Ishigami Yuto vs Abi Clarke – Accepted submission match

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Re: Ishigami Yuto vs Abi Clarke – Accepted submission match

Unread post by PurpleMage »

Abi remained wriggling her butt against Yuto’s face, feeling the boy’s muffled cries of anguish as he struggled for each mouthful of air while the greenette gave small nudges at his tip. She was having some fun by teasing him to the edge while depriving him of oxygen, and it was a treatment that would surely push the fit woman towards victory that night. She grinned and chuckled, happy at her work, while she kept going before the unexpected happened.

Yuto had been leaking some precum for some seconds, but Abi thought that it would be okay to tease him. Suddenly, Yuto’s body tensed and jerked within the limits of the greenette’s facesit as his cock oozed in what was now much more than precum. Looks like in her excitement Abigail had pushed Yuto too far and the boy just had a ruined orgasm. It was a surprise development but nothing that was a setback for the greenette. “Wow look at that! You ruined your orgasm hard! Were you that turned on about being smothered by my butt that you couldn’t handle it?”, she asked with a giggle while getting up, leaving Yuto some space to regain his footing as she thought he would have a difficult time standing again, just what she wanted.

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Re: Ishigami Yuto vs Abi Clarke – Accepted submission match

Unread post by Lico »

Yuto was panting and gasping for air after Abi got off him, his dick still twitching pitifully as the remaining of his cum trickled down his shaft. He could only gaze at the ceilings for a while, his climax more frustrating than draining, but still gave him some difficulty to stand up right away.

"Uugghh..." he groaned before sluggishly rolled himself to his side, trying to get onto his hands and knees first.

He'd slowly pick himself up, but would his opponent allow him that much time to gather himself?

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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