
Maybe the upper management had sensed this. After all, they had assured her it would be a light interview. Just a few questions with someone who was completely new to the roster. But she didn't have much to go on. The person's history, their personality, what their favourite food was, their horoscope...it was her job to find out these intricate details, to give a glimpse of the face behind the wrestler in question. But even if she couldn't be fully prepared, Caitlyn was at least used to having something. And all she had here was a name. Well, it would have to do.
Wearing her black leather outfit, her hair tied into cute ponytails, the girl emerged out onto the ramp as the crowd cheered. Holding a mic in her hand, seeing and hearing so many people almost made her freeze on the spot. But she swallowed her trepidation and began to bounce down towards the ring, waving and winking cheerfully at fans. Okay, that was a good start. People liked a host that was approachable and upbeat. She climbed the steel steps as she reached the ring, the British girl sliding between the ropes gently. Two metal chairs had been propped up in the centre. One for her. One for her guest. She came between the two, flashing a peace sign over her eye as the audience cheered. A warm welcome! That bolstered her spirits.
"Gooooooooooood evening, faithful LAW attendees! Thanks for coming out for tonight's show in such huge numbers!~ You're live with 'The Voice of Law', Caitlyn Lawson! And welcome to our very first edition of Caitlyn's Corner!" She glanced over to the chair, settling herself down on one of them. "I don't have many props here, but maybe if you make enough noise, they'll give me more to work with?" She held her mic out for the crowd to cheer back at that. Interaction with the fans was key, after all! And they gave her a loud response. "Our very first guest ever is a recent arrival, talent fresh off the streets and on the scene!~ I don't even know much about them myself, honestly!" She poked her tongue out at that.
"Buuuut I do know you're all itching to meet them! So without further ado, please put your hands together and raise those vocal chords for...!" She pointed towards the entrance ramp, eyes glued as Caitlyn expected them to emerge any second whilst taking a deep breath.