Uta Toyama vs. Jasper Rhys - Unexpected Visitor

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Uta Toyama vs. Jasper Rhys - Unexpected Visitor

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

For tonight, Uta would be fighting in an intergender match, where she would be facing a male opponent. She had fought male opponents before she joined LAW, but this would be her first time facing a male opponent here in LAW. She would face whoever it was and stand victorious at the end of it. Already in her wrestling outfit, Uta readied herself for the match before she received her cue, and it was time for her to make her entrance as she stepped out to the ramp, her music playing from the loudspeakers.
As the crowd cheered for the joshi, Uta made her way down the ramp, heading over to the ring. She energetically punched the air and gave some high-fives to the audience. Soon, she reached the ring and climbed up the apron before she stood in the middle of the ring, raising her arms. She would get the crowd pumped up for the match tonight, and she smiled brightly as she got the crowd cheering for her. She might not be a big star here in LAW, but she sure had a big enough following.

After that, Uta would go towards her corner, leaning against it as she would wait for her opponent. From what she had heard, her opponent for tonight was a guy named Jasper Rhys. She virtually knew nothing about him, except perhaps that he was a pretty short dude. Well, regardless of her opponent's height, she would give it her all in this match, hoping to emerge victorious at the end of it. As she waited, she looked at the direction of the entrance so that she could see her opponent making his appearance.

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Re: Uta Toyama vs. Jasper Rhys - Unexpected Visitor

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So far? So good!

Jasper's run in LAW had been going honestly quite swimmingly and the Lad knew it, He was kicking ass and taking names and the crowd was loving him and his antics, the way he seemed to always have fun in the ring despite the odds usually being stacked up against him and this time, this evening it wouldn't be too different as the young Wrestler found himself in another mixed match against a tested competitor, a Japanese girl who he heard was something of a stick-in-the-mud.

Not too long after his opponent, with the ever iconic sound of the opening notes of his entrance song starting up and the fans' excitement building...
Stand Up To The Victory - Tomohisa Kawazoe
The Young wrestler made his entrance, running out from the guerilla position with an energetic and excited pace and speeding out to the thunderous roar from the fans as he made his way down with high-fives and salutes a-plenty for the LAW Faithful who kept loyal to the blue haired young Welshman even after his inauspicious start and subsequent absence from the company... It felt good to be back.
Jasper Rhys, Sortie Out!
...Making his way to the ring finally to the roar of the fans and the upbeat energy of his entrance song, Jasper would climb up the apron, gripping the top ropes but before climbing in he shot the fans watching a salute before stepping in properly and meeting his opponent in the centre of the ring, offering her a handshake with a confident, playful little smile on his face. "Hello!" The lad said in a cheerful tone, evidently hyped up.

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Re: Uta Toyama vs. Jasper Rhys - Unexpected Visitor

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Watching her opponent make his entrance, Uta still couldn't see what he was capable of. The only way to do so was to face him in this match. She would wait for him to join her in the ring. Then, the male wrestler, Jasper, greeted her and offered her a handshake.

"Heh, hello as well," Uta said, accepting the handshake from Jasper. "Let's see what you're made of." Stepping back, Uta rolled her shoulder as she would get ready for the match. The referee would check on them first before the bell was sounded, starting the match between the two of them. Uta would try to start the match by offering Jasper a lock-up.

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Re: Uta Toyama vs. Jasper Rhys - Unexpected Visitor

Unread post by The Incredulous Snow »

After that friendly little handshake in the centre of the ring, Jasper took a step back, smiling at his opponent as he rolled his shoulders and making a few last minute stretches to gather his nerves, then afterwards he began staring at the bigger girl in front of him, tilting his head as he flashed a mischievous grin to her and smashed his fists together as he stared up at his opponent and eagerly awaiting the ring of the bell to start the match as he dreamed of victory...
"Let's Go! You and Me!" He taunted cheekily from his corner of the ring after the bell rang.

And so it began with Jasper stepping forward and accepting Uta's offer of a lock-up with a grin as the barefoot wrestler stepped forward to the middle of the ring and met his opponent in a sudden clinch that saw the two struggle for dominance with the Japanese girl being given quite the surprise from the strength she felt from young Jasper, the grinning Welsh boy proving himself to be a surprise powerhouse in a pint-sized package!

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Re: Uta Toyama vs. Jasper Rhys - Unexpected Visitor

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Locking up with Jasper, Uta found out that despite his size, he seemed to have so much strength in him that she had to exert much of her own strength to match him. Her boots skidded against the canvas as she grappled with her male opponent. Of course, Uta wasn't going to let her opponent gain an upper hand over her as she would try to get her right arm around his head, looking to pull Jasper's head into a side headlock, breaking the stalemate between the two of them.

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