Over the Virgin Moon (Alix Jacques vs Nera Moon [D])

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Over the Virgin Moon (Alix Jacques vs Nera Moon [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

Match Type: Candlelight Bliss
Victory Conditions: Sexual Submission
The arena had already been darkened in preparation for the coming contest, with a constant orange lighting focused on the customized ring that provided the perfect amount of illumination: Enough to simulate candles lit to brighten the night without overtaking the colors of the ring.

Owing to it being that of passion, red was the prominent color. The silk sheet that made up its canvas, the turnbuckle, and half the pillows that were scattered about it. Black was the other, making up the other half of the aforementioned pillows, the ropes, and the turnbuckle padding.

The ring -- the Bed Ring, as Alix calls it -- was smaller than normal. Its width would keep the competitors in close proximity always, and its height requiring them to kneel; a test run for the one she finally approved had the top rope being just above her hips while standing, and just below shoulder level in her intended position.

A member of LAW management had come to her with a request a week ago. That it was a request in the first place told her that a Candlelight Bliss match was what they were looking to set up: Since it was all her idea, all the way down to the arena's lighting -- or lack thereof -- she has the final say on whether or not she faces the opponent that's lined up for her. And the request for tonight was a common one for her.

A debutant, one newly recognized as a man in the eyes of the law. Back in her days in the ECC (Eros Combat Club), she would often be asked to compete in exhibition matches against the newcomers. Ease them into the competition, make them feel welcome. Something she's always happy to do.

A light shined on the stage that began to fill with smoke as her entrance music sounded through the arena. Ten seconds later, her silhouette came into view, grooving with a sensual grace as the music flowed through her, showing off her shapely form.

When the music picked up, Alix finally walked through the smoke, one foot crossed in front of the other with each step like she was a model on a runway. A perfect gait to go with her semi-sheer nightie, which was slit up to the hip at the sides, displaying her legs and juicy thighs in all their glory. Her bountiful buxom bounced with her every step, presenting another angle from which her attire appeared to have been made for her and her alone. It was.

The goth blew kisses to the crowd, returning the love they showed her before making a come hither motion to the camera man in front of her. When he came forward, she laid her hands on either side of the lens, planted a kiss on it, and brought her hands together in the same shape as that of the ruby that sat in the silver brooch of her choker: A heart. And then, smiling that bright smile that she's known, she would say to the viewers at home..."Love you!"
Alix's Appearance
Upon reaching the ring, she grabbed onto the middle rope, lifted her legs onto the apron one at a time and split apart, then slid underneath the bottom rope. She crawled over to the opposite side, where she would sit rather than kneel as she waited for Nera Moon to make his entrance. At a side angle, with a hand propping her up. Legs to the side, one overlapping the other with both bent back at the knees, showing off her curves nicely. After sweeping her curls behind her shoulders, her other hand sat atop her hip. A perfectly executed pose, just as expected of a former model.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat Jun 10, 2023 8:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Over the Virgin Moon (Alix Jacques vs Nera Moon [D])

Unread post by drunkenfool »

Sitting backstage was Nera, in his white robed attire that management had assigned him to wear for his bedroom matches. He felt a little ashamed now that he was wearing it, with his bare stomach exposed, revealing his pale chest with defined abs. He had a slight blush on his face thinking of what kind of match his manager had assigned to him for his debut match, because despite his background in Jiu-Jitsu, he was instead put into a match for something that was apparently... sexfighting?

To him, a boy who had somehow managed to retain much of his innocence to adulthood, this was something that seemed quite shameful to him. He had thought that intercourse was something of intimacy, but now he was learning otherwise headfirst with the equivalent of being tossed into the deep-end of a pool to learn how to swim, as his debut match was a match entirely focused on sensuality and sexual intercourse. The more he thought of this, the more his blush grew and the redder his face would get, as the sense of shame continued burrowing into Nera's heart.

As Nera contemplated his situation with an increasing sense of shame, his manager would inform him that it was time for him to enter the arena. With a small pep talk, he'd begin to make his way towards the stage. "You can do this! Just act aggressive, Nera! Just grapple her down, apply some submissions, and then do that thing they call sexfighting! Yeah! It'll be fine!"
Entrance Theme: Tired! by Swiiif and Salvi Beatz
Whilst he tried to convince himself that the match would go fine, his entrance music would play starting from the fourteen second mark, resounding throughout the arena with it's noise as smoke filled the stage, and around the thirty second mark when the beat dropped, he'd then walk onto the stage, appearing through the smoke with a slight blush on his face that was still remaining despite his attempts to dispel his embarrassment.
Nera's Appearance
As he made his way down the ramp with his hands in the pockets of his robe, his muscular yet slender body was on display, as much as he wished it wasn't. As the crowd cheered, he did a small wave with his right hand, before returning it to his pocket in a shy fashion. It was the first time he'd been in front of such a large crowd, which had him a bit nervous, but he didn't want to show it.

As he reached the ring, he'd climb up onto the apron and leap over the top rope in a feline manner, before taking a seat on the side opposite to his opponent. As he saw his opponent, his blush which had previously faded quite a bit begun to appear again, as he saw the pose she had taken to sit in whilst wearing clothes that revealed her ample features, clearly reminding him just exactly what type of match he would be taking place tonight. Her thick thighs were placed in a seductive manner, with her left hand resting on her hip in an alluring posture. Her ample breasts were on full display despite being clothed in a red undershirt alongside the black dress, and it was clear that she was no novice in the art of seduction.

All of this combined to a result of Nera's anxiety skyrocketing, as he became increasingly worried of the shameful things that would be occurring in the match to come. All his effort to prepare himself and psyche himself up went down the drain, and he was now even more nervous about what he believed would be a humiliation for countless eyes to see.
Last edited by drunkenfool on Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Over the Virgin Moon (Alix Jacques vs Nera Moon [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

Just a few seconds.

Nera looked good and he knew it. But the reddened face in the titantron and that look he had in his eyes had already said it all. The lack of showmanship was just cement. A quick wave, then returning his hand to his pocket in that little way of making himself smaller. A paradoxical attempt at putting himself beneath notice.

All it took was those few seconds watching him up there on the stage for Alix to know that this was going to be a deflowering. She's done a lot of those. And there'd be different reasons behind it happening:

Sometimes the person was just really shy, maybe a little weird. Sometimes they were just down on their luck prior. And every once in a while, it would be because they were simply put up to it by somebody, somehow. Perhaps inspired.

A guy who looks like Nera would be drowning in way too much attention to be that shy. Aloof, maybe. So that left the other two possibilities. Maybe some combination of the two, but he was definitely put up to this by somebody.

He was nervous, but in watching his eyes as he sat across from her, the veteran knew that it wasn't because he hated the way she looked. Starting it at the knee, she took a hand on a slow, smooth journey across her thigh, past her hip, along her flat belly, and up to grope one of the twins. A show that was for his benefit especially.

And with one of her best bedroom smiles, she'd try to break the ice. "And a fine hello to you too, handsome." She'd start, making light of his focus on her. So busy staring, he couldn't even say hello himself. Not that she minded. "Like what you see?"
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Over the Virgin Moon (Alix Jacques vs Nera Moon [D])

Unread post by drunkenfool »

As Nera seated himself, the seductive woman across from him begun a show of sorts, tracing her body from the hip all the way up to her chest, giving it a grope. Nera, who was watching to make sure she wouldn't catch him unaware, blushed madly at her seductive display. It was erotic, something one would obviously expect from this sort of match, but it still threw Nera off, because to him, he had still thought that grappling would have been the main focus. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong.

This was the type of match where sex was at the forefront and grappling was secondary. Nera, who'd focused his teenage years on becoming skilled at grappling, forgoing the typical high-school life, causing him to be far less experienced in anything sexual, was completely disadvantaged. And it was at this point where he was coming to that realization, in which Alix would don the smile of a seductress, with the words of a temptress.

With a furious blush, he'd respond with words of aggression in a forceful tone, trying to hide his shame.

"All I see is a whore, what's there to see?"
Last edited by drunkenfool on Sun Jul 02, 2023 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Over the Virgin Moon (Alix Jacques vs Nera Moon [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

That wasn't an insult. Not really.

With those eyes having been glued to her as hard as they were, and his face growing about as red as a tomato...

Alix saw that attempt at keeping his head in the game for what it was. Through debasing her, he'd be keeping himself from falling even further under her spell. Convincing himself that she isn't worthy of his attention, and planting the seeds to getting her to act in a way that wouldn't be so distracting and proving himself right.

It was bait, pure and simple. And that was why she laughed.

"Okay, then! Well, you're here to fuck a whore, sweetie. In front of millions of people. For money. So what does that make you?"
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Re: Over the Virgin Moon (Alix Jacques vs Nera Moon [D])

Unread post by drunkenfool »

His face would turn even redder hearing her words, overwhelmed with shame. He was unable to say a thing, left only able to turn his head away in embarrassment, in a feeble attempt to hide his blushing face as the blush intensified alongside the humiliation. He was speechless from her words, realizing that what she said was technically, completely true. He was there to participate in a sexfight, to fuck a whore for countless people to see, even if it wasn't of his accord that he was assigned this match. He was the one there to fuck a whore, and the hypocrisy of his words made the shame even greater.
dm me for matches with my characters please: discord username is imadrunkenfool
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Re: Over the Virgin Moon (Alix Jacques vs Nera Moon [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

With his hypocrisy thrown right in his face, the debutant fell silent. Head turned away, face growing even redder than before. After a few seconds had passed without a response, Alix considered trying a restart of their introductions to each other.

Or maybe...

The switch was in a Dominant mood tonight. And with that came the decision to push it a little. "So...Are you gonna take that robe off so we can see more of those muscles you worked so hard for, or shall I?"
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