Standing backstage of the LAW arena Danica and Vesper were getting themselves ready for their next match, a special one that would see both of them in the ring... against only one opponent. "Well this will be a first for us eh sis?" Vesper said with a cocky smirk on his face while Danica chuckled in response. "Heh I'll say, but it'll be a easy day for us at least." Danica said before finishing up and standing up while looking confidently at Vesper.
"Ready?" She'd ask getting a nod in return as both smirked and headed towards guerilla position to make their entrance together, their music blasting through the speakers before the two came out, posing together cockily as the crowd rained down boos before they began to make their way down the ramp, happily ignoring the booing fans until thy made it towards the ring. Climbing through in unison until they were both inside and then posing together before heading towards their corner to await their lone opponent.