
L.A.W. had already booked her and her more slender and astrologically inclined partner two against one against a gargantuan woman for the apparent joy of watching two prettier Davids trying to conquer a Goliath. Now she and Mona waited at the precipice before taking another plunge into the game of conquering giants, except L.A.W. had raised the stakes this time in that the giant packed more masculine heat than a bombshell bosom. They would be fighting a man and one with a reputation as a killer. Seemed dramatic to Lisa but it was obvious that L.A.W. was under the belief that fans enjoyed watching MonaLisa tackle powerful foes.
Or maybe they just enjoy doing promo shoots with us~
Mona again looked anxious as they stepped onto the stage with "Starry Eyed" blaring and the increasingly loud cries of the fans greeting them. Wrestling with men was not so much her thing as Lisa's and she had apprehension before the match with Jenny too, so no wonder she had her doubts. While they walked the ramp, Lisa gave her a pat on the head that only garnered a confused, pouty look from her partner. The Rose Witch followed it with a pat on Mona's butt. That got her attention and a scowl.
Lisa was giggling at her when they entered the ring. "Lighten up, cutie~ This beast of a man might be packed with muscle but he has a weak spot and there are many many ways to exploit that." Mona was getting into her persona but she still had enough of the usual Mona to tilt her head and rasp her frustration. "You have many many ways! I--" Lisa lifted a finger to Mona's lips and the smaller half of the pair seemed to melt when Lisa looked her over. "Oh you have a multitude of ways~"
Lia gave her a wink but silence lapsed between them when Killer King's music hit the speakers.