Age: 34
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Weight: 178 lbs
Nationality: Beijing,China
Entrance Music: her theme
Wrestling Information
Style: Chinese Kempo
Preferred Attacks: Various scissorholds , Headscissor Takedown , Engizuri ,Palm Strike , Martial Arts style restriction technique , Punches , Kicks ,Leg Lariat , Backflip kick , Drop kick , Handstand , Low Blow , Stomping ,Body Guillotine, Shoot kicks , Leg Drop ,Diving Calf Kick , and Legsweep
Shoulder tackle and roll

Endurance: 3/5
Leg Strength: 5/5
Arm Strength:2'5/5
Speed: 4/5
Finishing Moves
Descending sun (Springboard moonsault Stomp)

Headcuffs (headscissors)

Hard line nsfw

Her former attire as a Custom officer

NSFW. Her encounters and private training

When I get that pervert


Frisking turned around

Using some technics

When I get that pervert


Frisking turned around

Using some technics

Wrestling Attire

Normal 2



Normal 2



Pheizhi is confident , arrogant , smug , prideful and a total tease when in control. As she would slowly start to panic when that control is taken away from her as she is not used to people talking back to her. When that happens she could easily be overpowered , but who could ever resist her sex appeal or talented hands. Besides, those unlucky to continue to resist her would get to experience for themselves just how dangerous she can be with her long beautiful legs.
As a child Pheizhi always felt she had no control or power over herself, because she grew up with a protective mother. It was what she needed to be protected from that would cause her the most emotional pain. As she would be forced to watch as her mother was beaten by her father. With the only reason behind it was the fact that her mother allowed her father to hit her so that he would not put his hands on Pheizhi.
This would continue until she was 14 when he was caught , but she never forgot how she felt when she was young. She always felt the need to be in charge , and she have this obsession with controlling others when she entered the police academy when she was 18. However she was unable to complete the course because she was unable to pass the mental examinations. This however did not stop her, as she would be able to become an custom officer for the busiest airport in the country at the age 22. On a yearly basis about just less than a million passengers a year , and those passengers would become her playthings for the next 11 years.
As Pheizhi would search out those passengers who she thought would do anything she said. Those unlucky to be chosen by her needed to either be sexy or gorgeous with anyone she picked no matter their sex. Each of those passengers would be taken to a private office where she would pat them down while feeling them up as she hoped to get an reaction out of them.At first the reaction she wanted to see was fear , but three years into the job she would be confronted by one of the people she was feeling up , and challenged to a fight.While she was new to the rules she did manage to win , but barely. In that moment, she got the realization that her opponent could not win and would be forced to cum. This would light a fire or passion inside her heart.
From that moment on she would stop looking for people she suspected would not resist, because she wanted to feel that feeling again and again.So she started to look for anyone who seemed to disrespect authority or was just rude to her. While she did not always get the kind of person she wanted , she did find plenty who did fit the profile she was looking for and all was well for Pheizhi at least. Or it was until six months ago when she meet that damn person. The first one who she defeated, and she would expose what she had been doing this whole time. Pheizhi was fired, in the end as she lost the life she had built for herself. She had never been defeated, but the fact she lost her job and with it the position of power she had was the biggest loss she had to deal with.
Then when she was at the lowest she had ever been she got a call from some woman who worked for LAW. Now at first she was not interested , but when she heard that the bitch who ruined her life was working for the company she accepted the offer without thinking about it. That was 4 months and two weeks ago as Pheizhi would train like she never had before. While she was always fit , and knew how to defend herself she's now in the best shape of her life. What was even more impressive was the strength of her legs, as she was looking forward to the moment when she meet that woman , and could finally return the favor as she wondered if the other woman would be as crushed by defeated as she was.Well there was no time like the present to find out as Pheizhi was now on the case , and she would not stop until she ruined that person's life. Pheizhi was on the road to trying to control LAW, and anyone in her way will feel her wrath.
Fun Fact:
Loves to use the humiliation technique, which would reveal an opponent's undergarments
LAW Information
Number of matches:
Wins: 0
Loses: 0
Draws: 0
Match History