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Valerie Baker

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:31 pm
by godjacob
Name: Valerie Baker
Nickname: The Queen of the Night
Age: 20
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Red (Black without contacts)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Entrance Music: "Der Freischutz" by Weber

Wrestler Info
Style: Valerie is often one who enjoys dishing out envisioned prolonged punishment, favoring a slow and torturous pace as she likes to drag out a beating onto others. Usually this extends to hard strikes and stiff submissions mixed with the occasional hard slam though is not above cheap shots or bending the rules to her favor. All of this is spaced out with extended taunting or flaunting segments which unfortunately tend to give her opponents openings for comebacks if she is a bit too careless with the boasting.

Signature Moves
Last Rights
Sinister Squeeze
Cunt Kickoff
Personal Info
Personality: A natural wannbe be dominatrix, who enjoys dishing out pain and revels in the suffering of others. She likes to be in control of all situations and has no shortage of self confidence taking exceptional pride in her own skills and aesthetic qualities. A love of gothic horror and classical cinema scare kings, she modeled her persona off it as such acting very much like the blood sucker she cosplays as. However, all of this bleeds into an egregious arrogance which causes her to overlook anyone regardless of skill level or standing often making her act dangerously carelessly. In spite of being an iron-willed competitor and actual monster, when she struggles she often will be reduced to a begger resorting to cheap tricks or even seduction attempts to get the edge clashing with her general tomboy nature.

Backstory: The scary loner has been a label she wore with pride for as long as she could remember. As a fan of horror in literature, film or whatever media she could get her hands on she cared little for others and often cut off attempts at others to get close to her preferring to be alone finding strength in that. When it came to wrestling, it fit her like a T as she took to the sport with pride enjoying a bit of sadistic pleasure in dishing out punishment. The talent was without question, but her rather inflated ego caused her to either get disqualified or even get a shock pin on her causing her record in high school to be rather poor despite her assumed dominance. Upon graduation, she moved undetured and soon was drawn to L.A.W. where she'd meet another pair of aspiring stars with their own questionable amature record looking to make her own mark even if she seemingly has learned nothing from her costly hubris.

Ring Attire
Casual Attire

