled her right back in. She could get addicted to this. And end up missing the match that this was supposed to loosen her up for.

Alix reached out for her, her eyes filled with a desperate need. "Come here!" And Katja would oblige her, abandoning her kneeling position to sink into her embrace, and..."Grind it in there! Yes! YES!" Jesus Christ almighty! Alix was a damn succubus herself, needing only a second to sync with her rolls of her hips with hers, continuing to squeeze her cock just. Right.

"You like that?" The arms she'd wrapped behind her neck would pull Katja closer so she could look her deep in the eye. Oh, fuck yes, she was in Domme mode. Demanding an answer.

"I fucking love it!" And she was drowning in dopamine. She didn't have long. "I'm gonna cum!"

"You look at me while you do it! When you're filling me, you look at me!"

As tightly as she was holding her, she didn't have much choice. Alix kept her close, the grinding of their sexes growing hotter and hotter until Katja could withstand the heat no longer. Her head fell, forehead pressing into Alix's as the carnal crescendo ripped grunts and screams from the pair. It was perfect, like they were characters in a piece of erotica.

The larger woman laid in her arms for a few peaceful moments, all stress and worry washing away to swirl into the void. This was exactly what she needed coming into the largest wrestling promotion in the world. But it wasn't over when she withdrew. Alix eyed her appendage, coated with their commingling juices and still standing ready, with a persistent hunger and gave her shoulders a guiding push. "Have a seat. Can't have you going out there all messy like that." When she had her compliance, Alix would take a position on all fours and handle it.

Starting with a kiss to the tip, then sweeping her tongue down the sides of her shaft. Skilled and thorough, collecting mostly everything and taking it into her mouth. Oh, and that was exactly what she would do. Bobbing her head up and down at a steady pace, swirling that thing all around. All. The way. Down. To the hilt. Katja was back in the danger zone in no time. "Oh...! Fuck!" She pushed down on her head with both hands, wordlessly saying "Yes, take me through it again!"

In response, Alix would give her hip two taps, which Katja took as the sign to let go. Alix's release was torturously slow, inch by inch, still "cleaning" her with her tongue, then sucking at the head, mindful of the pre-cum. "Up." She pointed. "On your feet. " Katja did what she was told at a hurried pace, and Alix rose on her knees, gripped the Succ-U-Bus's hips, and continued giving her the succ. Faster now, taking her down her throat with ease. Both the meat, and...

"I'm gonna...!"

...The cream, when it came. Katja was about halfway through her heads up when Alix sped up her ministrations, taking her in deep, still, lighting up every nerve just as well as she had with her pussy. The thicc woman didn't last, grunting through another shaking climax and releasing a lighter load, but it was no less intense than the first time. Alix gulped it all down to the last drop, showing just a little of why she's a world renowned adult actress. She gave her now spotless and deflating cock one last parting kiss and treated her to a bright smile that made her heart skip a beat, looking all cute all of a sudden. But she made it work. "All clean!"

Katja knees were shaking through it all, but her legs were strong, holding out. Nonetheless, she'd lower herself onto them, and into another warm embrace in which she'd catch her breath. "Welcome to LAW, Kitten." Taking Katja's cheeks in her hands, she'd lower the larger woman's head and plant a kiss on her forehead, smiling a sweet and infectious smile afterwards. "How do you feel?"

"Loosey-goosey. I'm ready. Thanks, sexy."

"Always a pleasure!"

Katja exited the bed and slipped on the panties, leather short-shorts, and coat that she'd discarded prior to being pushed in. She still had at least another two shots in her, and was still swimming in those feel-good chemicals. The anxiety she had before was gone. Yeah, she's ready.

There was a knock at the door.

"Right on time! Give me a call sometime! We should catch up."

"Doing anything tomorrow?"

"Me and Reine and Dizzy are heading out to lunch. We're gonna be trying out the new sushi place that opened up around the corner. Wanna join us?"

"Yeah. Sushi Gin, right? I've been there."

"Awesome! Then you can recommend some dishes!"

Another knock.

"It was good to see you."

"You too."

Alix got out of bed and shedded her dress, sheer undershirt, and choker on the way to the shower.

"Toodles! Good luck in your match!"

Katja took her leave and headed towards the stage. The lights dimmed just a second before her

This video here contains what the first one is missing for whatever weird reason.
sounded through the arena, drawing the applause of those in the crowd who knew of her. There was a camera ready to capture a shot of her booted feet as she appeared, slowly panning up past her juicy thighs and getting a good view of her spectacular cleavage when she bent over. She waved her finger in a come hither motion before reaching out to take hold of it at the sides, using no force and allowing him to finish the establishing shot. The reveal of her beautiful, bespectacled face for the viewers at home would come with a lick from the bottom of the screen to the top and a saucy grin before she walked past.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest will be contested under Global Frontier Erotic Martial-Arts Wrestling rules! Introducing first, standing at five feet and nine inches tall, and weighing in at one hundred and eighty pounds, from Kitee, Finland...! Kaaaatjaaaa Arooolaaaaa!"

After handing her glasses off to a ringside assistant and stepping up onto the apron, she would make a slow bend through the ropes, stopping in the middle as a camera man stepped into place to catch another shot down her tank top. Wanting to give the viewers at home an extra something to get them primed and ready for what's to come, she used her hands to squeeze together, as she'd say of them in a thick affected accent, "Best teets in ze beeseness!"

After stepping through, she'd make a show of removing her coat, pushing out her chest as she shrugged it off and moving her body in a dance-like wave, drawing more applause from the amorous crowd. Once it was off, she'd turn to another assistant she recognized from GFEMW and toss it her way. She was ready to catch it.

And now to step over to the far side of the ring and wait.
Last edited by DSX93 on Fri Nov 01, 2024 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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Re: "You've Got a...?!?" (Katja Arola [D] vs Tokie Fronderbarg)

Unread post by Treky »

That evening there would have been a very particular match, Tokie would have faced Katja Arola in a GFEMW, a hentai match with very particular rules and regulations, the young boy was not 100% sure of being able to manage a match like that, in fact the last matches with those types of rules hadn't gone the right way, in fact he understood that he was facing girls whose strength and size were truly disproportionate compared to the young boy who was often the thinner or smaller of the two, this match made no difference, Katja looked like a great expert but didn't seem to be very muscular, perhaps an opponent who could be within the young boy's reach.

The boy was the second to enter the scene, he waited in his dressing room for Katja to make her entrance, he saw everything from his small television, this didn't help much, seeing the woman like that excited him very much, in fact there was something between his trousers he started to get harder, slightly annoying Tokie.

But it was time to take action and prove that he was not just a loser but that he knew how to win and make himself fearsome, so he entered the arena with a fairly serious face and ran towards the ring giving high 5 to many fans, once he reached the ropes he passed under one of them and looked seriously at the girl who however seemed very proud of herself, being so close to her made the boy agitated and he lost his great seriousness and blushed slightly, Katja was really beautiful and Tokie was already attracted to her..
But the bell ring and the match start but meave Tokie in a confusion state

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Re: "You've Got a...?!?" (Katja Arola [D] vs Tokie Fronderbarg)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Looks like somebody was watching her entrance. And liked what he saw. Tokie did a terrible job of hiding his true feelings, making his way down to the ring with a scowl and a boner, looking like he was ready to have some of the angriest sex ever. The sight did too much tickling of her funny bone to ignore. Katja doubled her over when he stepped through the ropes for effect, figuring a closer look down her low-cut tank top would only help her cause.

"Yourr face and de bonerr! Vy?" After straightening her posture, the pale heavyweight beauty would raise her hands to the sides of those self-proclaimed best tits in the business and start squeezing the flesh out of her top a second time. No nip-slips, but his eyes would have plenty to feast on, still. "You likey, yes? Vy so serri-oohs?"
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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Re: "You've Got a...?!?" (Katja Arola [D] vs Tokie Fronderbarg)

Unread post by Treky »

The boy didn't have the best entrance, the woman had already taken over the mental control of the match and the bell hadn't rung yet! The boy continued to do his best not to appear weak or insecure but it was easy to see what was going to happen in that particular fight, the boy looked at the woman and bit his lip nervously as he tried to ignore her and get into a decent position to fight

The boy couldn't ignore the woman's next move though and moaned slightly in real excitement, he couldn't even speak properly so he slammed his hands together to regain his concentration and get ready for the match

《I'll beat you!》

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