One Rocky Introduction (For KillerV)

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One Rocky Introduction (For KillerV)

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For someone who was being promoted by the higher ups as 'The Voice of LAW', Caitlyn didn't feel like she had much of a voice at the moment. It wasn't as if she had a cold or had spoken herself hoarse. No, it was the fact that she had spent the whole day mute. The build up to her first unveiling with the ravenous crowd, even as an interviewer, gave the already nervous butterflies in her stomach goosebumps. She had to get everything right! Or as much as she possibly could. Mistakes were natural in this line of business, but first impressions were everything. And Caitlyn's Corner depended on a strong opening if it was to survive more than a single night!

Maybe the upper management had sensed this. After all, they had assured her it would be a light interview. Just a few questions with someone who was completely new to the roster. But she didn't have much to go on. The person's history, their personality, what their favourite food was, their was her job to find out these intricate details, to give a glimpse of the face behind the wrestler in question. But even if she couldn't be fully prepared, Caitlyn was at least used to having something. And all she had here was a name. Well, it would have to do.

Wearing her black leather outfit, her hair tied into cute ponytails, the girl emerged out onto the ramp as the crowd cheered. Holding a mic in her hand, seeing and hearing so many people almost made her freeze on the spot. But she swallowed her trepidation and began to bounce down towards the ring, waving and winking cheerfully at fans. Okay, that was a good start. People liked a host that was approachable and upbeat. She climbed the steel steps as she reached the ring, the British girl sliding between the ropes gently. Two metal chairs had been propped up in the centre. One for her. One for her guest. She came between the two, flashing a peace sign over her eye as the audience cheered. A warm welcome! That bolstered her spirits.

"Gooooooooooood evening, faithful LAW attendees! Thanks for coming out for tonight's show in such huge numbers!~ You're live with 'The Voice of Law', Caitlyn Lawson! And welcome to our very first edition of Caitlyn's Corner!" She glanced over to the chair, settling herself down on one of them. "I don't have many props here, but maybe if you make enough noise, they'll give me more to work with?" She held her mic out for the crowd to cheer back at that. Interaction with the fans was key, after all! And they gave her a loud response. "Our very first guest ever is a recent arrival, talent fresh off the streets and on the scene!~ I don't even know much about them myself, honestly!" She poked her tongue out at that.

"Buuuut I do know you're all itching to meet them! So without further ado, please put your hands together and raise those vocal chords for...!" She pointed towards the entrance ramp, eyes glued as Caitlyn expected them to emerge any second whilst taking a deep breath.


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Re: One Rocky Introduction (For KillerV)

Unread post by KillerV »


Nathan preparing in his locker room just excited for his first match! But wait, just thinking for a moment and realized, this isnt a match but an interview, live, front of cameras and crowd and with the interviewer, so he really have to focus for this big deal interview. Nathan putting on his signature purple and yellow with 'BRAT' word on his ass of the trunks, black arm sleeves and knee pads, adding white boots before he start leaving his locker room going right down the hallways until reaching the stage, didnt have his music entrance just yet but at the least some lights flashing some around before finally start moving again going to the ring where he reaches up for the ropes to get up on the apron and soon stepping between the ropes to meet up with the interviewer. "Yeah!"

He does a little bit of posing despite he is fairly smaller person but on the other hand, he does have fairly large package in his trunks that he is so damn proud and born with, he comes up to the interview which she does look pretty cute so he approaching her which surprising that shes much smaller than him, could be his perfect opponent to take on but same time, it almost wouldnt be fair to tackle someone much smaller and may not be a wrestler too, its like taking on an amateur.

Nathan standing beside her ready for some one on one talk, asking whatever questions she got for him. "Hey! I am Nathan Ballwin! I am looking forward to show you how great, great, GREAT I am!" as he tries to shout on the microphone before putting his hands on his hips, bit of posing and waiting for the interview while he wait, he scooping her out and looks fairly good at the least as if shes a wrestler instead of interviewer, patiently to see what she got to say.

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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Re: One Rocky Introduction (For KillerV)

Unread post by Cosmos »

On cue, her first ever guest for Caitlyn's Corner came out onto the entrance ramp. Gosh, he really was a new face. She'd never caught sight of him before. And he didn't have any background music accompanying him either! But he didn't seem discouraged or intimidated by the scene. If anything, he embraced it. His gear was pretty striking, a unique mesh of yellow and purple while adding some classic black and white. As he came into the ring, he did a little bit of grandstanding to the crowd...and she suddenly realised just how small he was for LAW. A lot of wrestlers and staff towered over her, but this youth was slightly closer to her own height. Of course, she was tiny in her own right. Not that she ever liked to think about it. Mentioning it was a sure fire way to trigger her ire.

He shouted a bombastic opening statement into the microphone, hands on his hips as he jutted out his features. She had to admit, it made her blush to see his toned body so up close...even if he wasn't as well built as other males, he still had an athletic build. But she couldn't get distracted! There was an interview to conduct, after all! "Welcome to the LAW Arena and Caitlyn's Corner, Nathan! You're the first ever guest I've had the pleasure of interviewing for the federation. I hope you know just how lucky you are!~" She giggled.

"Buuuut...I can't help but address the elephant in the room. Or ring, in this case!" She peered down at his attire. "You look like you came out here to wrestle. As far as I know, you don't have any matches or opponents scheduled. You didn't mistake the date and time of your official debut, did you?~" There was a playful inflection to her tone, as if she was trying to open with a joke, but perhaps his gear choice meant more than she realised...

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Re: One Rocky Introduction (For KillerV)

Unread post by KillerV »

Nathan standing beside this lovely interviewer that looks real good even shes petite than he is, but when its finally for her to speak on the mic and mentioning him that he looks like ready for a match but of course it is. "Why thank you, i am glad to have my first interview with you, and looking forward to my first match too! Just too damn excited that id rather not wear anything casual but rather show you all my whole gears, like so!" He step forward in front of his interviewer as he flexes his small frame, shake his hips too, just love it.

He then turning around to face her with the microphone front of him, got something to say to her and the crowd to hear what he wanted to say. "I honestly thought you look like my first opponent, but nope, youre just too damn cute! But maybe, maybe i could show you some moves, what do you say?"

Nathan would keep his eyes at her before suddenly lunges his arms attempt to get one around her head to pull it under his arm as he turn, locking her head to press her cheek up against his rib cages and start wrenching on her in his Headlock like a bully picking on the victim.

Female Rosters

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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